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The Invasion of Baskrant (northbound) Judges: N/A, DM: Cute-Hydra


First Post
*Hunzu once again raises his free hand. Firing off yet another bolt of force that slams into the elf. Snapping it's spine on impact. He looks to the others around himself. He uses his telepathy to enter there minds and speak to them all.*

"Focus on a solitary target and finish it off before moving onto the next target. Limit there amount of offensive capability."

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Magic Missile
-Target: Elf (U10)
-Effect: 6 FORCE damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Hunzu]Hunzu- Male Shardmind Enchanter 1
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 17

AC:14, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:14


HP:24/24, Temp HP:
Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:8/8

Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Magic Missile

Action Point [ ]
Charm of Misplaced Wrath [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Shard Swarm [ ]
Suggestion [ ]

Wizard’s Fury [ ][/sblock]

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First Post
As Len reaches the side of the boat, he sees a cannonball sized hole in the gunwale, evidently from a previous battle.

"Oh gods," he exclaims, "I can't hide behind th-"

Len's words are cut short as he is struck in the chest by two arrows. He collapses on to the deck.

Death Saving Throw: 18 Death Saving Throw (1d20=18)

[sblock=Len]Len - Male Dwarf Rogue 1
Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 15

AC:16, Fort:12, Reflex:16, Will:12


HP:0/25, Temp HP:
Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:7/7

Deft Strike
Disheartening Strike

Action Point [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Unbalancing Shot [ ]

Blinding Barrage [ ][/sblock]


First Post
Esraethan looks with surprise at the arrow sticking out of his side. "Well, I'll be damned!" He stares menacingly at the enemy who shot him, planning his vengeance.

OOC: Are we back around to our turns? I thought the enemies had prepared actions, which would make it their turn again? I'll post when I know I can act!


First Post
As Mercurial sees Len shot down, he runs twoards him. Len! Don't worry, I'll patch you up real quick! He then changes into a Human.
OOC: Actions:
Move: move to V20.
Standard: first aid to let Len spend his second wind.
Minor: changeling Disquise inot a human.

Mercurial- Changeling Artificer
Status: none
Initiative:+1 Passive Perception:18Passive Insight:12
AC:18 Fort:13 Ref:16 Will:15 HP:16/24 Bloodied:12 Surge Value:6 Surges:7/7 Speed:6 Action Points:1
Powers Used: , Healing Infusion
Powers Unused: Changeling Trick, Healing Infusion, Swift Mender, Shielding Cube, Obedient Servant

OOC: Sasahara: from what I can tell, the enemies used there turns to shoot us some more.


First Post
Esraethan continues to move up the beach, surrounded by shadows. He blasts again at one of the elves, but his blast harmlessly fizzles against the makeshift cover. He stares at another elf, muttering a curse under his breath.

OOC: Darn it, I can't hit the broad side of a barn OR an elf, sorry! Actions: Move to N12, triggering Shadow Walk to grant concealment. Standard action to fire eldritch blast at the elf in U10 <a href="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2934532/">1d20+4=6, 1d10+4=11</a>. Minor action to curse the elf in S8.

Maybe next round I'll finally hit!

[sblock=Esraethan]Esraethan- Male Tiefling Warlock 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16

AC:14, Fort:12, Reflex:13, Will:15


HP:14/26, Temp HP:
Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:8/8

Eldritch Blast
Dire Radiance
Star Pact
Prime Shot
Shadow Walk
Warlock's Curse
Infernal Wrath

Action Point [ ]
Dreadful Word [ ]
Second Wind [ ]

Armor of Agathys [ ][/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: Readying an action. Removes you from the initiative order and places you before those that acted. Though thats get complex as we do things in "block' here. Monster blocks and PC blocks for fluid of motion. So a creature would ready an action use it as an Immediate Reaction then gets placed back into the initiative in front of the next time the PC Block goes, which is right where his next attack would go anyways.

[sblock=Delay]You can choose to wait to take your turn until later in the round. You can wait until after your allies take actions so you can plan out tactics, or you can wait for enemies to move into range.


Delay Entire Turn: You must delay your entire turn, so you can’t delay if you’ve already taken an action
on your turn. You also can’t delay if you’re dazed or if you’re unable to take actions.

Coming Back into the Initiative Order: After any other combatant has completed a turn, you can step back into the initiative order. Perform your actions as desired and adjust your initiative to your new position in the order.

Losing a Delayed Turn: If you don’t take your delayed turn before your initiative comes up, you lose the delayed turn and your initiative remains where it was.

Start of Your Turn: At the moment you delay, carry out the start of your turn normally.

