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The Forges of the Mountain King Chapter 1- Bottom's Up!


Krogan saw the look in the eyes of his companions. He could not see what was coming, but he didnt need to. He saw the sweat on Cinaras brow, the resolve on Kazz movement, when he put his helmet back on.. he knew something serious was happening...
OOC: Move to AM 33...
Perception check to see what is going on further north..

And there it was... a challenge! HA HA HA..."Come on you big sack of meat.. I got a nice toy for you... HA HA HA"
OOC: I am shouting, because I am half deaf from the chanting...
Add +1 chanting bonus to the roll

Sure enough, tramping down the trail towards the luckless Dwarves is an Ogre, harrying the creature from behind comes a second of the ragged Dwarves, this one is grinning. There's really nothing else to see, or else that's all Krogan can see.


Behind Krogan Mardred heads out to see what he can see, or rather to ready his blade and pick his moment- when the Ogre gets closer yet.

[sblock=Mardred Combat]
Move: AM32.
Standard: Ready Action throw Dagger at Ogre.


Encounter #1 The Ravine

Turn: 3

Initiative (* = Next to play)

20 Len
16 Ogre
15 Ragged Dwarf #1
15 Ragged Dwarf #2
15 Thorgrim
15 Kazzagin
14 Krogan
13 Mardred
13 Cinara*

HP & Conditions

Cinara 29/29 Surges 10/8 Chanting +1
Kazzagin 31/31 Surges 13/13 AC+2 Total Defence
Krogan 34/29 Surges 10/8 Chanting +1
Len 29/26 Surges 11/10
Mardred 25/25 Surges 7/7
Thorgrim 33/33 Surges 9/8


Ragged Dwarf #1- 52 (non-lethal) damage taken- Unconscious.
Ragged Dwarf #2
Ogre- Quarry (Thorgrim).

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Len- Charge Shield Bash Ragged Dwarf #1- Hit 15 non-lethal damage & knocked Prone.

Thorgrim- Charge Marauder's Rush Ragged Dwarf #1- '1' Miss.

Kazzagin- Combat Challenge Ragged Dwarf #1.

Krogan- Moshing.

Mardred- Move AN30.

Cinara- Move (Run) AP32. Perception...

Turn #2

Len- Shield Feint Ragged Dwarf #1- Miss.

Ragged Dwarf #1- Stand. Drop Crossbow. Draw Warhammer. Warhammer Len- Hit 13 damage. Combat Challenge- 5 Radiant damage from Kazzagin.

Ragged Dwarf #2- Run out of sight.

Thorgrim- Quarry ragged Dwarf #1. Twin Strike ragged Dwarf #1- both Hit 16 damage & Bloodied.

Kazzagin- Move AO31. Holy Strike Ragged Dwarf #1- Miss.

Krogan- Ready Action.

Mardred- Ambush Trick Move AM29. RBA Dagger Combat Advantage Ragged Dwarf #1- Miss.

Cinara- Shift AO33. Earth's Endurance Combat Advantage Ragged Dwarf #1- Hit 7 damage- Bloodied still. Healing Word +3 Len.

Turn #3

Len- Shift A032. Shield Feint ragged Dwarf #1- Hit 9 damage- KO'd.

Ogre- Double Move.

Ragged Dwarf #1- Unconscious.

Ragged Dwarf #2- Double Move.

Thorgrim- Quarry Ogre. Stow Waraxe. Draw Handaxe.

Kazzagin- Move AL35. Total Defence.

Krogan- Move AM33. Perception check- Ogre and Dwarf on their way.

Mardred- Move AM32. Ready Action.


New Map-

The Forges of the Mountain King

Cinara's up, and then it's Len... and then...

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First Post

OOC: Posting early as after today I won't be able to post for 2 weeks. Will be in the Masai Mara, and not back until the 23rd. GM will 'bot' in my stead, unless someone wants to take control for a while. If so, then Len is a simple chap, who knows what he's good at, lifting, moving, defending, and clobbering.

