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The Dungeons and Dragons II: Wraith of the Dragon God spoiler filled thread.

Tolen Mar

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Presumably, she got mad at it and ripped its wings off off-screen.

My thought mirror most everyone's here: Better than the first, and pretty typical for what sci-fi shows these days.

The acting was better (but still dull), the plot was better (some way anyway), the directing was better. I just think maybe a higher budget would have helped a lot.

I might rent the dvd to see the cut scenes, but I still dont think I want to own it.

I'm still waiting for them to give up on the idea of a 'Dungeons and Dragons' movie. No studio will take it really seriously. Drop the DnD from the name, and sneak in 'Greyhawk', or 'Ghost Tower of Inverness', the DnD crowd will know where it came from, while the DnD stigma won't be terribly obvious for the stuffed shirts who keep shorting it.

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Did anyone go to the dndnow.com site advertised at the bottom of the D&D ads? Go! You get a 1,000 exp for doin' so. Sez so right on the website!............still not enough to merit the loss of 2.5 hours of my Saturday night....


First Post
Borlon said:
I thought Lux was eaten by that harpy? How is it she appears later on to threaten the BBEG? Or am I totally confused?

Wasn't there a quick shot of something using dimension door to reach her? It almost looked like lammasu.

I thought it was a whole lot better than the first one, and a little better than I expected.

Damodor getting pumped in the backside with a magic potion or something
Discovering the sleeping dragon
When Nim started laughing when the mage's figurine was destroyed
When the cleric got killed
Cutting the mage's arm off so she could teleport
The ring of the Ram
The Gem of True Seeing
The darkmantals
The Dragons

Poor dialogue over all, and sounded a little too much like an explanation of the PHB
Too short/too many characters They never really developed the mage and only hinted at character development of some of the other characters. They should have added more time, or cut the # of characters a bit to get better character development.
The lich costume
The writing on the stature was in large Arial font!
The bandits marching in lockstep.
Cheap sets and costumes

Did you notice the scene where the mage cast two spells in the same round? I believe she cast wall of fire and dispel magic, one of them as a Quickened Spell


Inventor of Super-Toast
Well, I liked it. Not a classic, or even very good from any accurate point of view, but fun. And that's what mattered. Although I was not impressed by Damodar's lack of doing anything. He was more villainous when he still had blue lips, sadly enough.

Demiurge out.


First Post
It was not perfect, and I'm not saying it was.

But overall I thought it was very good! A much much better representation / ad for D&D than the first movie. A good example of a D&D adventure.

This is the one that should have had the money and gone to the theatres.


First Post
I hear a lot of bitching about the words on the statue being in english. Um, guys...what the hell do you think 'common' is? It's the representation of english in the D&D worlds :p So the statue's inscription was written in common, not 'english'.


Infinitely better than the first movie.

We never see the elf wizardess using a spell book. Or do we? In the wide screen scene of the party gathering the horses, just before the close up of the rogue and barbarian pointing knives at each other, I could have sworn I saw the elf sitting in her saddle with an open book in one hand.

And what did Nim pluck from the skull's eye socket? I'm thinking that is where he got the Gem of Seeing.


Random thoughts from someone who has seen this film too many times:

I assume that Melora was pointing out that no member of the Council of Mages was able to use Divine Magic. She's at least a Wiz13 or Sor14, but apparently the DM won't let her take a single level of Cleric or Adept.

As for Berek's supposed 'vorpal' sword, it's really a keen adamantine weapon.

Nim is all about the Quick Draw.

What kind of undead did Klexx the Malign summon? It was broad daylight, which means that they couldn't be spectres or wraiths. I counted over a dozen, and Dorian was able to destroy four or so. What were they?

Staff of Ormaline: permament image, lightning bolt, burning hands

Why did Damodar have drow blood poured into a hole in his spine? How is that in any way helpful?

edit: of course they were harpies. I still prefer to think of them as being gargoyles, though.
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