The Great Crusade (game is running, always looking for more players)


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I'm not opposed to a solo game, but I'm less interested in that. Part of the fun of gaming is interacting with other players and their characters.

Perhaps this should be put on hiatus, pending further recruitment.

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Shameless *BUMP*

C'mon lads, y'all can't be that addicted to D20 :p

d20? Wash your mouth out!
Okay, yes, you can wash it out with vodka, if you wish. And yes, you may swallow. And stop enjoying it!
I'd be happy to give another Dark Heresy game a go. It's fun!
The world needs more scum. (Un)truly and (dis)honestly!
After all, who's going to scrounge up the gear you need? Who's going to make sure that there's always some money left in the kitty? (even if the money came from compulsory "donations" for the noble heroes) Who's going to make sure the problems you left behind you will never rise up again? (slit throats go a long way toward ensuring that) Who's going to cook so badly that you look forward to arriving at the next town? Me, that's who!
Slyth, faithful servant to noble heroes, at your disposal!

Will drop the 5 (surprise, surprise), and generate my character based on the numbers rolled here...
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hey muggie, wellcome.

This is not a regular dark heresy game, the classes are a bit different, but no worries, we'll sort that out. The game is based on a feral/fuedal world, with the technology limit that implies. You are free to choose almost any feral/fuedal background you want though. Shayuri is going for a middle-eastern feel, but that shouldn't limit your choice.

I'm more 'worried' about character background then I am about numbers in this game (in any game really), so if you have any questions/ideas/whtever, just throw 'em in the group :p

I'll work on adapting the scum class sometime today if things stay this quiet at work. Good thing I brought my laptop :)


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[sblock=Assassin Class]

Assassin Class
Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low-Gothic), Awareness, Dodge
Starting Talents: Primitive weapon/Bladed, Ambidextrous or Unremarkable, Thrown Weapon training/Primitive, Primitive Weapon/Bows.
Characteristic Advances (+5/rank)
Characteristic Simple/Intermediate/Trained/Expert
WS 100/250/500/750
BS 100/250/500/750
Strength 500/750/1000/2500
Toughness 250/500/750/1000
Agility 100/250/500/500
Intelligence 250/500/750/1000
Perception 250/500/750/1000
Willpower 250/500/750/1000
Fellowship 500/750/1000/2500

Sell-Steel XP 0 -499
Advance Cost/Type/Prerequisite
Climb100 /S/-
Ride (Horse) 100 /S/-
Inquiry 100 /S/-
Drive(Teamster) 100 /S/-
Silent Move 100 /S/-
Swim 100 /S/-
Primitive weapon/Blunt 100 /T/-
Primitive weapon/Polearms 100 /T/-
Primitive weapon/Twohanded 100 /T/-
Catfall 100 /T/-
Heightened Senses (sight) 100 /T/-
Sound Constitution* 100 /T/-
Literacy 200 /T/-

*You may take this Talent up to 2 times this rank.

Shadesman XP 500-999
Acrobatics 100 /S/-
Common Lore (underworld) 100 /S/-
Ride (Horse) +10 100 /S/Ride (horse)
Ciphers (Assassin Cant) 100 /S/-
Navigation (Surface)100 /S/-
Drive (Teamster) +10 100 /Drive (Teamster)
Security 100 /S/-
Shadowing 100 /S/-
Swim +10 100 /S/Swim
Tracking 100 /S/-
Heightened Senses (Hearing) 100 /T/-
Berserk Charge 100 /T/-
Furious Assault 100 /T/WS 35
Sound Constitution 100 /T/-
Speak Language (Low Gothic) +10 200/S/Speak Language(Low Gothic)
Wrangling 200/S/-
Sprint 200/T/-
Sure Strike 200/T/-


[sblock=Warrior Class]
Warrior Class
Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic), Ride (Horse) or Swim
Starting Talents: Primitive weapon/Thrown, Primitive weapon/Bows
Choose two :primitive weapon/Bladed or Primitive weapon/Blunt or Primitive weapon/Polearms or Primitive weapon/Two-Handed
Characteristic Advances (+5/rank)
Characteristic Simple/Intermediate/Trained/Expert
WS 100/250/500/750
BS 100/250/500/750
Strength 100/250/500/750
Toughness 250/500/750/1000
Agility 250/500/750/1000
Intelligence 500/750/1000/2500
Perception 250/500/750/1000
Willpower 500/750/1000/2500
Fellowship 500/750/1000/2500

Man-At-Arms XP 0 -499
Advance Cost/Type/Prerequisite
Awareness 100 /S/-
Ride (Horse) 100 /S/-
Swim 100 /S/-
Primitive weapon/Bladed 100 /T/-
Primitive weapon/Blunt 100 /T/-
Primitive weapon/Polearms 100 /T/-
Primitive weapon/Twohanded 100 /T/-
Sound Constitution* 100 /T/-

*You may take this Talent up to 3 times this rank.

Guard XP 500-999
Dodge 100 /S/-
Ride (Horse) +10 100 /S/Ride (horse)
Ciphers (War Cant) 100 /S/-
Common Lore (Organised Armies)100 /S/-
Survival 100 /S/-
Swim +10 100 /S/Swim
Primitive weapon/Lance 100 /T/-
Quick Draw 100 /T/-
Sound Constitution 100 /T/-
Common Lore (War) 200/S/-
Inquiry 200/S/-
Heavy Armor Training 200/T/-

you start at maximum wounds and fate. You'll need it

Here's the two starting classes I've adapted so far. Haven't decided on starting equipment yet, just equip your character with what you think is fair to start with.
You'll see I've split up weapon proficiencies a bit, it should be clear.
You can start as a feral-worlder, (p15, stat mod p23) unless your backstory shows you're from a different upbringing (obviously no hivedwellers, forge-world or deep-space backgrounds)
You start with 700 XP instead of the normal 400, and fate and wounds are max for your background.

