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The Scars Run Deep (Updated - 3/29/2004)


Tréan - 5th of Enkilot, yr. 150 A.V.

Tréan’s attention quickly returned to the hippogriff standing before them. She despaired for Mitran, but being killed by this enemy would serve him no good purpose. She lowered her spear, jabbing as the creature’s talons arced forward. As she did this, Helena stepped to the other side of the creature. The creature could sense its predicament, moving it’s eagle-like head back and forth between the two women.

The hippogriff launched itself towards Tréan, scoring her arm with one of its sharp talons. She grunted and stepped back, her spear plunging into the beast’s wing. The hippogriff cried out from her assault, and once again from Helena, whose silvered spear had punctured the creature’s breast. Both women withdrew from the hippogriff to ready a new attack, but the beast collapsed, its breath ragged and labored. Tréan considered ending its existence, but foremost in her mind was Mitran.

Scouring the horizon, she and Helena spotted the shape of what they hoped to be Mitran and the hippogriff descending onto a high section of rocks. She looked at Helena, whose face was still smeared with blood from the earlier assault.

"Can you travel?" she asked. Helena gave a solemn nod, wiping her face with her hand.

The two quickly gathered their two horses and prepared to ride. They considered leaving Mitran’s horse behind to save time, but the animal looked ready to bolt from the wounded hippogriff at any time. They tethered the horse behind them and soon were off to where they had last seen the shape in the sky.

They dismounted at the base of a large hill. It reminded Tréan more of gigantic boulders dropped from the sky than actual mountains. Knowing that the titans had freely roamed the land merely one hundred and fifty years before, this was all too possible. Thoughts of such primordial power caused her to shudder. Helena seemed to have similar thoughts.

"Hippogriffs. Creatures wrought by Golthagga, the Shaper."

It felt blasphemous to even speak the names of the Titans. They were all sundered and imprisoned by the Gods, yet they could not be slain. This left that small, nagging fear that one day one would awaken and return, and the destruction would be wrought anew.

The two women scanned the top of the hill, but they saw no signs of the beast or their companion. After Helena invoked a blessing of Madriel, they began to ascend the rocks slow and cautiously. Tréan could feel the urgency to save Mitran, but the last thing she wanted was to alert the remaining hippogriff and have it harry them while they were climbing in armor. That was a sure path to death. Soon enough the two clerics of Madriel clambered over the flattened top of the rock and spotted their quarry.

About twenty yards across the rock rested a makeshift nest large enough for the two hippogriffs. Tréan caught her breath when she saw Mitran’s boots extending out of the top of the nest. Watching over the nest was the remaining hippogriff, which spotted the two females and issued a warning cry. Tréan and Helena were quick to action, launching smaller javelins at the beast. One struck the beast, but the others clattered against rocks as it soared into the air.

"I’ll go for Mitran!" Helena said as she ran across the stone.

Tréan studied the hippogriff as it spiralled and dove at her. She braced her spear against the rock beneath her, but the speed of the beast’s attack was too quick. The bulk of the beast crashed into her, sending her sliding back towards the edge. She scrambled to keep from falling off, scraping her hands in the process. The bird dove for her again, and she rolled away just in time. Fortune favored her spear this time, and she pierced the neck of the creature. She kept hold of the spear as the beast wrenched itself free and watched it plummet to the ground below.

Tréan rose to her feet and quickly moved over to Helena and Mitran. Helena held his head in her lap, but Tréan noted that he was breathing, resting in a deep sleep. Helena had no doubt used the gifts of Madriel to heal him, foregoing her own wounds. The trio remained silent as they rested atop the fallen boulders.

* * *

Much of the remaining travel went without problem. True to Helena’s plan, they had not stopped at any of the major cities while within Lageni’s borders. A small village named Dandsburg was their only break from travel until Calastia. They had only intended to stay for a few hours, but a problematic childbirth begged their assistance. Tréan smiled at Mitran’s discomfort through the ordeal; he still had much to learn about the ways of Madriel.

A few days beyond had taken them from the lands of Lageni and into the Calastian city of Pahrae. Helena had gone to trade the horses for fresh mounts, allowing the other two to wander the city. Mitran had wandered and taken a particular interest in the military academies that resided in Pahrae. Tréan spent much of her time at the markets, looking at the wares offered by this new city. Soon enough, the horses were handled and they were on their way on the path to Zathiske.

As they crossed the heartland of the Calastian Hegemony, they were occasionally stopped by military patrols. They seemed interested in their actions, but begrudgingly allowed them passage once apparent that they were an envoy of Madriel. They crossed the border into Ankila and approached the walled city of Sussephra. The name of the city rang in Tréan’s mind. She had heard it between Helena and Maester Tairgral, but had not recalled it to be a city. Now as they approached, she wondered if there was any significance to it.

