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The Key to Victory

Aldern Foxglove

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Aver rolls his eyes, "Well think about it this way smiler. You are a member of a long lived race, and think you are better than everyone else - should not be a stretch for you - but there are these upstarts. They are not as good as you, but they breed like rats, and you know deep down that eventually they are going to be your ruin. Then one of them learns your secret magical combat style. he could teach it to his multitudinous brethren and it will be loose in the world and another elven advantage will be forever negated."

"But oh wait, he has waltzed back into your hands... One simple way to solve that problem - right? Now I am not exactly impartial when it comes to the elven nobility, and I will concede that honor and chivalry are not unknown among their number - though often just for show. If you do go with your plan my suggestion is to act like a paragon of honor and virtue - maybe get someone else to do the talking - and highlight subtle like your nobility in returning for your friend even at the risk of your own life. Shame the gits into being noble, because it will gall them to even have to think a human nobler than themselves."

"Now if it were me I would gather some information, get the lay of the land. Try to access the strength of the place they are keeping him get him out and create some kind of diversion to draw them away from our flight. Maybe set fire to the stables or something, hobbling their horses would be a very good thing."

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Jareth nods as a half-smile forms on his face. "There, that's helpful. Now was that so hard to do?" The young man permits himself a brief chuckle before continuing. "But really, that's a good one. Shame them into being noble... Though odds are, the only ones capable of talking on my behalf are you, Tira or Tharivol himself. Not exactly the most beneficial of circumstances," he finishes with another shrug.


Thy wounds are healed!
"Aver has the right of it mostly," Tira says after she quietly finishes her breakfast. "We need to know the 'lay of the land' before waltzing in. And we need to bring the fact that there are Reavers down here to the nobles attention as well as what the are planning."

She looks over to Ernestine.
"You wouldn't happen to know what that is would you?"
she asks not really excepting an answer. "I believe this will really be to much for the Nandirly. We wish to be left alone for the most part to pursue are goals and lives in peace. But the Reavers, the Treylor coming, secrets being taught to non-elves, even us. Me and Tharivol have shaken the Nandirly's world so much if his father hadn't chosen exile and my mother been a member of the royal family we both would have been..." she stops not really wanting to believe that they would have done something like that and then something Aver said brings her back from some old memory.

"Jareth I think Aver maybe more right than we know. What if they are using you as an excuse to do away with Tharivol? Something they couldn't do when Tharivol's father convinced the nobles that he was the blame and he should be punished and his son spared. And if you show up they could get rid of both of you and that would show the Treylor that the Nandirly are keeping the races bloodline pure and their secrets safe."

She starts looking more and more scared at every word that perhaps her plan to have Jareth speak for Tharivol could backfire and would put them all in jeopardy.
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Ern thinks hard for a bit, then says "Other than grabbing a chest, nothing much. The Treylor were desperate to get it, so it needed moved." She shrugs. "However, I have been unable to find it. My guess is that we may have found a side entrance, which would lead to the vault. And I think I stumbled upon the main entrance before killer evil zombies threatened to take my head off"


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Trinham listens with interested as Jareth and the Elves discuss the best way to rescue Tharivol. However he does not contribute. His experience at Harkon Manor showed him that he barely understands human nobles. there is no way he can even comprehend elven society.

When Ernestine interjects with the bit about the chest he quickly chips in, his voice tinged with excitement "Ernestine. Are you saying that you moved a chest to the Reaver's treasure room and that you know where it is? I don't suppose that you know where the traps are as well?"


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Jareth at first ignores the side conversation regarding the vault, instead addressing his half-sister. "If they're using me as an excuse, it gives us a chance to, as Aver put it, shame them into being better. Prejudices exist, I know full well, but more important things have to come first." The young man has an oddly-pained look in his eyes as he speaks those words.

After a deep breath, he continues with, "But we'll never know if it is an excuse or a trap if we don't at least try to do this. I'm not going to start second-guessing and thereby sit idly while the one person I know and have a real chance of saving sits in prison because of me. Not while I can do something about it."

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
Aver shrugs, "Well happy to help, and frankly I am always for sticking it to an elven noble - hehehe. But if we are splitting up we need to get it sorted and done, I don't really enjoy hanging around in here. Like I said I would be more harm than help if you intend to negotiate. Whereas treasure generally likes to hang out with its old buddies traps and locks, both of which I am helpful against. What about the rest of you, if we split who goes where?"


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Trinham's sudden excitement earned him a puzzled look from Ernestine. "Well, my last job was to move that chest. Like I said before, the Treylor want it desperately. We were ambushed by a patrol before crossing the river. However, I have no idea what was in it. I was lost in here for a while after I escaped, and I could not find it. But, I think I found it yesterday when I found those zombies. It was the only path that I had left to travel down."

Leaning against the wall, Ern continues "It that what you were looking for, that chest? It seems like that is the case, based on your reaction just now. As for traps in the room, I dunno about it. I was only guarding it, not carrying it myself. I'm fairly certain that the chest is still here. Those guardian things might be the proof."

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
"Well if it is close at hand maybe we are better off sticking together, strength in numbers and all that - right? Heck, if we get the treasure and go on to the rescue mission, you could go in and negotiate while some of us remain close at hand ready to try and spring you and your mentor. I am also a decent forger, I could knock you up something official looking that might get you somewhere... its good to have a backup plan." Aver says frowning,

"Maybe I could forge a note from one of my father's friends, I'm sure I can remember some of them. What would it say though? If we could all get to the cells, or, hmm. Now we would need to know what we are facing before coming up with a concrete plan. Maybe we could wait for the execution if its close enough? Those are generally conducted in the fresh air, depending on the setup that might make things easier - or not - and it also has a certain dramatic flare..."


Thy wounds are healed!
"Wait I am a little confused here." Tira says again looking at Ernestine like the human woman is up to no good. "Let me see if I get what your saying." she pauses and looks to be thinking for a moment.

"One your a Reaver. Ok ok Jareth don't growl at me with your eyes like that."
she says to her half brother. "Your an ex-Reaver. Two you and a bunch of other Reavers aren't here looking for old Vester's hoard. Three the Reavers and you brought a chest with you to hide here, from the Treylor?" her voices turns questionable.

"What would the Treylor want with some of Vester's old junk?" she asks crossing her arms.

Voidrunner's Codex

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