The scum class will be adapted similarely, but this should give you a fair idea of what to expect.


First Post
You are free to choose almost any feral/fuedal background you want though. Shayuri is going for a middle-eastern feel, but that shouldn't limit your choice.

I'm more 'worried' about character background then I am about numbers in this game (in any game really), so if you have any questions/ideas/whtever, just throw 'em in the group :p

I'll work on adapting the scum class sometime today if things stay this quiet at work. Good thing I brought my laptop :)

Well, my thinking, based upon the background and the story as I've seen it through the development, is that the scum-type character is a thief or rogue.
I was thinking more of the rogue-type than the thief-type, originally from the primitive sections of the planet, but has migrated to where the money is, and has been relatively successful.
People often confuse education with intelligence (while education requires *some* intelligence, lack of education does not mean lack of intelligence). People also assume that big people can't be fast, even while watching sportsmen who are both.
Rogues *love* false assumptions, and I am, if I must say so myself, an exceptionally talented rogue!
Therefore, my background assumption was typical tribesman brat from one of the tribes close to where the iron men start their once-a-generation raids. Drifted into the cities, grew up as a typical street-rat. Being of tribesman background, grew up a bit bigger than an average street rat, and since I got into regular fights tended to be a bit tougher too. Worked out that talking to people, watching people, and thinking about things tended to be more successful as a strategy than relying on size and toughness - in fights it's a zero-sum game and there's always someone stronger, tougher, or faster eventually; whereas in thinking and talking it's not a zero-sum game.
Now, picking pockets is a good way to make fast cash, picking locks can get you into places where there's even more cash, but picking easy marks who can be convinced they need personal services can get you into circles where cash can be acquired much more easily. What are trifles to nobles are small fortunes on the street, and knowing how to bargain and haggle, while everyday life on the street, is totally alien to most nobles, at least in what they consider to be minor commercial transactions. So when your boss sends you out to get something, you can pocket at least 10 - 20% of it every time. And, unlike a picked pocket or a rifled room, the suckers keep coming back!
So, that's where I come from and what I do. I talk, bargain, scrounge (or outright steal, though not often) on behalf of people who pay me even as I skim 10 - 20% off the top. All I need to do is find nobles or other people from sheltered backgrounds (and here I mean sheltered from street life, not from the world itself), and help them to make their way through the world while making money from them in ways they probably wouldn't deign to care about even if they did notice. Which hopefully they won't. :)


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Sounds good. How religious is your character? Does he still have contact with his old tribe? Would he listen when an elder from his tribe asked him to perform a service?

Looks like I won't have the time to prep the class today. If you're familiar with the system feel free to have a go at it yourself. Won't be able to make a class 'till thursday at the earliest I recon.


First Post
Sounds good. How religious is your character? Does he still have contact with his old tribe? Would he listen when an elder from his tribe asked him to perform a service?

Looks like I won't have the time to prep the class today. If you're familiar with the system feel free to have a go at it yourself. Won't be able to make a class 'till thursday at the earliest I recon.

Religion is central to my character! I never miss an opportunity to visit places of worship.
(Offering plates make a wonderful source of funds, and the truly religious are so marvellously naive. Can I offer you a holy relic at a price that you can afford?)

Contact with the old tribe? Not much contact, but as a tribesman made good in the city of ancient foes, he stays in touch, if only to have a bolthole in case.

If an elder asked him to perform a service, he would be happy to.
For a favor, of course. A favor owed by an elder is a valuable asset.

I can whip up an attempt at the class - feel free to accept it, reject it or modify it whenever you get time.

Rogue class
Starting skills: Speak language (Low Gothic), Awareness, Barter
Choose two of: Blather, Charm, Deceive, Dodge
Starting talents: Primitive weapon/Blade or Primitive weapon/Blunt,
Ambidextrous or Unremarkable

Characteristic Advances (+5/rank)
Characteristic Simple/Intermediate/Trained/Expert
WS 250/500/750/1000
BS 100/250/500/750
Strength 500/750/1000/2500
Toughness 250/500/750/1000
Agility 100/250/500/500
Intelligence 250/500/750/1000
Perception 250/500/750/1000
Willpower 500/750/1000/2500
Fellowship 100/250/500/750

Gutter scum XP 0 - 499
Advance Cost/Type/Prerequisite
Awareness+10 100 /S/Awareness
Barter 100 /S/-
Charm 100 /S/-
Deceive 100 /S/-
Dodge 100 /S/-
Swim 100 /S/-
Ambidextrous 100 /T/ Ag 30
Unremarkable 100 /T/-
Primitive weapon/Bladed 100 /T/-
Primitive weapon/Blunt 100 /T/-
Primitive weapon/Thrown 100 /T/-
Sound Constitution* 100 /T/-

*You may take this Talent up to twice this rank.

Outcast XP 500 - 999
Ciphers (Underworld) 100 /S/-
Climb 100 /S/-
Common lore (Underworld) 100 /S/-
Concealment 100 /S/-
Inquiry 100 /S/-
Navigation (Surface)100 /S/-
Secret tongue (Gutter) 100 /S/-
Security 100 /S/-
Sleight of hand 100 /S/-
Survival 100 /S/-
Swim +10 100 /S/Swim
Heightened sense (sight) 100 /T/-
Light sleeper 100 /T/ Per 30
Peer (Underworld) 100 /T/ Fel 30
Quick Draw 100 /T/-
Sound Constitution 100 /T/-
Deceive+10 200/S/-
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