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The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)

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Lord Hashteth closes his eyes and lowers his head, "It is good to hear that you have defeated the kobolds. You are to be commended for your skill and diligence. But this other business, with the keep, and the spy..." he shakes his head. "I'd ask if you are certain, but such a question would be needless and insulting."

His eyes reopen and his head rises, "So instead I must ask you something greater. This threat to my home must be uncovered, and those responsible must be dragged into the light and made to pay for what they have done. You have already proven that you are capable of fighting such, such vermin. Will you aid Maoleth?"


Cheysuli Sage

Chey bows low to the noble dragonborn; "Certainly my lord, nothing would please me more than to rid your home of this foul taint." She looks around to be certain that no one else can hear what she is about to say, "We have a plan to oust this spy, a plan that you could help with. If it were to become public rumour that the missive we found in the kobold's cave contained the identity of this spy, but we have yet to decode the contents; we hope that the spy would attempt to attack us before we can. Let it be known that we are working hard in our lodgings to determine the spy's identity, and I am sure he will reveal himself to us."


First Post
Lord Hashteth smiles, "That is a clever plan, child. What would you request of me? You should know that my men are hardly the subtlest of creatures, and I would prefer to avoid starting a panic among Maoleth's citizenry."


Cheysuli Sage

"A town-wide panic would not help us no, but perhaps you know who among your vassals are not the most loyal, or who have been acting out of character of late? We do not want the whole town talking of this 'coded letter', but we do want the information to come to this spy who is hidden in your midst. Is there one among your guards who has a liberal tongue to whom you could entrust this information? If it is spoken of only as rumour, surely the majority of your citizens will think it just that; a rumour, and a folly."

Cheysuli turns to her companions; "Does anyone have any other ideas for how we could disseminate this 'bait' without disrupting the whole town?"

[sblock=OOC - speed of play]Just checking with the group and TwoHeads: Is the game slowing down just because we've gotten busy, or is it more that we've slowed down during a non-combat encounter?

If it's the latter, can we come up with a way to speed it up? Maybe if we, the players, just commit that if we haven't responded in ~24 hrs of TwoHeads's last post, he can carry on the story? That way it's not as if he's waiting for a quorum. I don't have any other ideas, but open to anything the others have.

If this is just a natural slowing down due to a non-combat activity, then that's understood.[/sblock]
[sblock=Ideas for the Bait]I don't think there's an easy way to make sure the bad guy hears about this without the whole town hearing about it. Unless someone can come up with a vague reference that will only mean something to a spy in league with the Emissary.

Maybe you can let it be known that we believe we found a missive to kobold spies that were delivering information about Maoleth. And that we believe the missive, once deciphered, will give us more information on the spies themselves. That way most villagers will be less worried than if it's a local in their midst, but the spy himself will know that he's the spy?

I, of course, am not in the room :)[/sblock]


First Post
"I think I may know who to speak to. However, we cannot rely on this trick to work. Even if it does, it may not work quickly enough. This note you mentioned says there are only a few days until whoever's behind this gets what they want. It would seem like folly to rest all our hopes on uncovering the spy in time do act upon any information we can glean from him. Or her, I suppose."

"I want you to investigate the keep as soon as you are able."

[sblock=ooc]I think Brenwar and Miranna are intimidated by Lord Hashteth's presence.

Seriously though, I've been traveling/recovering from traveling the past couple days. It also doesn't help that the party is split, and one half is just sleeping.[/sblock]


First Post
I'm just not very comfortable/good with doing the whole conversing thing in pbp (as lame as that sounds). That along with real life has stopped me from posting. I'll try to think of something to post in character, I hate to be slowing everything down.


Cheysuli Sage

"We would benefit from a day of research before heading off to the keep anyway, we would be much more likely to succeed if we had some hint of what we are going to face. If we spend tomorrow actively investigating and researching the keep and its history, it may give the spy time to act. Besides; we have two agents of our own in the town already, they intend to discover the identity of the spy through different means. If nothing is forthcoming by the following morning we shall depart."

[sblock=Firete and Yishim]I think you guys should spend some time following up on some of the leads we didn't have time to address earlier in the adventure; The merchant; Bairdon, who is doing good business, be recently bought his shop from the missing man. Or the stories of the old geezer Eilian.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Miranna has enough Wisdom/Insight to realize that her social skills are not up to courtly standards... Just some advance warning- I'll be traveling from Wednesday (11/25) to Sunday (11/29); I may or may not have internet access, but will have no books or other reference material. Most likely this means Miranna will just go back to our temporary housing and sleep, even if others head to the tavern.

IC: Miranna nodded to the Lord's wisdom. "We intend to move against the keep in the morning, I believe. Our subterfuge is not intended to gain immediate results, but if it does we will be ready. Perhaps you might have some of your agents watch our lodgings while we go out to deal with the keep- even if the spy does not attack us directly, they may be unable to resist attempting to see if we have left any information behind..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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