End of Your Turn: You don’t have a normal end of your turn. Instead, the things you do at the end of your turn happen at two separate times.

End Beneficial Effects when You Delay: At the moment you delay, end effects that last until the end of your turn and that are beneficial to you or your allies. For example, if on your previous turn you stunned an enemy until the end of your next turn, the stunned condition ends. You can’t prolong a beneficial effect by delaying.

End Sustained Effects when You Delay: You can’t sustain a power if you delay. At the moment you delay your action, the “check actions spent” part of the end of your turn occurs. Because you haven’t spent an action to sustain any active powers, sustainable effects end.

End Harmful Effects after You Act: After you return to the initiative order and take your actions, end effects that last until the end of your turn and that are harmful to you. For example, if an enemy weakened you until the end of your next turn, the weakened condition ends. You can’t avoid a harmful effect by delaying.

Make Saving Throws after You Act: After you return to the initiative order and take your actions, you make saving throws against effects on you.
Published in Player's Handbook, page(s) 288.[/sblock]

[sblock=Ready an Action]When you ready an action, you prepare to react to a creature’s action or an event. Readying an action is a way of saying, “As soon as x happens, I’ll do y.” For instance, you could say, “As soon as the troll walks out from behind the corner, I’ll use my pinning strike and interrupt its movement” or something like, “If the goblin attacks, I’ll react with a crushing blow.”


Choose Action to Ready: Choose the specific action you are readying (what attack you plan to use, for example) as well as your intended target. You can ready a standard action, a move action, or a minor action. Whichever action you choose, the act of readying it is a standard action.

Choose Trigger: Choose the action that will trigger your readied action. When that action occurs, you can use your readied action. If the trigger doesn’t occur or you choose to ignore it, you can’t use your readied action, and you take your next turn as normal.

Immediate Reaction: A readied action is an immediate reaction. It takes place after your enemy completes the action that triggers it.

Interrupting an Enemy: If you want to use a readied action to attack before an enemy attacks, you should ready your action in response to the enemy’s movement. That way your attack will be triggered by a portion of the enemy’s move, and you will interrupt it and attack first. If you ready an action to be triggered by an enemy attack, your readied action will occur as a reaction to that attack, so you’ll attack after the enemy.
Note that an enemy might use a power that lets it move and then attack. If you readied an action to attack in response to that enemy’s movement, your readied action interrupts the movement, and you can attack before the enemy does.

Reset Initiative: After you resolve your readied action, move your place in the initiative order to directly before the creature or the event that triggered your readied action.
Published in Player's Handbook, page(s) 291.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: No worries Sasahara it happens. Though the Elf in U10 you were targetingweas already dead. He only had 3 hp, so I finished him off with a Magic Missile. No point wasting your guys heavy damage for something I can just mop up on. Especial when I deal so little damage compared to this all striker crew. Yay go team Glass Cannon! But you get your boon if you cursed him for me dropping him.


First Post
OOC: [MENTION=95126]Fyrm[/MENTION] - I don't want to refuse the help, but first aid on a dying character doesn't allow a second wind, only to stop making death saving throws. Also the DC is 15. Sigh...


First Post
OOC: @Fyrm - I don't want to refuse the help, but first aid on a dying character doesn't allow a second wind, only to stop making death saving throws. Also the DC is 15. Sigh...

OOC: I think he's using the other use of heal to Use Second Wind, with a DC Heal check. (p. 185 PHB)

And yes, I understand the delaying thing. I just think I must have missed the first round of their fire, since I thought what we just saw was the first shots from them. My bad!


First Post
OOC: I think he's using the other use of heal to Use Second Wind, with a DC Heal check. (p. 185 PHB)

And yes, I understand the delaying thing. I just think I must have missed the first round of their fire, since I thought what we just saw was the first shots from them. My bad!

OOC: Thanks for clarifying. As usual I have out-thought myself. I assumed the only option for a dying character was to stabilize (option 2 on page 185). After all, why would anyone choose a higher DC for a lesser effect? Your post made me realise the answer is if a character has already used his second wind and can't take option 1. Cheers!

Len coughs and splutters, spitting blood. He looks up at Mercurial, and says "Mother? Is that you?"

Looking down at the arrows protruding from his chest, Len snaps back to reality. "Right, they've got it coming now!"

[sblock=Len]Len - Male Dwarf Rogue 1
Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 15

AC:16, Fort:12, Reflex:16, Will:12


HP:6/25, Temp HP:
Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:6/7

Deft Strike
Disheartening Strike

Action Point [ ]
Second Wind [x]
Unbalancing Shot [ ]

Blinding Barrage [ ][/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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