"We’ll be visiting the temple here," Helena remarked as they ventured into the city. Sussephra was well cared for, with sturdy cobbled streets and clear fountains resting between ancient buildings. They rode towards the heart of the city. Tréan didn’t know of an established temple of Madriel within Ankila. She soon realized her mistake when she saw them approach a columned building bearing the symbols of Hedrada, the Lawgiver. She was confused, but kept her silence.

They were greeted by an acolyte of temple nearly the age of Mitran. After a small exchange, he left to retrieve one of the temple elders. Within minutes, an older man who had long since lost any hair walked forwards to meet with them. He was clothed in very simple robes, but Tréan noted that the staff he walked with had a balanced set of scales at its top.

"Good fortunes to the favored of Madriel. I am Judge Underwood." He waited for Helena and Tréan to introduce themselves, but his attentions were fixed upon their companion.

"And you must be young master Mitran. Good fortunes to you. We have anticipated your arrival."
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I like a lot the Scarred Lands background drops you let fall in your update (like speaking about the Titans). I love your story!


Thanks guys. The game is showing a lot of promise. It's my attempt to turn it up a notch and run my best campaign ever. The players are very capable and enthusiastic, and I know they'll challenge my skills. And honestly, it's been fun to write so far.

I ran the intro session with the third member of the party two days ago, so I'll start recounting his tale soon. I might wait until I finish the first two tales.


Silas – 22nd of Taner, yr. 144 AV

The Rusted Plow was a cozy establishment a few streets over from the marketplace of Morian. A rustic wagon wheel held five lit lanterns, providing most of the light for the room. Silas spotted the half-orc sliding into a booth on the right of the room and snuffing a lit candle with his fingertips. Silas acknowledged the barkeep, ordered a glass of mead and moved over to sit at the darkened booth.

“My name is Alderman,” the half-orc said calmly.

“Why are you approaching me, and what do you want with Shale?” Silas stared at the half-breed before him, pausing occasionally for a sip of mead. Alderman gave a quiet laugh.

“Direct and to the point. You’re not the only one that Martin Shale has spat upon. You seek vengeance for his slight. We want the same thing.”

“Who is ‘we’? And if I’m going to do deal with him, why are you even approaching me,” Silas asked.

“Never you mind about us. You can learn that if you succeed. And why? He’s lost you three times so far. We want to see him dealt with before he flees to another town.”

The half-orc was cannier than he originally thought. He obviously represented some shadowy den of thieves. Silas was familiar with their type, although he and Shale had never chosen to find and join the one in Aolvnir. It was odd that those in Morian would be aware of their dealings back home. He would try to piece that together later. His primary concern now was to determine what this Alderman wanted and what it would require from him in the long run.

“Shale will be dealt with one way or another. So what are you offering and what is the price?”

“I’ll give you the location of where he’s sleeping here in Morian. You deal with him and then talk to me afterwards. You can find me here.”

Silas considered not accepting the offer, wondering how badly Alderman and his employers needed him to do this. But Alderman had effectively challenged him, noting his previous failures to catch up with Shale. And there was something else he was holding back, some scrap of information that was larger than the whole conflict between himself and Shale. Silas could sense it. It was that feeling that drew him in.

Alderman handed him a small scrap of parchment with a street and a description scrawled upon it.

“Fine. I’ll find you here, then.” Silas rose from the booth and left the Rusted Plow without glancing back.


“You will have our assistance. Once you locate your man, we can send a patrol with you to take him into custody.” The watch captain seemed a little more at ease, now that he had confirmed the writ. The signs of scrutiny that had been present before were now gone. Silas was relieved; this business would soon be done and over with.

“Good. We will take him tonight.”

“Tonight?” the captain blustered. “You just arrived…”

“And I have found Shale and I know where he stays the night. I will capture him tonight and end this business.”

The watch captain obviously had thought it would take weeks before he had located his quarry. This was not Silas’ chosen profession, but he had become quite adept at it. And of course, the information from Alderman helped. The captain pulled a piece of parchment from the end of his tidy desk.

“I can spare two men as long as you don’t take too long.”

“Fair enough. I’ll return at eight bells.”

Silas laughed at the unnerving effect he had on the captain as he left the guard post.
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Sorry for the brief update. Running the final intro session tonight, so I'm planning away and finalizing details. Enter the Druid!


Trean - 9th of Belot, yr. 150 AV

The Grand Temple of Hedrada was an ancient structure, filled with sturdy marble columns and wooden benches for the followers. Tréan and Helena were led to a spiral stair and up to the higher floors of the temple. Tréan could not help but compare this solemn structure to the temples of Madriel where she had spent so much time. The joy and happiness that seemed to pervade the Temple of the Sun was missing here. The devout did not seem unhappy, but very rigid in their practices. She had never realized how different such followings could be.

