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The Rod of Seven Parts Original Recruitment

Argent Silvermage

First Post
CanadienneBacon said:
Argent Silvermage. A kobold paladin in service to Bahamut. Oh. My. God. :) It's quirky and it fits the setting, both. Where is the dragon friend feat from? If it's in the Draconomicon, I couldn't find it in the feat section. "Tassomyre (The Dragon) being disinclined to share his home, eat [sic] the invaders..." <---This, I found to be totally hilarious and right on the money. :)
I'm glad you like him. I had read over your history and it seemed he wouldn't be a problem. I'm known for my "quirky" characters. (I once played a halfling paladin with a giant bee holy
mount.) Dragon Friend is from the Draconomicon. basicly it gives him a +4 with diplomacy skills and such with metalic (good) dragons as he is a known allie of thiers.

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Again, in absolutely no particular order...

Ambrus--Maelicent, the Gudwulf--Goblin Ranger
Rhun--Rowan Aledown--Halfling Conjurer
pallandrome--Wyleck--Halfling Druid
BRP2--H. Lewit--Human Rogue
hafrogman--Rhys Brydon--Human Cleric of Chronepsis
Tailspinner--Phud--Half-orc Sorcerer
Strahd_Von_Zarovich--Gamad--Dwarf Transmuter
Argent Silvermage--Pilgrim--Kobold Paladin of Bahamut
Kularian--Kularian Arieus--Human Bard
Malvoisin--Baliss Trek--Half-orc Ranger

Three arcane caster submissions, two rangers (though maybe one melee and one ranged...), one paladin, one bard, one rogue, one druid, and one cleric. If anyone is interested in submitting for this game, we don't have a straight up fighter, and only one rogue and one cleric submission thus far. Hope that helps.
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Argent Silvermage said:
Dragon Friend is from the Draconomicon. basicly it gives him a +4 with diplomacy skills and such with metalic (good) dragons as he is a known allie of thiers.

I must be really tired. Got a page number for me so I can check it out? Thanks.

Nevermind, found it. Wasn't looking in the right section. I was in Dragon feats and needed to be in the Player's Perspective section. Yes, I am that tired.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
CanadienneBacon said:
I must be really tired. Got a page number for me so I can check it out? Thanks.
Page 105. right hand side... 3 paragraphs down from top. +4 diplomacy, +2 ride draconic mounts, +4 save vs. firghtful presence of good dragons.

I'm eventually going to take Dragoncrafter for him as well. "Tassy" likes the idea of him using the "enemies" weapons against themselves. :eek:
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
I forgot to mention why he's at the Cockatrice. No one would expect a Kobold of knowing who's "trouble". The establishment uses him as a gauge for trouble.

"Um... Boss? That dwarf over in the wine colored cloak. Evil boss. Pure evil. and a bad tipper as well."


First Post
CB, it's not just your weariness, Baliss' character sheet is incomplete. I started copying and pasting it a little at a time over to my first post, but got interrupted. Haven't gotten back to it since. I'll give you a head's up when the whole thing is ready for your review. Turns out, the extension of the deadline really helps me.

Oh, and thanks for the clarification on folks' perception of Gwyund. :)


CanadienneBacon said:
Ambrus, did you pick a favoured enemy for Maelicent?
Not yet, though I was considering either humans (since most of the adventurers that destroyed Maelicent's tribe were humans) or dragons (since the campaign seems focused on them). In my last post I asked you for your opinion on what to take. I'd prefer to take a favored enemy we're likely to face regularly in the campaign, but that depends largely on you. ;)
CanadienneBacon said:
Knowledge (geography) might turn out to be a good choice of a skill.
I figured it would help represent Maelicent's efforts to figure out what lies outside the Tribelands (i.e. where the adventurers are likely to be found). It's also the reason he's come to the Cockatrice; it's where the adventurers come from.
CanadienneBacon said:
I didn't see Knowledge (nature) on either your or Baliss's submission. I was more just wondering about the exclusion of know (nat). Was there a reason for it?
Mael has a high survival score and the track feat already. Essentially he was taught to exploit nature to survive in the wilds. I figure, however, that goblins have little interest in understanding nature in an academic sense. Who cares what it's called and why it does what it does? All I need to know is where to find it and how to kill/eat/wear it. :)
CanadienneBacon said:
Your description of Maelicent's armor is magnificent.
I'm glad you like it. Maelicent assembled his piecemeal armor and assorted weapons by looting the bodies of the scores of slain goblins as he made his way out of the Tribelands. In accordance with goblin tradition, a surviving warrior is expected to loot the bodies of his dead companions so that he can make better use of their possessions than they did. He simply picked the best of everything; mostly, I imagine, from the bodies of the elite Thunder-riders. In a sense, Maelicent is the entire Gudwulf tribe because he's got their best equipment.
CanadienneBacon said:
I'm laughing about a goblin so thoroughly loaded with outlandish gear being as "hard to notice as a snake moving through the grass."
That's the fun thing; even as loaded down as he is he's only carrying a light load and suffering a -1 armor check penalty to his hide and move silently checks. Taking into account his natural aptitude, dexterity and skill he's still damnably hard for big lumbering humans to see coming; he's only noticed when he makes an effort to get their attention. So without warning, three feet of shadow-cloaked studded maliciousness appears out of nowhere. :]
CanadienneBacon said:
If anyone is interested in submitting for this game, we don't have a straight up fighter.
Is there any particular reason we'd need a fighter? If you want something more tankish I could re-stat Maelicent as a barbarian or fighter (I could have gone either way on it really).

So, do you have any suggestions on where the Tribelands might be located, which gods the goblins likely worship and which languages they might know?

Barark Raa'm , Dwarf Fighter

CanadienneBacon said:
we don't have a straight up fighter, and only one rogue and one cleric submission thus far. Hope that helps.
I'll post a Fighter, to even the equation.

EDIT - Nah, I'l drop him, I'll stay with my Transmuter.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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