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Ties that Bind - 3.5 Forgotten Realms Gestalt


First Post

Rystil Arden said:
I do know some great people from Harvard, though, it's just that the bad ones I met were so outlandishly bad.

*Looks to either side to be sure their are no bulldogs around*


Ya, I actually have friends their too, but I'm pretty well trained to denounce the entire institution. :)[/sblock]
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Rystil Arden

First Post
gabrion said:
*Looks to either side to be sure their are no bulldogs around*


Ya, I actually have friends their too, but I'm pretty well trained to denounce the entire institution. :)
As for Yale, my interviewer for Yale was really awful...She wouldn't meet with me and made me do a phone interview, then she wanted to read my essay, and when she did, she despised it (it was a risk essay, but most people liked it, including the Harvard admissions officer writing how much she loved my essay on part of my admissions packet). I wasn't really surprised to be waitlisted there, but I didn't care because I got into MIT, Caltech, and Harvard Early Action.

But that's still nothing compared to what happened at Harvard.


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
But that's still nothing compared to what happened at Harvard.

What's the story? You've got me interested now....

PS, can we sblock this converstaion? I just don't want to clutter the recruiting thread in case people are reading it for substance. :)[/sblock]
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Rystil Arden

First Post
gabrion said:

What's the story? You've got me interested now....

PS, can we sblock this converstaion? I just don't want to clutter the recruiting thread in case people are reading it for substance. :)[/sblock]
I checked for it, but it looks like my only copy is on my computer back home (I transferred my e-mails, including the one where I sent myself the story, but I forgot to transfer the attachments :uhoh: ) It's many pages long :D It involves salacious foam parties, a drunken band leader expelled from the school for hate crimes who came back to play and got arrested, people getting tied up and abandoned in Boston with only a morse code receiver to find the way back, negligent hosts, and the blonde catburglar girl.


Name: Jares Athuo
Classes: Ranger2/Fighter4/Tempest5/Exotic weapons master 1 -- Wizard 12 (Transmutation domain)
Race: Half-elf
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Deity: Helm

Str: 22 +6 (18p.)     Level: 12        XP: 70411
Dex: 23 +6 (16p.)     BAB:  +12+7+2    HP: 113 (2d8+10d10+24)
Con: 14 +2 (14p.)     Grapple: +18     Dmg Red: -/-
Int: 22 +6 (18p.)     Speed: 30'       Spell Res: -
Wis: 10 +0 (10p.)     Init:  +6        Spell Save: -
Cha:  8 +0 ( 8p.)     ACP:   +0        Spell Fail: 0%

                Base  Armor  Shld    Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:           10  +0/+6* +0/+4**   +6    0    +2    +2   20/26*/30** (+3 when wielding double sword, +1 Dodge)
Touch: 18        Flatfooted: 14
*If Greater mage armor active
**If Shield spell active

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      8    +2   +2    +12
Ref:                       6    +6   +2    +14
Will:                      8    +0   +2    +10 (+12 against enchantment spells and effects)

Weapon                   Attack        Damage       Critical   Range
+2/+2 double sword       +21           1d8+13       19-20/x2
of spell storing         +19+19+14+9   1d8+10       19-20/x2    
                         +19+14+9      1d8+7        19-20/x2
MW Dagger                +19           1d4+6        19-20/x2
MW Thrown Dagger         +17           1d4+6        19-20/x2    10 ft
Ranged Touch Attack      +16

Each end of the sword is charged with a Vampiric Touch spell (6d6 damage)

Languages: Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome

-Low light vision
-Immunity to Sleep effects, +2 racial bonus to enchantment spells and effects
-+1 bonus to Listen, search and spot checks
-+2 racial bonus on diplomacy and gather information checks.
-Elven blood
-Favored enemy (elves)
-Wild empathy
-Combat Style (two weapon fighting)
-Bonus feats
-Call familiar
-Bonus feats
-Domain spell
-Tempest defense +3
-Two weapon versatility
-Ambidexterity (-0/-2)
-Two weapon spring attack
(Exotic weapons master)
-Flurry of blows