"Come on guys, lets makes sure we's gots some space t' s'round this big fella. 'N' not t' fall in water - never was a fan o' the monthly bath"

Len grabs the arm of his now unconscious foe, and drags him into the tower room, taking up a position similar to earlier, and readying 'imself for another bit o' clobberin'.

OOC: Move to AN25, with the dwarf pushed behind him


First Post

Hearing the barbarian's bellows and seeing the rocks start to cascade into the water below under Krogans feet, Cinara ushers the team back to the entrance as well.

"No sense us keeping out in the open...could be more crossbow a'comin'. Let's get our arses back to the singin' statues and have them come to us."

OOC: Just a reminder, Cinara is a warpriest - all melee attacks. She's not gonna take the limelight over striker damage, but she's not a 'wait in the back' kinda gal either.

OOC: Player to player - can Len hide outside the gate so once the ogre passes him and enters the foyer, he can engage the crossbowman from behind and provide flank vs. the ogre?

OOC: Move: to AL30
Really nothing else to do at this point - don't even think the ogre can get to us with a double run...



Hearing the barbarian's bellows and seeing the rocks start to cascade into the water below under Krogans feet, Cinara ushers the team back to the entrance as well.

"No sense us keeping out in the open...could be more crossbow a'comin'. Let's get our arses back to the singin' statues and have them come to us."

OOC: Just a reminder, Cinara is a warpriest - all melee attacks. She's not gonna take the limelight over striker damage, but she's not a 'wait in the back' kinda gal either.

OOC: Player to player - can Len hide outside the gate so once the ogre passes him and enters the foyer, he can engage the crossbowman from behind and provide flank vs. the ogre?

OOC: Move: to AL30
Really nothing else to do at this point - don't even think the ogre can get to us with a double run...

Cinara hot foots it pack inside the tower... will it be too late?

New Map- on hold for now.


OOC: Posting early as after today I won't be able to post for 2 weeks. Will be in the Masai Mara, and not back until the 23rd. GM will 'bot' in my stead, unless someone wants to take control for a while. If so, then Len is a simple chap, who knows what he's good at, lifting, moving, defending, and clobbering.

"Come on guys, lets makes sure we's gots some space t' s'round this big fella. 'N' not t' fall in water - never was a fan o' the monthly bath"

Len grabs the arm of his now unconscious foe, and drags him into the tower room, taking up a position similar to earlier, and readying 'imself for another bit o' clobberin'.

OOC: Move to AN25, with the dwarf pushed behind him

Len likewise heads for safer ground... will it be too late?

He drags the unconscious ragged Dwarf with him.

New Map- on hold for the moment.


The Ogre

The Ogre continues to thunder along the path, as it cruches against the edge of the trail small landslides are set loose- rocks and gravel skitter down the sides and plunge in to the water below.


It charges straight at Kazzagin...

However before it gets there Mardred lets a dagger fly- here's hoping, the Dwarf misses, and instinctively hides his face behind the wall as a the creature's greatclub- a weapon slightly more than twice his height, comes down on Kazzagin.

Smashing into the Dwarf with full force, leaving Kazz broken and bloodied- his armour crunched, bent and busted.

What's worse the force of the blow reverberates down- the greatclub like a hammer to Kazz's nail...

GM: Kazz make a saving throw immediately- Failure and you are smashed through the loose rock at the edge of the trail and sent crashing down in to the water, Success and you are left prone on the edge of the trail clinging on for dear life. Not a good place to stand my friend.

[sblock=Ogre Combat]
Move: AE44 (It moves 8 squares)
Standard: Charge Kazzagin- Hit 20 damage.


Ragged Dwarf #2

The Dwarf shuffles forward, and then aims- he's very good at this... he aims... at Korgan.


The bolt is spat out of the crossbow, and phew, goes high and wide.

[sblock=Ragged Dwarf #2]
Move: Z51.
Standard: Crossbow Krogan (note -4 to hit from long range and cover (Kazz))- Miss.
Minor: Reload.

You're in trouble guys...


