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The Infamous [M&M] [CLOSED]

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First Post
DM-sama, there are few things I would like to suggest/ask/beg.

1)Even thou Ventrue Company is nonexistent and chewing ground, by villain should have some resources and assets.(A secret Bank Account in Switzerland?) Rikandur told me that Wealth Skill Optional Rule is not working here, but instead he suggested using Equipment Feat. My question is, can I use this feat as a measure how wealthy he is? By normal rules when you get some eq you are bound to it, but how about being able to change eq during some periods in game. For example going back to my Secret Villanous Base, opening armory, putting away there stuff I had and taking new stuff I need?...Something tells me we will need a Private Jet(17ep, and I have 40, aw yeah!) somewhere in a future if we will want to move around "officialy".

2) As you can see I have made a terrible combo with some of my skills(Gather Information, Computers, Disbale Device), feats(Contacts, Connected) and Powers(Datalink(via electricy) with every electronic device in range of 2000 miles!!! Plus Neural boost to Intelligence at the same time!). My question is how acquiring information/hacking into systems/peeping on stuff via security cameras would look like? I think Alexi is able to relatively easy to get any information or acces, with exeption of such systems which are cut out from exterior. Also, It's my first time playing M&M so I'm a little unsettled:blush:

3)I have made myself a Normal Identity and thus I have a place I can call home. Because of my little devil ego It cannot be anything smaller then a Mansion I think its good idea to describe it a little. Perhaps it will give you some additional ideas.

First of all Sullivan is a English last name! Yes, my villain poses as having British roots(ah the pain!), thus his Mansion is build in Victorian Style, big enough to make other folks in Gotham to know that new player has arrived. One of the most eye catching things is great painting of Nikolai Tesla, the only man my runt recognizes and admires. If DM allows I would like Mansion to have all necessary stuff to make my villain look wealthy, respected and stuff. Limo's, servants(maids and others) and other things which I would like to have via Equipment Skill as I mentioned earlier. Oh, and of course I have a butler, name's Lloyd. If that would be possible( I know, no minions) he would be a assasin...who would like to see battle between buttlers? What's the name of Wayne's butler?

4)About Secret Headquaters, they are located under my mansion, reeeeealy deep. There is no elevator, stairs or whatever. The only mean to get there is to just "appear" there. Alexi have used a cable-drill(TM) to get to such depth and found there a cavern. He teleported there(via cable) and build base there from scratch(he can carry up to 1800 lbs when teleporting). AS from charcter sheet, base is self sustained, few people can normally live there, there are few libraries, labs and other essential villanous stuff

To Rik: I have thouht over that idea of brining down Britain we were dicussing before. I think I will unleash it over other country...preferably USA, these folks likes to go down because of electrical stuff as movies suggest. For British thou I think it must be something more humiliating, and I have devised something so vile that I had to check myslef in mirror if I'm not turnining into Alexi.

5)I think the first "mission" my run will plan to do is to open Arkham Asylum and Prisions, clearing the way for them to engulf city in crime. It is to observe later Heroes taking care of them and collecting data on those Heroes. About their powers, moves, tricks, tactics and such. Perhaps he will ba bale to find their hangouts when they will be coming back to their burrows.Or meyby he even uncover their hiddent identities in normal life? Information is power!

Ok, that ould be enough rumblin for now...

P.S. Synergy between Alexi and Yuri is natural I can say...we will do it for Mother Russia:angel:. Speaking of which, I also thought on making BatKid's live a little more tough and unleasing something on Gotham, just to check if it will not kill him. I suppose at least some of you know Omega Red which appeared in X-men. He's a Communist SuperSoldier....or SuperWeapon rather. All I have to do is to find him, transport him to Gotham and melt ice in which he is imprisioned :D
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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
To Rik: I have thouht over that idea of brining down Britain we were dicussing before. I think I will unleash it over other country...preferably USA, these folks likes to go down because of electrical stuff as movies suggest. For British thou I think it must be something more humiliating, and I have devised something so vile that I had to check myslef in mirror if I'm not turnining into Alexi.

First of all, I believe we are running more DC themed game, so far. Thus Omega Red ... might be nasty, if indeed this guy is really somewhere around (And DM permits, that is). Care to remind me what he could do except having andamantium tentacles in arms ?

And again, as far as I know Wayne's butler Alfred is just butler. Not all butlers are trained assassins. Besides, please read all our answers again. There was said, and if I'm not mistaken VV agreed, that as long as it's flavor only You could get anything. Maids, servants, limo ... as long as You sacrifce valuable time to maintain it and have logical reasons to have it.

If You want slug it out between mind-controlled butlers ... VV might agree for the match. I would bet on butler with more experience ... :devil:

Lastly ... Alexiej better cover his tracks properly, as far as I know Bats funded some super-computer and other such stuff for Gordon's daughter who helps him in hacker department. Codename: Oracle.