Shaky (-2 to all ranged attacks)

Level 1-Track (bonus ranger), exotic weapon proficiency (double sword), scribe scroll (bonus wizard), dodge (flaw extra feat)
Level 2-Two weapon fighting (Ranger combat style, only using light o no armor)
Level 3-Mobility (bonus fighter), Weapon focus (Double sword)
Level 4-Spring attack (bonus fighter)
Level 5-Craft magic arms and armor (bonus wizard) 
Level 6-Improved two weapon fighting, Weapon specialization (Double sword) (bonus fighter)
Level 9-Arcane Strike
Level 10-Extend spell (bonus wizard)
Level 12-Greater Two weapon fighting

Skill Points: (6 ranger +4 Int)x5=50, Other levels (2+ 4 Int)x10=60  Max Ranks: 15/7.5
Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Survival                  5     +0          +5 
Spellcraft               15     +6    +2    +23
Concentration            15     +2          +17
Tumble                   15     +6          +21
Listen                    5     +0    +1    +6
Spot                      5     +0    +1    +6
Ride                     10     +6          +15
Knowledge (geography)    10     +6          +16
Knowledge (nature)       10     +6          +16
Knowledge (arcana)       10     +6          +16
Craft (weaponsmith)      10     +6          +16

Spells: Save DC 16+spell level
Spells per day: 4+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/3+1

Prepared spells:

Level 6: Greater Heroism, Mislead, Disintegrate*, Free slot.
Level 5: Extended Stoneskin, Greater blink, Mass fire shield, Teleport, Baleful polymorph*.
Level 4: Extended Greater mage armor, Greater invisibility, Dimension door, Evard´s black tentacles, Polymorph*.
Level 3: Extended False life, Extended Wraithstrike, Fly, Protection from energy, Greater mage armor, Haste*.
Level 2: Mirror Image, See invisibility, Blades of fire, Bladeweave, Wraithstrike, Whirling blade, Levitate*.
Level 1: Shield x2, Ray of enfeeblement, Critical strike x2, Magic Missile, Expeditious retreat*.
Cantrips: Read magic, Detect magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage hand*.


Level 6: Greater heroism, Greater dispelling, Analize Dweomer, Contingency, Mislead, Disintegrate.
Level 5: Teleport, Mass fire shield, Greater blink, Waves of fatigue, Seeming, Mordenkainen´s private sanctum, Baleful polymorph*.
Level 4: Greater invisibility, Dimension door, Stoneskin, Evard´s black tentacles, Leomund´s secure shelter, Sending, Polymorph.
Level 3: Fly, Displacement, Greater mage armor, Protection from energy, Vampiric touch, Phantom steed, Fireball, Haste.
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Whirling blade, Blades of fire, False life, Bladeweave, Wraithstrike, Levitate.
Level 1: Shield, Ray of enfeeblement, Magic missile, Protection from Chaos, True Strike, Shocking grasp, Critical strike, Expeditious retreat, Alarm, Disguise Self, Silent image.
Level 0: All cantrips.

*Domain spells

Contingency with a Greater invisibility spell, triggered when Jares says the words: "I wish to teleport"

Equipment:                                  Cost
Ring of protection +2                        8k
Amulet of nat. armor +2                      8k
Belt of giant strenght +4                    16k 
Headband of intelect +4                      16k
Gloves of dexterity +4                       16k
+2/+2 spell storing adamantine double sword  24k and 1440 xp (self made)
Bag of holding II                            5k
Blessed book                                 12,5k
Ring of counterspells                        4k
  (with Greater Dispelling)
Cloak of protection +2                       4k
Silversheen x4                               1k
Oil of Align weapon (good) x4                1,2k
Cold iron double sword                       0,2
Spell component pouch
Stoneskin material component (x4)            1k
Greater mage armor MC x10                    0,25

Scrolls of: Teleport, Fly, Alarm, Protection from energy, Sending, Mordenkainen´s private sanctum: 1,862k and 149 xp

Extra spells (bought at 50 x spell level cost): 2k

Money: 75 platinum coins and jewels worth 2600 gold coins.