Encounter #1 The Ravine

Turn: 4

Initiative (* = Next to play)

20 Len
16 Ogre
15 Ragged Dwarf #2
15 Thorgrim*
15 Kazzagin
14 Krogan
13 Mardred
13 Cinara

HP & Conditions

Cinara 29/29 Surges 10/8 Chanting +1
Kazzagin 31/11- Bloodied Surges 13/13 AC+2 Total Defence
Krogan 34/29 Surges 10/8 Chanting +1
Len 29/26 Surges 11/10
Mardred 25/25 Surges 7/7
Thorgrim 33/33 Surges 9/8


Ragged Dwarf #1- 52 (non-lethal) damage taken- Unconscious.
Ragged Dwarf #2
Ogre- Quarry (Thorgrim).

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Len- Charge Shield Bash Ragged Dwarf #1- Hit 15 non-lethal damage & knocked Prone.

Thorgrim- Charge Marauder's Rush Ragged Dwarf #1- '1' Miss.

Kazzagin- Combat Challenge Ragged Dwarf #1.

Krogan- Moshing.

Mardred- Move AN30.

Cinara- Move (Run) AP32. Perception...

Turn #2

Len- Shield Feint Ragged Dwarf #1- Miss.

Ragged Dwarf #1- Stand. Drop Crossbow. Draw Warhammer. Warhammer Len- Hit 13 damage. Combat Challenge- 5 Radiant damage from Kazzagin.

Ragged Dwarf #2- Run out of sight.

Thorgrim- Quarry ragged Dwarf #1. Twin Strike ragged Dwarf #1- both Hit 16 damage & Bloodied.

Kazzagin- Move AO31. Holy Strike Ragged Dwarf #1- Miss.

Krogan- Ready Action.

Mardred- Ambush Trick Move AM29. RBA Dagger Combat Advantage Ragged Dwarf #1- Miss.

Cinara- Shift AO33. Earth's Endurance Combat Advantage Ragged Dwarf #1- Hit 7 damage- Bloodied still. Healing Word +3 Len.

Turn #3

Len- Shift A032. Shield Feint ragged Dwarf #1- Hit 9 damage- KO'd.

Ogre- Double Move.

Ragged Dwarf #1- Unconscious.

Ragged Dwarf #2- Double Move.

Thorgrim- Quarry Ogre. Stow Waraxe. Draw Handaxe.

Kazzagin- Move AL35. Total Defence.

Krogan- Move AM33. Perception check- Ogre and Dwarf on their way.

Mardred- Move AM32. Ready Action.

Cinara- Move AL30.

Turn #4

Len- Move AN25 dragging ragged Dwarf #1 with him.

Ogre- Move. Charge Kazzagin. Mardred OA Dagger Ogre- Miss. Charge Kazzagin Greatclub- Hit 20 damage & Bloodied.

Ragged Dwarf #2- Move Z51. Crossbow Krogan-Miss.


Waiting on Save from Kazz (Immediate Reaction) and then Thorgrim up next, with Kazz to follow- should be interesting.

New Map-


Good luck, you're going to need it.
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First Post
OOC: Crazy as it sounds, I'm honestly scared of this thing! ME, Larry. I'm reading the words, and I'm like, "Holy :):):):), this thing's gonna kill us all!" THAT's good writing, my friends!

OOC: and I honestly didn't think that thing could make it to Kazz in one turn...move of 8 I guess, eh? Who'da thunk?

Walking Dad

First Post
Thorgrim Wildaxe

Thorgrim valiantly strides forward, his handaxe hold high. Like a flash, the large rotating bringer of death cuts through the air, hitting the ogre... and just plops onto it's hide and falls do to the ground without doing any damage!
"Oh :):):):):)..." Throrgrimm utters as he draws his second waraxe again.


move: 33 AN
standard: basic ranged with handaxe vs ogre AC
minor: draw waraxe

at least not a 1 ...

