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The Captain's Caper! (Dunamin judging)


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ooc: Sorry if I'm being thick, but it's not clear to me: have we only searched one room of the ship, and there's a lot of ship left to search, or have we exhaustively searched the whole ship and discovered the gems aren't there? Obviously, if there's ship left to search, I think we'll keep searching it.
OOC: You have only searched the Captain's Cabin so far, not the ship. Sorry about my tardiness. Full post before I sleep tonight.

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Working your way to the other end of the ship, you find a galley under the foredeck. It is deserted though and holds nothing of interest beyond a set of stairs down to the cargo hold. Moving down the stairs, you are soon splashing into water that turns out to be about four feet deep. If the chest you seek is in here, it is probably under the surface of the water. You quickly come to realize that you are not alone down here though as several pairs of beady red eyes stare at you in hunger before swimming towards you in the water so fast that the surface is churned like a stormy sea. Rats! Big ones, smaller ones, and many regular size ones come at you from all sides.

OOC: I'm falling asleep at the keyboard and don't have enough brain power to make a map tonight. Girth and Quagmire can go and you can target whichever type of creature you'd like. I'll make sure to put it within your reach when I make the map tomorrow morning. (Yes, I know it's Thanksgiving. But we don't have anything till lunch time so I should be able to make the map in the morning I think. Or tomorrow night at worst.) Or you can wait if you want more detail first.

[sblock=Inits and Status]24 Girth
21 Quagmire
19 Rat Swarm
17 Giant Rat 1
17 Giant Rat 2
17 Giant Rat 3
17 Giant Rat 4
17 Giant Rat 5
17 Giant Rat 6
17 Giant Rat 7
15 Hrav
14 Alexander
12 Dire Rat 1
12 Dire Rat 2
12 Dire Rat 3
04 Brudd

Inits for Brudd, Alexander, Hrav, Girth, and Quagmire. (1d20+1=4, 1d20+3=14, 1d20+6=15, 1d20+7=24, 1d20+8=21)
Inits for Dire Rats, Giant Rats, and Rat Swarm (1d20+2=12, 1d20+3=17, 1d20+6=19)[/sblock]


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The Digger

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"Hrrr! Filthy creatures!" Girth shakes himself then screams curses at the nearest rat (G3). When this seems to have no effect he unleashes a ball of fire right in the heart of the pack. Unfortunately the damp conditions take most of the sting out of his fiery conjuration and little damage is done to the rats.

[sblock=OOC]Scorching Burst vs Ref. to hit vs G2 -8, vs D1 - 10, vs G3 - 14, vs D3 -10, vs G5 - 15. Damage (should any of these hit.) is 8. If I somehow manage to damage G3 the curse kicks in for another 6 damage. Roll Lookup Roll Lookup
Roll Lookup [/sblock]


"Back up the stairs! Don't let them surround us! Keep yer guard up!" Quagmire shouts as he levels a massive blow at a nearby rat. Blood splatters everywhere.

[sblock=actions]Bastion of defense on D1, CRIT for 27 21 damage, and allies within 5 squares get +1 to defenses for the rest of the encounter and 8 temp HP.

[sblock=Quagmire stat block]Quagmire Weaselcrust- Male Hobgoblin Warlord 1
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
AC:17, Fort:14, Reflex:13, Will:14 -- Speed:5
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Initiative +6, and grants nearby allies +2 to initiative
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Wolf Pack Tactics, Viper's Strike, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Wordx2, Hobgoblin Resilience, Bastion of Defense
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* Shapes into humanoid form from molten metal *

Cov, I see you’re still using longsword damage values, but I thought it was retconned to a short sword to retain use of Sneak Attack?
You can also keep using the longsword but then you can’t use it in conjunction with Sneak Attack. Either way is fine, but you’ll have to choose.

* Steps on liquid nitrogen and freezes, then tips over and shatters *


[sblock=ooc]Ah, you see, that would be because... umm.... what in the world is that hairy thing sneaking up behind you??! *attempts stealth check*


Ok, I changed Quagmire's sheet to have the shortsword. Hopefully that way I won't forget again. Make that 21 damage instead of 27. :sob:


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-Girth blasts above the water with his fire, but only one of the rats falls to his spell (G5).