Age:    47
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 123lb
Eyes:   Blue
Hair:   Black
Skin:   Pale

Description: [sblock]Jares is rather short and slim for a warrior, however to the trained eye he shows the scars and behaviour of those that spent many years training with weapons. The only consideration for external appearance he shows are the extreme cleanliness and pulchritude on his weapon and clothes; they are otherwise very common and even poor for a man of his reputation; the slightly curved double sword he carries, for example, looks very crude and simple, though he is evidently very proud of it. His face, long and angular, betrays a elven heritage he tries to hide behind long hair and a short and carefully trimmed black beard.[/sblock]

Background: [sblock] Jares´s last name is false: he really should be named Jares Firsthand, and is the grandson of Garath Firsthand of the purple knights, a terribly strict and stubborn man. Once, Garath got Filundan, a famous elven swordman, to teach swordplay to his sons (paying a great amount of money) so the elf spent some months in the noble´s castle. His interests then went from teaching to the beautiful Halin, Garath´s daughter, and they fell in love.

Garath soon discovered the affair and refused to hear any word of marriage between the two, and did what is was in his hand to separate the couple. Halin, not less stubborn than her father, threatened to flee with Filundan, and finally did so, disappearing thanks to the elf´s magical arts.

The first years in the forest with the elves were very happy for Halin, whose new husband treated her like a queen; was then when Jares was born. But the elders of the community didn´t approve the union either, foretelling that it would cause problems on the long run, but without the authority or desire to force Filundan nothing happened at first. The elf was really a champion of his community, a bladesinger wizard-warrior of great skill and fame. With the years, as his duties with the elven community grew, the time spent with Halin and her son diminished, and his love for her waned. What is a short time for an elf became half a life for the woman, and when she reached old age, her love still intact, the elf´s interest in her was a thing of the past. Filundan started to listen to the elders, and finally decided to cut with her.

Halin, her heart broken was forced to return to human lands with his child. Jares was astonished: the people he lived with all those years had rejected him and his mother like a stranger, his own father drove him from his own home like trash. The gold they were given by the elves lasted little, and they were forced to work. Using the skills learned with the elves, he found a job as scout, sometimes for the militia, others a s a caravan guard. When soon after his mother died, he already knew what he was going to do. Filundan needed a lesson, in his own terms. One day he would return, crush him in a duel and spit in the dancing idiot´s face as the life escapes from him. Or leave him crippled, maybe: he has not decided it yet.

Anyway, he spent every single gold coin he earned paying lessons with weapons masters and wizards, training very hard with his choosen weapon (the double sword) and neglecting others, specially ranged and missile weapons. With great power come greater wages, so as time passed he became elite soldier, adventurer, mercenary strike team member and generally served well whoever could pay his ever-growing fee. He even helped secretly (and with great pleasure) one or two hobgoblin and orc warbands attack elven villages. In his professional life, he´s met some elves; he can tolerate them, if only for business.

Jares feels prepared to confront Filundan, but has decided to wait. Better than just winning, it would be better to utterly crush his father, and demonstrate him ho pathetic he is. And there´s no hurry: elves live a long time. Meanwhile, he´s travelled to Silverymoon, knowing well that in the north there will be many opportunities for getting a job.

Why Jares is so awesomely cool, and by cool I mean totally sweet
-Jares main strenght is melee combat. He´s not a one trick pony: he can stay mobile, with Spring attack, or dealing if needed about a couple hundred damage in a full attack without previous preparation. With his spells, he doesn´t worry about his lack of ranged attacks. He´s also quite durable, having decent AC and enough defensive spells to reduce hits suffered to a fraction. Some of those can be used on other party members too, helping the whole group.

-Most of his spells are directed to make him better at fighting, but he still have several very helpful utility spells that he can cast or prepare in a unused slot. Being a full wizard, and non specialized, new spells are easy to come by, if the group really need them, so he´ll never run out of options.