Thorgrim Wildaxe
Played by Walking Dad
Dwarf Ranger Level 1

Perception: 17 Insight: 12 Low-light Vision

AC 14 Fortitude 15 Reflex 12 Will 12
Initiative: +1 Speed: 5
Str 18 Con 16 Dex 13 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 8

Hit Points: 33 / 33 Bloodied: 16
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Healing Surge Value: 8 Surges per day: 8 / 9
Milestones: 1

Saving Throw: +5 vs Poison.

Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1 (Minor Action)

Languages: Common, Dwarven.

Trained Skills: Athletics +8, Dungeoneering +9, Endurance +9, Heal +7, Perception +7.
Other Skills: Acrobatics 0, Arcana 0, Bluff -1, Diplomacy -1, History +0, Insight +2, Intimidate -1, Nature +2, Religion +0, Stealth 0, Streetwise -1, Thievery 0.

Feats: Toughness, Dwarven Weapon Training.

Stand Your Ground- You move 1 less square with Forced Movement, and get an Immediate Saving Throw to avoid being knocked Prone.
Prime Shot- +1 To Hit if closest to enemy with Ranged attack.

At-Will Powers: Standard Actions.
Melee Basic Attack (Waraxe): +6 vs AC 1d12+6 damage.
Ranged Basic Attack (None):
Marauder's Rush (Waraxe): +6 vs AC 1d12+8 damage (Wis bonus included in damage). Can use in place of Charge attack.
Twin Strike (Waraxe & Waraxe) +6 vs AC 1d12+2 damage & +6 vs AC 1d12+2 damage.

At-Will Powers: Minor Actions.
Hunter's Quarry: You designate the nearest enemy as your Quarry and deal an extra 1d6 damage against the creature. The Quarry remains active until the creature is killed or you designate a different enemy as Quarry. Minor Action.

Encounter Powers: Minor Actions.
Off-Hand Strike (Waraxe & Waraxe): +6 vs AC 1d12+6 damage. Minor Action.
Second Wind: Healing Surge & +2 to all Defences until end of next turn. Minor Action.

Daily Powers: Standard Actions.
Sudden Strike (Waraxe & Waraxe): +6 vs AC 1d12+2 damage. Regardless of hit or not Shift 1 square and make a secondary attack against the same target. +6 vs AC 2d12+6 damage, and the target is Weakened until the end of your next Round.


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The Ogre

The nine-foot tall beast is a mixture of scar tissue and crooked tattoos, the creature wears the remnants of leather armour stitched together patched and repaired- and then torn afresh. Around its neck a thick leather collar with a short chain attached- the Dwarves, perhaps, keep the giant in bondage, a door guard perhaps- but what door.

It plants its feet, left leg shifting for purchase on the crumbling ground, hefts its greatclub, and with its ham hock forearms lifts and balances the weight of the weapon, snuffling it tilts the great bludgeon higher- tendons strain until it is in position, lofted high above its head.

The Ogre’s face is half rictus grin, half-sad and violent imbecile- its porky nose snuffling, its popping piggy eyes glaring and its open mouth sucking in air feverishly. Its violent gawps punctuated by its lolling fat tongue, which flops out letting loose great slicks of saliva that fall to mat its chest.

The beast knows nothing of the things that you hold dear- of love, of friendship, of gentleness and of calm; it has no peace. The Ogre knows only anger, cruelty, hatred, hurt and death- it cannot be persuaded, it can only be overcome- it is the monster, come to destroy.

GM: I'm working late today, please post however I wont get around to catching up till 9 PM or so this evening- when I will catch up.

Next up Kazzagin- still waiting on a save as an Immediate Reaction to the hit, then your turn proper. Followed by Krogan, Mardred (me) and Cinara.


The massive ogre lumbered with surprising speed, coming around the corner. Kazzagin felt possitively small against the massive creature, but if he was going to stand and be counted amongst the Dark Mind Dwellers and those that supported Aethor One-Arm, this was his battle to hold the line. He grimaced behind his shield and held his line as the creature roared and charged down on him. Crumbling rocks gave Kazzagin pause, and for half a second a spasm of fear made him consider fleeing.

