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The road to Vrux.

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Fror hesitates a few seconds. He looks at Makas and Calondor scratching his head. After a short pauses he adds "I am going with you Calondor, I might learn something there. Something that I could put in my next recipe."

Utrolac on the other hand seems quite scared of what might happen. "Morrison, I will stay with you outside if you don't mind. I will stay at a good distance from all of you though."

The group leaves the room and heads downstairs. The place is almost empty. The mercenary are still there finishing their last drink. A few new customer are looking for the owner or a barmaid to get serves but nobody seems to be there to answer them.

You walk accross the room and leave the Inn. The market outside is still relatively busy and it's fairly easy to dissapear among the crowd (except for Rell with his size). You walk a few block around the market and get to the bakery. There is no more line up outside.

Utrolac quickly split from the group and heads towards the center of the market pretending to be interested by what the various merchant are selling. Makas stops at a bench located nearby the bakery and sits there keeping an eye on the surroundings.

Rell walks among the merchant caravan pretending to be shoping but always keeping an eyes on the bakery.

Morrison, Calondor and Fror enters the bakery. The two ladies visibely tired are still serving what seems to be the last customers of the day. The baker is cleaning up is equipment behind the counter seated on a small wooden bench, located near the oven.

The three customer are two average looking women and an average looking men. All of them are unarmed and do not looks like much of a threath. Morrison position himself near the door, looking at what is happening outside and inside. Fror heads towards one of the counter and looks at the various type of bread. He seems quite interested by them. The young lady greets Calondor who is slowly approaching the counter.

Two of the customer leaves with their bread, and the third is served by the older lady. The young lady with the dark skin looks at Calondor and says "Looks like you are my last customer today, How can I help you Sir.

She didn't seems to have recognise Morrison from previously today.


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Calondor (half-elf bard)

Calondor looks around a bit and picks out the smallest loaf of bread he can see pays for it and thanks the woman. After Calondor has the loaf of bread he smells it "Wow this bread smells wonderful, can I talk to the one who made it for a few moments?"


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(diplomacy 14+7)
The young lady looks at Calondor with pride "Of course you can talk to him, He's my father and his the best in the empire. A lots of traveller make the detour to Vrux only to taste his wonderfull bread.

She then walks towards the men she calls her father and says that you would like to speak with him. The black men stands up. As he approaches Calondor quickly realises how tall and strong the men is. In a very strong accent from the southern collony the men greets Calondor "It's seems you really appreciates my bread. Your lucky the day is almost over and I have a little bit of time ahead of me this evening. I only take special order a week in advance in case that's what you want.

The men seems relatively friendly and non-threathening despise his size.

Fror who looks minuscule near him approaches Calondor. And pretending to be just another client who is getting involved in the conversation he adds. "My friend you have to tell me what you put in that bread, for it to taste so .... mmmmm... delicious.


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Calondor (half-elf bard)

"I'd like to speak with you about a buisness proposition, in private" Calondor looks towards the two women tending shop.


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The men ignores Fror comment who seems visibely dissapointed by his attitude, but doesn't say anything not wanting to hinder the half-elf. Morrison can see him fulminating and forcing himself not to say anything.

(diplomacy 9+7)
"Buisness proposition! He no problem come in my office in the back. Breaila, Nadia, you will take care of closing the shop, this gentlemen and I will be in my office for a few moments.

The two lady nods and agreement. "My name is Dreai" He gives Calondor a strong handshake. He then opens the door to his office which is actually a small 15x15 windowless and featureless room. A simple desk with three simple wooden chair are also in the room. On the desk a piece of sharp lead used to write and a few pieces of paper lying all around.

In the store.

The two young lady asks politely Morrison and Fror that they will have to leave because they will be closing the store soon.


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Calondor (half-elf bard)

Calondor returns the hand shake and follows the man into the office "I'm Calondor, Now that introductions are out of the way let us talk of buisness." Calondor motions towards a chair "Shall we sit down?" Calondor seats himself .

"Alright now to buisness, I have learned something about the herbs you use in your bread sir. They are highly addictive. Further more a group is trying to keep the people of this town addicted to this bread for reasons that I have not yet finished investigating."


First Post
"Oh, this gentlemen is your friend, Sorry I didn't realise. Then you won't mind if I start cleaning up?"

Fror go join Morrison. He stands close to him silent, looking around the shop.

Dreai sits slowly visibely shocked by Calondor alegation (Sense Motive xxx) Calondor can't sense if the men was aware or not nor the reason why he is under shock.

Dreai, lowers his head, taking it between his two hands. "I know people would eventually get my secret"

He raises his head and looks at Calondor his eyes watery. "All I wanted is to increase my profit, I didn't want to hurt anybody"

The large men lowers his head again. He then mumbles to himself "What did I've done, what did I've done."


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Calondor (half-elf bard)

"There is a way out, if you can give us information on this little operation I can protect you." Calondor looks directly at the man for a moment "I can get you out of town if you are willing"

Voidrunner's Codex

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