-Quagmire slices hard at the large rat in front of Brudd and hurts it badly. (21 dmg to D1) The group feels more sure of victory after his display of prowess. (+1 to all defenses and +8 temp HPs each)

-The swarm of small rats near Alexander surges forward splashing water all over. They climb his chest, his back, and his arms, biting everywhere and ripping out chunks of flesh with a confusion of chittering and squeaks. (5 damage, and ongoing 3 damage until save)

-The three giant rats within reach of the party attack as one. The first one can't harm Alexander through the swarm of smaller rats already on him. The other two manage to bite Brudd and Quagmire once each. (3 damage each) The other giant rats shift position some but can't reach anyone to attack.

-Hrav and Alexander can go. At the beginning of Alex's turn, the swarm attacks him because he is in it's aura. The attack misses though. He still takes the 3 ongoing damage (which isn't included in the Status below until it happens in case someone can stop it).

[sblock=Init / Status]24 Girth: 38/30hp
21 Quagmire: 31/26 hp
19 Rat Swarm
17 Giant Rat 1
17 Giant Rat 2
17 Giant Rat 3
17 Giant Rat 4
17 Giant Rat 5: dead
17 Giant Rat 6
17 Giant Rat 7
15 Hrav: 34/26 hp
14 Alexander: 38/35 hp (Ongoing 3 dmg, save ends)
12 Dire Rat 1: 21 dmg
12 Dire Rat 2
12 Dire Rat 3
04 Brudd: 33/28 hp

Attacking Alexander AC (1d20+6=22, 1d6+3=5)
G1 attacks Alex AC, G2 attacks Brudd AC, G3 attacks Quagmire AC. 3 damage on any hit. (1d20 6=9, 1d20 6=23, 1d20 6=24)
Swarm attack aura vs. AC against Alexander at the beginning of his turn. (1d20 6=11, 1d6 3=5)[/sblock]


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Hrav startles the wounded dire rat with a swiftly thrown shuriken. However, the "swiftly thrown" part may have caused a problem with Hrav's aim...

[sblock=Mechanics]Standard action - Basic Ranged Attack with Shuriken against Dire Rat 1, Combat Advantage granted by First Strike.

Basic Ranged Attack against Dire Rat 1 (CA from First Strike) (1d20 7=13, 1d8 4 2d6 4=21)

Hits AC 15 for 21 damage (forgot to add the +2 to attack from CA in the code).[/sblock]

[sblock=Hrav's Info]Hrav Kortaga- Male Bugbear Rogue 1
Passive Perception: +17, Passive Insight: +16
AC:16, Fort:14, Reflex:16, Will:11 -- Speed:6
HP:24 + 8 temp/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:4/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: used
Deft Strike
Piercing Strike

Torturous Strike
Predatory Eye

Blinding Barrage

Full character sheet[/sblock]


First Post
Alexander attacks the enormous rat in front of Brudd. Luckily, Quagmire's outburst of energy helps him to overcome the disgust and hits solidly, thrusting his blade in the rat in front of himself too as he follows the arc of the blow.
He tries to free himself from the small, "normal" rats, but with his great displeasure, he can't.

[sblock=actions]Temporary hp absorb all dmg. Standard:Cleave vs D1, 20 vs AC, 12 dmg; 4 dmg on G2; D1 is marked;
Save: failed, damn.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Alexander Duran- Human Fighter 1
Initiative:+1 Passive perception:18 Passive Insight:12
AC:20 For:18 Ref:15 Will:14
HP:30/35 Bloodied:17 Surges value:8 Surges/day:6/11
Speed:5 Languages:Common, Imperial(=elven)
AP:0 Second Wind:1
Basic Attack: +8 vs AC, 1d8+4
Opportunity attack: +10 vs AC, 1d8+4
Powers: Cleave, Sure strike, Tide of iron
Covering Attack
Comeback strike[/sblock]

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