The greatclub swung and battered down onto his shield. The massive power and force behind the blow crush his shield arm against his armor, knocking the wind out of his and battering the plate around the impact. He grunted as air left his body, and with a surge of adrenaline and pain passing through him he felt the ledge give way beneath him. Tumbling down he took one deep breath, wishing that the crumbling ledge would take the ogre down with it. And then the cold water enveloped him and the world turned to water and cold.

OOC: Immediate Reaction - Save 4. Fall into water. Not sure what options are open to him on his own action until I've read a few more 4e rules. Will post an action later, though I don't think it will hold up the action.

Played by Pinotage
Dwarf Paladin of Pelor Level 1 (XP: 99)

Perception: 11 Insight: 16 Low-light Vision

AC 20 Fortitude 15 Reflex 13 Will 13
Initiative: 0 Speed: 5
Str 18 Con 16 Dex 10 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 14

Hit Points: 11 / 31 Bloodied: 15
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Healing Surge: 7 Surges per day: 13 / 13

Saving Throw: +5 vs Poison.

Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1 (Minor Action)

Languages: Common, Dwarven.

Trained Skills: Heal +6, Insight +6, Intimidate +7, Religion +4.
Other Skills: Acrobatics -4, Arcana -1, Athletics 0, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +1, History -1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Stealth -4, Streetwise +2, Thievery -4.

Feats: Weapon Expertise (Axe).

Stand Your Ground- You move 1 less square with Forced Movement, and get an Immediate Saving Throw to avoid being knocked Prone.

At-Will Powers: Standard Actions.
Melee Basic Attack (Battleaxe): +7 vs AC 1d10+4 damage.
Ranged Basic Attack (Hand Axe): Range 5/10 +7 vs AC 1d6+4 damage.
Holy Strike (Battleaxe): +7 vs AC 1d10+4 Radiant damage. If you marked the target it takes an 1 (Wis Bonus) damage.
Valiant Strike (Battleaxe): +7 vs AC 1d10+4 damage. +1 To Hit per enemy adjacent to you.

At-Will Powers: Minor Actions.
Divine Challenge: One target in Close Burst 5. The target is Marked by you. The target must include you in any attack it makes, if it fails to do so it takes 5 (3 + Cha Bonus) Radiant damage. The mark lasts until you mark a different creature, or if you do not attack the target or do not end your turn adjacent to the target. You can only use this power once/Turn. Minor Action.
Lay on Hands: You can use this power 1/day (Wis Bonus). You spend a Healing Surge but regain no Hit Points, one ally you touch regains Hit Points as if they had spent a Healing Surge. Minor Action.

Encounter Powers: Standard Actions.
Radiant Smite (Battleaxe): +7 vs AC 2d10+5 Radiant damage (including Wis Bonus to damage).

Encounter Powers: Minor Actions.
Divine Mettle: One creature in Close Burst 10 makes a Save with a +2 (Cha Bonus) bonus. This is a Channel Divinity Power- you can only use one Channel Divinity Power per Encounter. Minor Action.
Divine Strength: You apply +4 (Str Bonus) to your next damage roll this turn. This is a Channel Divinity Power- you can only use one Channel Divinity Power per Encounter. Minor Action.
Second Wind: Healing Surge & +2 to all Defences until end of next turn. Minor Action.

Daily Powers: Standard Actions.
Paladin's Judgement (Battleaxe): +7 vs AC 3d10+4 damage and one ally within 5 squares can spend a Healing Surge. Miss: One ally within 5 squares can spend an a Healing Surge.


Equipment: Plate Armor, Heavy Shield, Battleaxe, Handaxe (4), Adventurer's Kit (Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt Pouch, Trail Rations (10), Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Sunrods (2), Waterskin), Holy Symbol (Pelor), Torch (4), Oil (Pint) (6), Lantern, Climber's Kit, Trail Rations (10), Waterskin, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Sunrods (4)

Gold: 39 gp 6 sp[/SBLOCK]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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