Three new Star Wars movies


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But to make the appeal-to-authority/guardianship argument of "I saw it the cinema as a kid", you do necessarily have to be a Gen Xer. And that's what the person I was replying to did.

I understand that. But accident of birth is not a causal factor here, merely a gating factor.

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He was, though. He just put a good face on it, until his mother's death.
I guess I just don't think he was "putting a good face on it" at all. He clearly had enough to eat, a roof over his head, was able to learn how to build droids (surely not a trivial skill) at a young age and get the parts to build them, and so on.

To me, that's not even close to the "lowest of the low". I know multiple people IRL who dealt with worse.

Further, he then got elevated to the elite of the elite, undeniably, as a Jedi, despite objections, so this idea that he was faces huge challenges compared to others just doesn't hold up.

The only weird thing remains that someone his mother was left in poverty.
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That old Jedi "no attachments" thing. They don't even want to leave things better than when they took the new student. They just want to leave.
I guess the real issue is, imho, that at some point I believe AFTER becoming a Jedi but before his mom was killed, Anakin's brain broke. Possibly because of having to leave his weird mom. I really don't think he regarded himself as the lowest of the low or felt particularly beaten down before becoming a Jedi.

I think if anything, the Jedi mistreating him somewhat with their dumbassery about "too old, this one is!" (what, you'd prefer a rogue Force user, you Jedi geniuses?), combined with him suddenly being elevated to this wildly elite position in society - yet having people constantly questioning his right to be there - and seemingly constantly negging him - are what caused the real problem here, not his pre-Jedi childhood.


I guess the real issue is, imho, that at some point I believe AFTER becoming a Jedi but before his mom was killed, Anakin's brain broke. Possibly because of having to leave his weird mom. I really don't think he regarded himself as the lowest of the low or felt particularly beaten down before becoming a Jedi.

I think if anything, the Jedi mistreating him somewhat with their dumbassery about "too old, this one is!" (what, you'd prefer a rogue Force user, you Jedi geniuses?), combined with him suddenly being elevated to this wildly elite position in society - yet having people constantly questioning his right to be there - and seemingly constantly negging him - are what caused the real problem here, not his pre-Jedi childhood.
Or, perhaps, his realization of just how low on the social pecking order he was, after seeing more of the galaxy?

Or, perhaps, his realization of just how low on the social pecking order he was, after seeing more of the galaxy?
That would make complete sense if he was obviously status-obsessed, as richer people from elevated positions often are.

I've kind of see that play out at university, even. One girl I met at uni was the daughter of the mayor of some smallish city in the UK, but had clearly never really left there, and regarded herself as sort of the "upper crust" and "wealthy", and it was important to her that she was. Then she met actual "upper crust" and "wealthy" types at universe and it definitely caused her some mental issues.

But he didn't seem to be status-obsessed at all as a child, he seemed to focused entirely on excitement and achievement.

I guess, maybe entirely off-screen, because he was on Coruscant where people are like that, and hanging out a lot with royalty, he started to become status-obsessed? But that's not something we see or even really hear about, and it's hard to picture him mixing with high society much as a Jedi Padawan.

I think the issue really is down to Lucas writing a child which made little sense for the man he grew up into, and failing to fill in the gaps between the two because he's not a good character writer.


That would make complete sense if he was obviously status-obsessed, as richer people from elevated positions often are.

I've kind of see that play out at university, even. One girl I met at uni was the daughter of the mayor of some smallish city in the UK, but had clearly never really left there, and regarded herself as sort of the "upper crust" and "wealthy", and it was important to her that she was. Then she met actual "upper crust" and "wealthy" types at universe and it definitely caused her some mental issues.

But he didn't seem to be status-obsessed at all as a child, he seemed to focused entirely on excitement and achievement.

I guess, maybe entirely off-screen, because he was on Coruscant where people are like that, and hanging out a lot with royalty, he started to become status-obsessed? But that's not something we see or even really hear about, and it's hard to picture him mixing with high society much as a Jedi Padawan.

I think the issue really is down to Lucas writing a child which made little sense for the man he grew up into, and failing to fill in the gaps between the two because he's not a good character writer.
Being constantly told that you're too old to succeed and will never be [insert position here] could easily make someone obsessed with position.


Laws of Mordenkainen, Elminster, & Fistandantilus
That would make complete sense if he was obviously status-obsessed, as richer people from elevated positions often are.

I've kind of see that play out at university, even. One girl I met at uni was the daughter of the mayor of some smallish city in the UK, but had clearly never really left there, and regarded herself as sort of the "upper crust" and "wealthy", and it was important to her that she was. Then she met actual "upper crust" and "wealthy" types at universe and it definitely caused her some mental issues.

But he didn't seem to be status-obsessed at all as a child, he seemed to focused entirely on excitement and achievement.

I guess, maybe entirely off-screen, because he was on Coruscant where people are like that, and hanging out a lot with royalty, he started to become status-obsessed? But that's not something we see or even really hear about, and it's hard to picture him mixing with high society much as a Jedi Padawan.

I think the issue really is down to Lucas writing a child which made little sense for the man he grew up into, and failing to fill in the gaps between the two because he's not a good character writer.
I agree with this.


To answer the bold bit: basically everyone who ISN'T an enraged Gen-Xer who thinks he owns Star Wars because he saw it when he was a kid.

Gen-X already threw the worlds biggest nerd tantrum and pity-party for themselves over the Prequel Trilogy, declared it the worst thing ever, said it had destroyed Star Wars, and that everyone would always hate it forever.

