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Things you did NOT like about Fellowship of the Ring.


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Sammael99 said:

As I said, I enjoyed the movie, but to be honest, I find it scary that some people here seem to resent the fact that the movie can be criticised...

As a fan of both the books and the movie (my only gripe is the future implications of the hordes of spider climbing orcs in the movie, I can live with the other inconsistencies), it seems ridiculous that people come to a thread like this and feel they have the right to hassle people and that the movie is above reproach. If you don't like the idea of people saying what they don't like about the movie, don't read the thread, it is that simple.

It's called free speech, grow up, get a grip and let people exercise it. If you dislike the thread, don't read it.


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hellbender said:
It's called free speech, grow up, get a grip and let people exercise it. If you dislike the thread, don't read it.

So, free speech covers criticism--but not the criticism of a criticism?

Hmm...I'll have to keep that in mind.



First Post
Malcor Sylverwood said:

So, free speech covers criticism--but not the criticism of a criticism?

Hmm...I'll have to keep that in mind.


That is rather too bad, I thought I had posted that easily enough to understand, *shrug* I guess not. There is nothing wrong with healthy debate whatsoever, that was obviously not my gripe, but it was sadly lost in interpretation for some. I was merely taken aback by some people totally balking at the idea that somebody might find fault with a great movie. The counter-thread to what people DID like about the movie is a much more sensible move.



First Post
The only thing I really disliked about FotR is that you just want to sit straight through the entire damn thing, requiring that you either:

A) Put yourself through the kind of deprivation that would shame a pentient Buddhist monk 12-24 hours before you see it.


B) Posses a very, very strong bladder.


First Post
First off let me say that I loved the movie and I thought it was great! Now with that said...

After reading the books at least 3 times through and rereading several parts uncountable times I was looking forward to seeing a few things on screen which unfortunately for me were not in the film. Here are just a few of them (I admit most of them deal with Narsil/Anduril) :

1. In the Hobbits' room in Bree when Strider identifies himself as Aragorn son of Arathorn and then he takes out Narsil and the hobbits see that it isn't a complete sword

2. The Council of Elrond (what was on screen was good but...): no Bilbo and his speech, no Boromir's dream (in detail nor mention of his brother Faramir) and Aragorn saying "Here is the Sword that was Broken" and thus identifing that he is Isildur's Heir, Gloin's speech how an emissary of Sauron went to Erebor offering the 4 surviving Dwarven Rings to King Dain II Ironfoot

3. No re-forging of Narsil into Anduril, I guess my biggest problem with leaving the sword out was that Anduril was one of the few Magic Items that has any prominance in the books that Men have(Gandalf's staff, Glamdring, Sting, Palantir, and of course the Rings of Power- only the Minas Tirith Palantir is in the hands of Men), Aragorn uses Anduril throughout the books and it is specificly stated that it is the ONLY weapon he takes with him when he leaves Rivendell (though Tolkien does say that Boromir's Sword is one of less lineage than Aragorn's but we never see any effects like Anduril's flame), that's my biggest problem with leaving out Anduril. In what many people feel that Middle Earth is a low magic world Narsil/Anduril is important to the story (IMO) and it is a connecting point with Aragorn and the First Kings of Arnor and Gondor.

4. Only references to Gondor and none about Arnor, there were two kingdoms of men in the West. Elendil founded Arnor (Royal Land) and his sons- Isildur and Anarion founded Gondor (Stone Land) but I do understand that PJ would leave out a kingdom that doesn't exist anymore, but the mention of Aragorn living in exile was way off IMO. Yes I know that is nitpicking but this thread is about what we didn't like about the film.

5. Where was Galadriel's Ring Nenya?

Well, with that said I still think it was a GREAT film. I've seen it twice and I might go see it again and I will definitely buy the DVD and will go see the next two films.
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sammael99 had some legitimate criticisms. however, it was the last two sentences that kind of came off as inflammatory. i think even he admitted that the comments were harsher than he wanted.

it's one thing to criticize. but to incite a group that overwhelmingly liked the movie is just asking for some mud to be thrown.

no big deal, really.



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Re: Oh dear god, it's started...

Chairman_Kaga said:

Guess it didn't take long for people to start ripping the movie apart like savages. This age is far too cynical...

Get this into your overly critical heads: nothing will ever be perfect, nothing will ever match YOUR vision of what it should be 100%.

Get over it and enjoy things for what they are.

Harlequin said:
I dont really want to come off as a winer about the whiners whinning that the movie wasnt the perfect thing they had in thier minds but all this whinning is really pissing me off...

Methinks that you two overreact. Most of the posts here are of the "I absolutely loved the movie, and it's one of my all-time favorites, and I understand the limitations that PJ had to work with, but here are some really minor nitpicks..." variety. There are a couple people who were out and out disappointed, but they are entitled to their opinion, aren't they?

Oh, and another nitpick: The ringwraiths squealed like stuck pigs. It wasn't very intimidating. I would have rather liked them to be hissing, whispering, and more wraith-like. That would have been more creepy.

Oh, one thing I really liked was when Bilbo had that freakout over the ring. That made me jump out of my seat, it was so completely unexpected. It reminded me of one of my all time favorites scenes in any movie: "Just tell 'em Large Marge sent you. Eh heh heh heh heh! EH HEH HEH HEH!"


First Post
Coik said:
The only thing I really disliked about FotR is that you just want to sit straight through the entire damn thing, requiring that you either:

A) Put yourself through the kind of deprivation that would shame a pentient Buddhist monk 12-24 hours before you see it.


B) Posses a very, very strong bladder.

Ha ha ha ha! YES! I had to pee really bad for the second half of the movie but the plot kept moving so fast I couldn't step out. Hehe - I almost want to start a poll to see what percentage of people watching the movie were uncomfortable.

Michael Tree

First Post
I have a number of nitpicks, but overall I have only one or two major criticisms.

My biggest complaint was with Galadriel's turning-into-bad-CGI scene. This was seriously overdone. One doesn't need over the top special effects to seem powerful. All it takes is acting and perhaps subtle fx. Compare this scene to Gandalf's scene with Bilbo after the party, rising up in his terrible power when bilbo is acting like a clutching prat over his ring.

What's worse, because of the audio distortion, much of Galadiel's powerful speech is completely incomprehensible. I had to go home to reread the speech afterward to figure out what she had said, and it wasn't any better the second time seeing it, in a completely different theatre.

Another criticism is the lack of the scene in Lothlorien with Gimli.

Finally, was that "crumbling stair" scene in Moria really neccessary? It was a typical Hollywood action movie scene, completely unoriginal. Did it add anything to the story? I don't think so. If the movie had lots of time to waste I wouldn't mind it, but considering that several really good scenes were cut out and this utterly formulaic scene was left in, I'm annoyed.

I have a few other minor criticisms and nitpicks, most of which have been brought up by other people in this thread, but they're all quite minor.


5. Where was Galadriel's Ring Nenya?

If I'm not mistaken you can see it quite clearly when she is waving the Fellowship off, it's located on her middle finger, though I can't seem to recall which hand.

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