• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The "complete" list of announced 4E products for 08 and 09


@Joe: I looked at blog site and there isn't much info re the Advanced Player's Guide there at all :( (Well not that I could find).

Any chance of letting us in on what Ari goodness is in there?


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@Joe: I looked at blog site and there isn't much info re the Advanced Player's Guide there at all :( (Well not that I could find).

Any chance of letting us in on what Ari goodness is in there?

Yay! I have goodness. ;)

Seriously, Joe and I spent some time at GenCon talking about doing an array of previews over the next month or so. There'll definitely be more info coming soon. :)

In the interim, I can share this, since Joe already shared it in another thread: The book's new classes--with names deliberately made somewhat different and more "generic" than any potential WotC equivalents--are the martial artist, the nature priest, the savage warrior, the troubadour, and the spellbinder.


Thanks Ari.

Those classes sound awesome. All very usable in most campaigns.

What is the spellbinder though? Can you tell us anything about it? The others are all quite self-explanatory :)


What is the spellbinder though? Can you tell us anything about it? The others are all quite self-explanatory :)

Well, Joe will tell me if I'm talking out of school and giving away too much too early, but...

The spellbinder is my attempt at a 4E class based on the 1E illusionist. You might call it a "sub-class" in some respects, since it borrows heavily from both the wizard in the PHB and the troubadour in the APG (which is why it's always at the end of the class list, rather than appearing alphabetically). But don't take that to mean it's not 100% playable as a class in its own right; it very much is. It just, like the illusionist of yore, draws a lot of its spells and abilities from other sources.


I also think Keith Baker said somewhere on his blog that if those first three products sale well enough, they will make others.
They MIGHT. Nothing's certain. They're going to do what appears to make sense for WotC. If those first three Eberron books sell amazingly well and it's clear that another Eberron book will likely do as well, there's a good chance they will do another Eberron book. If the books don't sell, they probably won't. But they haven't committed to anything absolute one way or the other.

That One Guy

First Post
"Deluxe Edition" Players Handbooks and Monster Manuals? Crap, I knew I should have waited six months before buying my books...

Bet you a cheeseburger that "deluxe" is another way of saying "now with druids!" :)
You are on!

I'm guessing they'll be errata-fied.

But what if I've banned death?

Then what?
Tickles and cookies. Most evil combination you could create w/ the paradigm subverted.

Also, I'm excited about the APG.


First Post
Revenge of the Giants... August 2009... I have been waiting for this. Having run a "Against the Giants"-based campaign till last december... but I sure was hoping for it to be out half a year earlier!

By that time, my group will most likely have finished the paragon tier... damn.

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