Then that was proven not to be true. Surprising as it might be, an entire generation quite likes those movies, or at least views them kindly. Plus Filoni managed to spin gold out of that straw.

So getting mad and self-pitying in the exact same way about the Sequel Trilogy? Nah guys, it's over. You had your party, you don't get to have the same party twice. The Prequels had their issues, but they turned out to be salvageable. I daresay the Sequels will too in the right hands.

I'm not so sure about that.

I only have 2 grandkids that even like Star Wars now. They absolutely LOATHE the Sequel Trilogy. The do enjoy the original trilogy. The saw all the new movies in the theater.

They definitely are not Gen X...they are Gen Z.

They did enjoy the Mandalorian, they also seem to watch other shows but only have talked to me about the Mandalorian (note, I have not see any of the Star Wars TV shows myself).

One of them would rather watch Marvel or Super Hero movies instead if given a choice (and oddly enough, though I cannot figure it out myself, his favorite of the Star Wars movies is AotC...which some ardent followers seem to hate). The other one is a decent Star Wars fan. They don't like the new books though. They do occasionally listen to the old books (what is it...Star Wars Legends?) on audio.

Most of my grandkids would prefer other things rather than Star Wars. The ones that seem to actually follow Star Wars the most are NOT Gen-Z, but Gen-X (deeply divided, you have those that hate the new stuff, and those that seem to be hard core followers of the new stuff) and the Millennials (more divided into those who are now meh about it and those that follow it). Obviously, there are more than that in the groups, but in general it seems more of Gen-X thing than a Gen-Z. Millenials also seem to have some ardent followers, but not quite as big as either direction in general from what I have seen.

I think Disney lost the Gen-Z audience for the most part (anecdotal...just from what I've observed with Grandkids). They just don't seem to have the interest in the Sequel Trilogy that some here assume they do. The ones that are interested in Star Wars seem to gravitate more towards the TV series currently rather than the new movies that were put out. Perhaps it's just the younger Gen-Z audience (none of the kids I refer to are over the age of 18 yet). No idea what the college age kids are into TBH.

The biggest fans I know are some older Gen-X...and man they are rabid fans. They force their kids and grand kids to watch and it can get HILARIOUS. I see their grandkids roll their eyes at their grandpa and it's crazy funny. It's obvious they do it to humor him. He is BIG on everything Star Wars though, from the the new movies to the new TV shows. Picks up all the merchandise as well. He's Mormon though, so maybe there' something that goes hand in hand with Mormons and Star Wars (I have noticed most Mormons I know seem to also love Star Wars).

I get it though, the divide. I have had a growing interest in the New Star Trek TV shows. I actually really like some of the New Star Trek (Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy, even Discovery), but you'd think I was a heretic for liking them if you listen to some people online talk about the New Star Trek vs. the Old Star Trek stuff.


I'm not so sure about that.

I only have 2 grandkids that even like Star Wars now. They absolutely LOATHE the Sequel Trilogy. The do enjoy the original trilogy. The saw all the new movies in the theater.

They definitely are not Gen X...they are Gen Z.

They did enjoy the Mandalorian, they also seem to watch other shows but only have talked to me about the Mandalorian (note, I have not see any of the Star Wars TV shows myself).

One of them would rather watch Marvel or Super Hero movies instead if given a choice (and oddly enough, though I cannot figure it out myself, his favorite of the Star Wars movies is AotC...which some ardent followers seem to hate). The other one is a decent Star Wars fan. They don't like the new books though. They do occasionally listen to the old books (what is it...Star Wars Legends?) on audio.

Most of my grandkids would prefer other things rather than Star Wars. The ones that seem to actually follow Star Wars the most are NOT Gen-Z, but Gen-X (deeply divided, you have those that hate the new stuff, and those that seem to be hard core followers of the new stuff) and the Millennials (more divided into those who are now meh about it and those that follow it). Obviously, there are more than that in the groups, but in general it seems more of Gen-X thing than a Gen-Z. Millenials also seem to have some ardent followers, but not quite as big as either direction in general from what I have seen.

I think Disney lost the Gen-Z audience for the most part (anecdotal...just from what I've observed with Grandkids). They just don't seem to have the interest in the Sequel Trilogy that some here assume they do. The ones that are interested in Star Wars seem to gravitate more towards the TV series currently rather than the new movies that were put out. Perhaps it's just the younger Gen-Z audience (none of the kids I refer to are over the age of 18 yet). No idea what the college age kids are into TBH.

The biggest fans I know are some older Gen-X...and man they are rabid fans. They force their kids and grand kids to watch and it can get HILARIOUS. I see their grandkids roll their eyes at their grandpa and it's crazy funny. It's obvious they do it to humor him. He is BIG on everything Star Wars though, from the the new movies to the new TV shows. Picks up all the merchandise as well. He's Mormon though, so maybe there' something that goes hand in hand with Mormons and Star Wars (I have noticed most Mormons I know seem to also love Star Wars).

I get it though, the divide. I have had a growing interest in the New Star Trek TV shows. I actually really like some of the New Star Trek (Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy, even Discovery), but you'd think I was a heretic for liking them if you listen to some people online talk about the New Star Trek vs. the Old Star Trek stuff.

Must be a trekking thing.

New Trek has issues didn't mind Picard S1&2 as much as the internet did. Discovery was hit and miss first 3 seasons (we gave up season 4).

But old trek is kinda bad. As in really bad. Couldn't finish S1 of TNG or Voyager, DS9 was decent and TOS was corny to me in 80's and 90's. TNG was fine later best of it was good but alot of it is filler.

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