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To Catch a Crimelord, or Down the Rabbit Hole (garyh judging)

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First Post
Grim reacts quickly, he has a chance to act before the enemies arrive.

*Your DM messed up. I read the sblocks for a different creature. No surprise round, they had no ranks in stealth

Grim - you can't see any foes from your current vantage point. Map hasn't changed from last update, just that everyone heard the sounds (everyone can read the sblock)

So Grim should be taking a full turn, or one surprise action?



Since Grim rolled a higher init than everyone else in the battle, he activates Hunter's Privilege, gaining an additional 3 damage to his Quarry.

Grim also readies an action to charge the first enemy that rounds the corner.


First Post
[sblock=ooc all]
Please ensure that you have stat blocks in your combat posts, with current hp, unused and used resources, etc. Also, if you do an action, please ensure you roll the dice with it.[/sblock]

Grim gets ready for the coming foes. A horrible sight emerges from the darkness, entering the light of Georg's spell. The dwarf-sized creature is covered in gore, bits of flesh and organs splay the front of his dirty ratty clothes. It pulls out a cleaver and begins moving towards Kruk. Before the dwarf can react, Grim rushes past stabbing the enemy with his large sword. The 'dwarf' continues moving around the bugbear, drawing another attack, but this time it parries the large blade with it's cutting tool. It looks like it's waiting for something.

Another 'dwarf' emerges from the darkness, itself clutching a rusty cleaver also. This one has a spleen in its left hand that it continues to hold as it advances towards Grim. The sight of the bugbear's back is to tempting and it drops the organ, grabbing Grim with its now free hand and biting hard on the ranger's shoulder and pulls him close. A terrible wound is given as it bites hard on Grim's neck, leaving a bleeding wound. This seems to cause the other 'dwarf' to go into a bloodlust,"Leave some of it for me brother!" it hisses as it swings the rusty weapon into Grim's stomach, another wound appearing there. With a roar, Grim throws the enemies off and parries their clumsy strikes with his twin weapons. One more appears from the darkness, this one moving quickly. The cleaver cuts a deep wound in the bugbear.

One the other side, another 'dwarf' moves out of the darkness into the sunrod's range. Like the others, this one looks to have been feasting on the corpses here. It moves to circle around Raiyek. Hoping to catch the elf distracted another dwarf moves quickly from the darkness, but the paladin's armor is thick and the rusty weapon scratches loudly off the plate.

The thundering steps grow louder, you see the the owner of those steps emerge near Raiyek as it moves out of the small tunnel, having 'squeezed' through. It is a large 'dwarf, looking to be the stitched together from other dwarf's body parts. The creature stands a few feet taller than Raiyek as it looks down on him, "More food!" it bellows.

Grim's charge - vs ac; dmg (1d20 10=27, 1d10 6=16) hits for 16
Grim's OA - vs ac; dmg (1d20 9=14, 1d10 6=14) miss

Zombie 88 moves to H28, readies an action (basic attack when zomb 40 gets to flank, vs ac; dmg (1d20 10=30, 1d6 3=4) crits for 9 damage.
Zombie 40 moves to J28, bites Grim as a minor - vs ref (1d20 8=26) hits, ongoing 5 damage (save ends) this triggers an attack from 88 - vs ac; dmg (1d20 10=16, 1d6 3=8) miss. Then 40 slashes Grim vs ac; dmg (1d20 10=13, 1d6 3=5) miss... again
Zombie 18 - charges Grim vs ac; dmg (1d20 9=27, 1d6 3=8) hits for 8
Zombie 51 - double moves
Zombie 44 - moves and charges Raiyek - miss vs ac; dmg (1d20 9=14, 1d6 3=4)
Big Zombie - emerges from the shadows, double moved

Grim: 18/35 - ongoing 5 damage (save ends)

Grim - 19
Bad Guys - 17
Raiyek - 15 <- you're up
Kruk - 15
Georg - 14
Carolina - 10
Lily - 5
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First Post
Kruk, let them come to you! I'll help Grim!


If Kruk doesn't move forward I think Lily can extract Grim from the flank with the free shift granted by the the spirit companion.

I'll write up my turn proper once I have a better idea of what everyone's action is since Lily is riding so low in the initiative list.



First Post
"What!?...I don't know what type of crazy move you have in mind Lily, but I'll do what ya say. I hope ya don't mind though if I take a swipe of this one in front of me!...Hmmm...wait...I have an idea"

Kruk swings at the zombie to his southwest

movement: none
minor: none
attack: tide of iron at zombie 18: 1d20+9=15 for 12 points damage and pushing his target to k28, and in turn taking his spot at j27

mark zombie 18

let me know if that was a hit or miss. I have more stuff I want to do this round depending on the whether or not the attack was a success

Adverse Condition: None
Initiative: +1
Kruk- Male Dwarf Fighter Level 3
*Passive Insight 13
*Passive Perception 13
*Senses low light vision
*HP 48
*Bloodied 24 Surge Value 12; Surges Per-Day 12
*Fortitude 18 Reflex 14 Will 14 Speed 5
*Save +5 vs. poison
+armor bonuses: resist 5 fire & resist 5 necrotic
*action Points: 1
*Second Wind: 1
basic attack:+1 Thundering Battleaxe: To Hit: +9: Damage 1d10+5: additional 1d6 for a crit
*At will:
Brash Strike
Tide of Iron
Passing Attack
Parry and Riptose
Comeback Strike
Thundering Weapon power
Cloak Power
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Lord Sessadore

"I'll keep these ones busy!" Raiyek calls to his allies, turning to face the zombies coming from the rear. "I am your opponent, undead!" he shouts in challenge to the nearest zombie, channelling the power of Palladys through his sword as he slashes. As the attack lands he smoothly slips into the midst of the undead, giving them a tempting target.
[sblock=OOC]Minor: Divine Challenge zombie in F21. (Marked, 5 radiant 1/round if attack doesn't include me.)
Standard: Holy Strike vs. zombie in F21: 1d20+8=19 vs. AC, 1d10+7=14 radiant damage. (The roll says 1d20+7=18 because I screwed up setting it up >.>)
Move: shift to E21. Gives Carolina a good flank if she wants it ;)[/sblock]
[sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 3
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 19; Low-light vision
AC:23, Fort:16, Reflex:17, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP: 39/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges Left:11/11
Resist 1 all, Resist 5 poison
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands (3/3)

Piercing Smite
Strength from Valor
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Hunter's Quarry

Paladin's Judgment
Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.[/sblock]


First Post
That is a miss. Their AC is higher than 15, but 27 18 or lower.

As an FYI to all. Once I'll try and keep a running tally of what attacks have hit/missed to create a band as to the enemies AC/NAD's. That way you "earn" the information.

Edit: Raiyek just posted while I was writing this one so his is a hit. Updated above.

Voidrunner's Codex

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