-Jares´ background is relatively mundane and plausible, and yet original. He didn´t fell on another world, was kidnapped by monsters, or has unexplained powers tied to greater gods or demon princes that should be included in the adventure, but somehow aren´t. He´s easy to introduce and his mercenary background makes possible for the DM to invent as many friends and enemies as he want.

-I shaped the numbers around the concept and background and not the other way around[/sblock]
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First Post

Are we still allowed to double up on prestige classes? I did not think so, since it was not mentioned at the start of this thread, but do correct me if I am wrong.

I'll place a detailed build and equipment list today.



First Post
whoops.. my bad...
I'm one of those people that "If doesn't say that cannot do it, then ... well.."

All the feats and requirments work out. So let me know if I need to rework this.



Character Concept

As mentioned in the earlier thread I would be interested in a Warlock/Wizard mix. I might toss a little something extra in there like a level or two of bard or rogue for some social skills and color, but likely just the two core classes. I was thinking either a human or an elf, but perhaps an Illumian from Races of Destiny would work if they fit with your vision of the Realms. Let me know what you think. For sources I'll stick with the PH and Complete Arcane mostly, but I might pick up a feat or some gear as well as background from the Realms lore. About me, I've been playing role-playing games since just before AD&D came out in the late 70's. I've played several different systems over the years (hero system, rolemaster, chill, shadowrun, space opera, traveler, warhammer, carwars, and others I'm forgetting), but keep coming back to D&D. I like to DM more than play and am currently running a couple of games on the boards and have an idea for another. I am married and have two teenagers and a one year old, so my face to face gaming has dropped off to almost nothing, but I am very active in pbp gaming. I have the opportunity to post most week days, often several times, sometimes in the evenings and irregularly on the weekends depending on family plans. I like to run homebrews, but I've had player experience (and a little DM experience) with Forgotten Realms as well as other published settings. I have a pretty good collection of source books. In terms of games I like a good mix of combat, social and investigative/puzzling. I enjoy a group that can have a little character interaction, but not one that wants to spend weeks of realtime in the tavern deciding on lunch. In play by post games, I like good descriptive writing and reasonable grammer, but I figure anyone who can only spell a word one way lacks imagination. If you like the character in concept I can have a rough draft out today and a finished character by Friday. Oh, an I do enjoy a beer at the gaming table, but since the boss won't let me drink on the job and the wife won't let me drink in front of the kids, my posts will normally be sober.

1st Rogue/Warlock
2nd Wizard/Warlock
3rd Wizard/Rogue
4th Wizard/Warlock
5th Wizard/Warlock
6th Wizard/Warlock
7th Wizard/Warlock
8th Wizard/Warlock
9th Wizard/Warlock
10th Wizard/Warlock
11th Wizard/Warlock
12th Wizard/Warlock
13th Wizard/Warlock
14th Wizard/Warlock
15th Rogue/Warlock
16th Wizard/Warlock
17th Wizard/Warlock
18th Wizard/Rogue
19th Wizard/Warlock
20th Wizard/Warlock
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I aim to misbehave
Here is the class mix and breakdown for my psion/rogue. I'll add it to my post above as well for completeness:

1st: Psion / Rogue
2nd: Psion / Rogue
3rd: Psion / Rogue
4th: Psion / Rogue
5th: Psion / Fighter
6th: Fighter / Elocator
7th: Psion / Elocator
8th: Rogue / Elocator
9th: Rogue / Elocator
10th: Psion / Elocator
11th: Rogue / Elocator
12th: Rogue / Elocator [Psion 7 / Rogue 8 / Fighter 2 / Elocator 7]
13th: Psion / Elocator
14th: Rogue / Elocator
15th: Rogue / Elocator
16th: Rogue / Shadowmind
17th: Psion / Shadowmind
18th: Rogue / Shadowmind
19th: Rogue / Shadowmind
20th: Psion / Shadowmind

Final Tally: Psion 10 / Rogue 13 / Fighter 2 / Elocator 10 / Shadowmind 5


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