The Swords of Imarr: Midnight at the Meat & Gristle


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S'mon said:
Bernard is standing at the entrance to the chamber lighting it with his torch, with Alyx Rajero & Hrothgar behind him. 3 undead skeletons are clambering up to attack Denther to the right of the entrance, while one is rising to attack Faoiltiarna to the left.

OOC: I knew there was a reason why Faoil never liked the below ground areas. Sigh :uhoh:


Faoil attacks the skeleton before it has a chance to rise.

OCC: Faoil will use Power Attack.

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Hrothgar makes his way forward to help deal with the menace.

OOC: probably take a round to reach the fight, then power attack the nearest skeleton.


>>OOC: probably take a round to reach the fight, then power attack the nearest skeleton.<<

OOC: Nope, I already factored in a free surprise round for Faoil Denther Bernard & the skels in the above initiative order :)


OOC: Thanks for quick replies! :) (except Rajero - maybe he's dropped out. I'll NPC him until/unless he returns)

>>Faoil attacks the skeleton before it has a chance to rise.

OCC: Faoil will use Power Attack.<<

GM: Faoil hefts her broadsword and takes a powerful swing at the skeleton, but misses and the blade clangs off the flagstones. The skeleton slashes at her with a rusty battlexe, she quickly parries the blow.

Skeletons rise up on either side of Denther as he looks for a medallion or somesuch, seeing nothing. Sword and mace descend on him but he twists aside and both blows miss (lucky - miss by 1 pt!).

Denther is still holding his torch (so no buckler AC bonus) as he swings at a skeleton, striking its ribcage. It shatters into shards of bone and collapses to the floor.

The fourth skeleton lunges at Bernard as he rapidly backpedals back down the tunnel, cutting his arm with its sword, as Hrothgar moves forward past Bernard to engage it; his power attack is too slow as the skeleton jerks back.

In the crypt chamber Faoil & Denther each face off against 1 skeleton, while the third skeleton blocks the tunnel exit as it spars with Hrothgar. Behind Hrothgar are Bernard, Rajero & Alyx.

Bernard's torch held behind Hrothgar gives him light, while the torch Denther holds illuminates the chamber - if Denther drops it those in the chamber will get 20% concealment from the partial darkness against foes without darkvision.



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ooc: if Denther dropped the torch, we would get 20% cover, but wouldn't the Skels also since we would have a hard time seeing them?



Hrothgar continues to battle his foe. "What does it take for you to fall, Hel spawn?

OOC: Note Hel is not a mispelling, he is referring to the goddess Hel.
Also I believe you can hold an object in your hand and block with a buckler. That is its advantage over a heavy shield. What you cannot do is use a weapon two handed and use the buckler.


mps42 said:
ooc: if Denther dropped the torch, we would get 20% cover, but wouldn't the Skels also since we would have a hard time seeing them?

The skels have darkvision so only they would get the cover bonus. :cool:


rangerjohn said:
Also I believe you can hold an object in your hand and block with a buckler. That is its advantage over a heavy shield. What you cannot do is use a weapon two handed and use the buckler.

You can't hold an object along with a heavy shield _at all_. Denther could hold an unlit torch & use the buckler effectively, but not a lit torch.

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