And believe me, better prepare for the troubled time first ... like Einar tries to alvays do. Being slow-thinker he must prepare his speeches like politicians, or he'll sound unconvicing. Without preparation he can talk about ... beer ? Killing ? Sweet pork recipes ?


First Post
DC themed? Umm whats DC?

As of Omega Red, aint he made of adamantium entirely? I remember he was such menace that even Volwerine was raging just because of his name. In one toon American implanted in his brain a sort of Braincore bomb filled with liquid nitrogen. He played with them, and in the end he actually has taken implant out of his head with his tentacle. So I suppose hes near indestructible, plus super strength, regeneration and some more tricks up his tentacle. Damn, It would be a hard player to control.

As I have written before, no minions :), so it was just me rambling about that buttler showdown;), sometimes I'm blurting ideas like a mashinegun. Sorry

About vehicles, staff and stuff I have planned to sacrifice some of my eq points just to have flavor of having mansion, limo's and servants. Really, a Mastermind and a Evil Genius without even flavor of minions and wealth? Brrr, like Martini without olive!

Well, not without need or thought I have taken Alexi high INT and skill in Hacking Department. I dont want Alexi to be humiliated to be catched redhanded by some girl :)

What do you mean by troubled time? Is there a strom on horizon that is approaching? What preparations would you suggest? I think till Alexij lays low and plays his part of play as normal law abiding citizen everyting will be fine. Well, I intend to do things carefully and with thought, preparation. But If my runt will do everyting with ant's speed he will age before taking his revenge on Britain.

Oh, speaking of which, who's now trying to burst out from Arkham?:angel:

Walking Dad

First Post
Ok, Omega Red has no Adamantium, but Carbonatium. Nearly as indistructible, but flexible. And only the tentacles. He also has some kind of life drain / death aura and enhanced physical abilities.

For more see: Omega Red

DC is Detective Comics, the company that owns Batman, Superman, Flash...


First Post
Oh, so it means that characters from other comic's companies are off limits? Or is it because of diffrent flavor they have?

Interesting, I was thinking on going along a russian theme, brining here some soviet superweapon or even a small army guys in 'ushankas' with red star and ak-47's.

But it seems Im blurting too many ideas per second ;), yea, that might be my problem here. For now I will pipe down a little and see how situation unfolds.:]

Voda Vosa

First Post
1) You can use your equipment feats to purchase a hideout, themed as you wish. Check the core rules book for more info about the options available in the equipment and devices section-HEADQUARTERS. There are several features you can add to your place (like labs, computer room, library, etc.). It's quite cheap by the way.

2)Usually, while your special abilities or feats allow you to access to certain information, a skill check is required to extract that info from encrypted sources, or otherwise unwilling information sources (Like hacking a robot's memory)

3) About the mansion, it is answered in 1).
You can have servants, as many and as useless as Lady Grey's ones.

4)I'll leave the details of your secret place to you. Any special feature outside the normal included are at 1 equipment point each.

5) Those are In game plots you can develop there once you are ready to go. But if you want me to start the thing pointing you towards that direction, I'll have no problem with that.

As stated in the first post, this is a mixture between DC and marvel universe. Expect elements of both to be present. However, you are currently at Gotham, so you'll find mainly DC elements.


First Post
<facepalm> I must have overlooked that info somewhere in equipment secion...and I have bought my HQ with pp points...dont smack me, I can do it myslef. It means I have 9 pp to go, I will invest 4 more in Armor, to make it Rank 9 device( I understand that PL level of campaign set upper level for powers, skills and such?), then I will buy +5 toughness for 5 pts.

I will revise my character sheet imediately(sorry for making you more work DM)

And yes, please, I will await your introduction of me into champaign. I have been rumbling alot few posts back, so you might already have some mean ideas how to make my villains life miserable ^^.

Last question, what about what I have written before? The ability to trade off equipment in my HQ armory between some major chapters during this game?

Voda Vosa

First Post
It would be fine, yes. However in order to do so, I'll add a new feature: Armory. Having it allows you to "pool" equipment points, and "buy" others with that pool. Say, you had a Rocket launcher (30 EP) and you now want to arm your growing armada of villains. So you leaveyour Rocket launcher at the armory and take 5 light pistols (6 EP each).
You can use this as many times as you want as long as you are in your mansion.


First Post
Thank you DM, with that I'm ready to engulf Gotham in electric storm.

Edit: I have made a mistake in character sheet, I have bought toughness save +5 for 5pp points, and I just have learned that you cant buy this save directly. Instead I buy 3x feat Defensive Roll(which gives me +3 to toughness save) and 2x improved initiative feat for faster reaction.

Also, Rikandur pointed me that my bonus from Force Field and Protecion will not stack because of being too high and overlaping PL of this campaign. I was thinking I have +21 bonus(forcefield 9 + protection 9 + 3 from feats). I will get rid of protection power from my armor, and instead drop in some regenerative power.

With that, I HOPE, everyting should be all right.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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