They were led into a room dominated by a long table of polished mahogany. A handsome man awaited them here, clothed in robes very similar to those worn by Judge Underwood. He was clearly decades younger than Underwood, but he possessed a presence much stronger than the other priest. Tréan could not help but appreciate his curly black hair and piercing green eyes.

“Greetings, miladies. I am Lawgiver Doran. I regret to say that Underwood and I are the only two to properly welcome you. The Sage has taken ill of late, and the Prospero has just left on journey to Quelsk for the same festival you’ll be attending.” He extended his hand to the chairs before him. “Please, be seated.”

Tréan took a seat across from Judge Underwood. She noted with humor that Helena was as taken with Doran as she was. Compassion and love were strong virtues within Madriel’s priesthood. Many outsiders mistakenly thought of them as stuffy, prudish women, which was far from the truth.

“We thank you for bringing young Mitran to us. It is our hope that his stay here will benefit his cause.”

“His cause…?” Tréan interrupted. She knew events were going on that she did not understand, but the only way she could learn the truth was to ask. Helena placed a hand upon hers, reassuring her.

“My apologies. Tréan is still unaware of the true reason for Mitran’s presence here.” She smoothed over her dress before continuing. “You know that I am the daughter of one of the thains of Durrover. Mitran is also born of an influential family in Durrover. His last name is Ambray.”

“The family of the King?” Tréan asked.

“Yes. He is the eldest son of Jeddrad’s deceased brother Belgard.” Helena said. Tréan knew a little of the politics of her homeland. Jeddrad III was the King of the Lowlands and King of the Mountain in Durrover. He had ruled for many years, and as of yet had not produced an heir.

Tréan felt her cheeks flush. This young man who had nearly died at the hands of the hippogriffs, he was a potential heir to the less-than-stable throne of Durrover. The Lageni would have paid dearly to get their hands on someone of his bloodline. Only their reputation as the Order of the Morning Sky had prevented further scrutiny from Lageni soldiers.

“But why here?”

“Perhaps I can answer that,” said Doran. “We received the plea from the Ambray family months ago. They sought to have a member of their family taught the ways of battlefield tactics; strategies that are not typically employed in your lands. Also, they wanted the youth educated in histories of just rulers. Our great libraries and scholars here are suited for the task.”

Judge Underwood spoke. “With Lord Hedrada’s guidance, we were able to discern the truth of their request. They are grooming a future leader. While we do obey the laws of the Hegemony that surrounds us, this course of action is noble and we have pledged our aid. Was it not Hedrada who first suggested that the Gods rebel against the depravities of the Titans?”

They were all silent for a moment, and then Helena spoke again.

“I do apologize for the deception, Tréan. Maester Taigral suggested telling you the truth, but I wished to bear the weight of this alone.” Tréan smiled.

“I understand, sister. It was for the best - I was more convincing this way. And what of the festival?”

“We will still go. It was always in our plans to represent the Redeemer at Divinities Day. This other business was just… convenient.” Helena smiled. Doran rose from his seat at the large table.

“Well, Mitran is getting settled into his new lodgings. In the meantime, please let me show you ladies around the wonderful city of Sussephra.”


Sussephra was a pleasant excursion, but soon it saw Helena and Tréan’s departure towards the country of Zathiske. The parting from Mitran had been a difficult one for Tréan. She had grown to enjoy his presence over their journey, and secretly she worried about the fate that he would eventually face. How much of this was his choice and how much the legacy of his family?

Helena had apologized for the secrecy of their journey more than once, and finally Tréan had asked for silence. The initial shock of the truth was over, and she had reflected upon the reasons behind it all. She was naive to think that the priesthood of Madriel would not interfere in politics of war torn Durrover. Worship of Madriel was predominant there; to allow Lageni to overtake the lands would diminish or possibly remove all traces of their temples, replacing them with temples to Chardun. The Hegemony had done this before.

Their travels over the next two weeks were free of marauders, titanspawn or otherwise. Heavy rains followed them into the country of Zathiske and on towards the city of Quelsk. The harsh weather abated a day away from the city of Quelsk, which welcomed them with open arms. The festivals would begin on the morrow, the first day of Chardot.
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Thanks, papa laz. Glad to see you're enjoying the tale so far. My games aren't as combat heavy as some of the stories you'll find here, but they still have all manner of dire conflicts. Of course, you haven't met Gerad yet. Now that I've finished Tréan's intro, we'll move on to his story.

Dherys Thal

First Post
Wow, highlight this one.

Outstanding job on this story hour. I routinely read 6-8 of them - and try to avoid adding more to that list - but this one is just terrific. Kudos. I'm forced to frequent yet another extended tale...where did my self-discipline go?

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