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To the Noble Born. (finished)


Rogues Gallary

WarShrike - whats the name of your father? his heir? and the families highest title?
Your family is probably one of the best trading famlies, as many look only to thier land.
Was the family created after the revolution or did they exist before it? The business ethic sounds like new nobility to me.

The two Dukes are the largest landholders, and have 2 or 3 viscounts and several barons sworn to them.
Counts have either 1 more more barons sworn to them, or control of a large town/small city, and serve the king directly.
Barons are the smallest landholders many control only the land within a days march (12 miles radius or 24m across)

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First Post
I was thinking that the Anuvien family wasn't noble, just very rich and influential, with trade routes to the 4 corners of the known land. Xaros would be House Anuvien's chance to get into the nobility, or so that's the patriarch's plan.


WarShrike- There really aren't really merchant houses, the lands are in a primitive social system that is dominated by the feudal noble class. The population centers are not large enough, for trade to be really profitable. South Denumbria is a little isolated form things like coasts and good roads, for there to be lots of regular trade to far lands, If your family did engage in such trade then they would not send you out on your own but instead require you to travel with house caravans instead.

What is profitable is shipping raw materials into the city of Laviner and luxury goods back out to isolated nobles. If your family did most of their business in a city which despises vice, but where vice is running rampant, that really showcases your opportunities to misbehave, and the families anger about it. (by vice I mean loose women, dancing and drinking, not more serious vices.) Does this work for you?

Although without 2 colluding noble house the premise of the game will need an adjustment.
We still need someone with a family of significant rank to legitimize the expedition.

Zaset - are you still planning to add a character?


First Post
Evilhalfling said:
We still need someone with a family of significant rank to legitimize the expedition.

Zaset - are you still planning to add a character?

I was planning on being the son of a count. Rather merely a viscount's son or baron's daughter. Would that be appropriate enough? Should I retool to be from a duchy?

And yes, I am. I'll have it posted Sunday. Ish. I have no idea what time zones are in effect here, but by, say, noon Sunday GMT, I'll have something posted.

I saw your code for the show-hide button. I'm seeing another bit of code inside other people's stat blocks... it says "Code" and has a scroll button. HOw the devil do I get my character in the same format as theirs, like that?

That's pretty much been my major hurdle.

After that, I'm sure I'll need to make a couple adjustments, so a MOnday start is still good. Alth9ough we could start Sunday, if everything gets okayed.


Any chance of Horsemanship being considered class skill for everyone since we're all nobles?


Zaset said:
I'm seeing another bit of code inside other people's stat blocks... it says "Code" and has a scroll button. HOw the devil do I get my character in the same format as theirs, like that?
That one would be the <CODE>Text</CODE> tag, with [ ] instead of < >. The thing I like about it is that it doesn't cut off several spaces next to each other.


Dekana said:
That one would be the <CODE>Text</CODE> tag, with [ ] instead of < >. The thing I like about it is that it doesn't cut off several spaces next to each other.

It always seems to need tinkering with when I use it, so expect lots of previews with small adjustments. luckily you will only have to do it once. Another idea is to quote someone else's character then go back and change all the names and numbers, leaving the format and tags.
then at the end - erase the <quote> tag.

Count is fine btw.


First Post
Evilhalfling said:
We still need someone with a family of significant rank to legitimize the expedition.

I'd be willing to fill in this gap if it's still available by a human fighter or ranger PC. Why don't you supply me with my family pedigree and I'll do the rest.


First Post
I apologize. That took 5 times what it ought to have to format acceptably.
If I've made any mistakes, let me know.
If anything's unclear or doesn't fit well, let me know.
If you have any criticisms, tell me. EVERYTHING is subject to change. Even if you think the name is ..... bad. Tell me. I'll see what I can do.

Rayburn Hathwick:
Name: Rayburn Hathwick
Class: 1 Rogue/1 Wizard
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Religion: Passively Pelor

Str: 10 +0 (02p.)   Level: 2       XP: 1000
Dex: 14 +2 (06p.)   BAB: +0        HP: 12 (d6+2)+1/2(d4)+2
Con: 14 +2 (06p.)   Grapple: +0    Dmg Red: 0/0
Int: 16 +3 (10p.)   Speed: 30'     Spell Res: 0
Wis:  8 -1  (0p.)   Init: +2       Spell Save: +0
Cha: 12 +1 (04p.)   ACP: 0

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +0    +0    +2    +0    +0    +0    12
Touch: 12              Flatfooted: 10

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                     +0    +2    +0     +2    
Ref:                      +2    +2    +0     +4
Will:                     +2    -1    +0     +1

Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical
Shortbow                  +2       d6(+1d6 SA) 20x3
Rapier                    +0       d6(+1d6 SA) 18-20x3
Short Sword               +0       d6(+1d6 SA) 19-20x2

Languages: Reintish, Elven, Halfling, Dwarven

Abilities: Summon Familiar, Empathic Link, Sneak Attack (+1d6), Trapfinding

Feats: Combat Expertise, Skill Focus: Knowledge: Arcana (Human), Scribe Scroll (Wizard Bonus), Alertness (w/ Familiar)

Trained Skills (8 Rogue + 3 Int Mod + 1 Human + Feat + Multiclass)

Skill Name:  Skill Mod: (Trained +1/2 Lev. +Ab. Mod +Tool)
Acrobatics:           7 (5 +1 +1)
Deception:            9/10 (5 +1 +1 +2 Kit/+3 Familiar)
Cryptomancy:          9 (5 +1 +3)
Disable Device:       11, 9 (5 +1 +3 +2; 5 +1 +1 +2)
Gather Information:   7, 9 (5 +1 +1; 5 +1 +3)
Knowledge: Arcana:    9 (5 +1 +3)
Perception:           7, 9 (5 +1 -1 +2; 5 +1 +3)  (7 when Alertness in effect)
Persuasion:           7 (5 +1 +1)
Sleight of Hand:      8 (5 +1 +2)
Spellcraft:           9 (5 +1 +3)
Stealth:              8 (5 +1 +2)
Survival:             5 (5 +1 -1)
Use Magic Device:     7 (5 +1 +1)

Untrained Skills:       (Level + Ab. Mod)

Appraise:             4 (1 + 3)
Athletics:            7 (5 +1 +1)
Concentration:        3 (1 + 2)
Horsemanship:         3 (1 + 2) (Dex)

Equipment:                Cost  Weight
Wand of MM (Lv. 3)      2250 gp  ---
Familiar (Snake)         100 gp    2 lb 
Explorer's Outfit         10 gp    8 lb
Rapier                    20 gp    2 lb
Shortsword                10 gp    2 lb
Shortbow                  30 gp    2 lb
Arrows (20)                1 gp    3 lb
Spell Component Pouch      5 gp    2 lb 
Warhorse, light  	      150 gp  ---
   Load (Current)        429 lb (Light)
   Light: 230   Med: 231-460  Heavy: 461-690
   Drag: 3450 lb
-Saddle (military)        20 gp   30 lb
-Saddlebags                4 gp    8 lb
-Feed                      1 gp  200 lb
Handy Haversack         2000 gp    5 lb
-Main Compartment               77.5 lb
Nobles' Outfit            75 gp   10 lb
Associated jewelry       100 gp  ---
Signet Ring                5 gp  ---
Scholar's Outfit           5 gp    6 lb
Peasant's Outfit          .1 gp    2 lb 
Rope (hempen)              1 gp   10 lb
Lantern (bullseye)        12 gp    3 lb
Oil (flask) (x10)         10 gp   10 lb 
Empty Sack (x4)           .4 gp    6 lb 
Flask, Empty (x3)         .1 gp  4.5 lb 
Rations, trail (x8)        4 gp    8 lb 
Pot, Iron                 .5 gp   10 lb
Bedroll                   .1 gp    5 lb
Blanket, Winter           .5 gp    3 lb
-Left Compartment               15.5 lb
Arrows (80)                4 gp   12 lb
Flint and Steel            1 gp  ---
Inkpen                    .1 gp  ---
Ink (1 oz vial)            8 gp  ---
Paper (10 sheets)          4 gp  ---
Sealing Wax                1 gp    1 lb
Chalk (90 pieces)         .9 gp  ---
Map case                   1 gp   .5 lb
Candle                    .2 gp  ---
Hammer                    .5 gp    2 lb
-Right Compartment                10 lb
Thieves' Tools, MWK      100 gp    2 lb
Disguise Kit (10 charges) 50 gp    8 lb
(Wallet with 30 gp hidden in this pocket)

Total Gear Value: 4985.5 gp (Including hidden wallet)

Total Weight: 26 lb      Money: 10 gp 40 sp 50 cp (actual coinage)

                          Lgt    Med    Hvy    Lift   Push
Max Weight:              33 lb  66 lb  100 lb 200 lb 500 lb   

Spells Prepared
0 (3): Read Magic, Message, Prestidigitation
2 (1+1): Mage Armor, Color Spray

Resistance           -- Abjur -- 0
Acid Splash          -- Conj -- 0
Detect Poison        -- Div -- 0
Read Magic           -- Div -- 0
Daze                 -- Ench -- 0
Dancing Lights       -- Evoc -- 0
Flare                -- Evoc -- 0
Light                -- Evoc -- 0
Ray of Frost         -- Evoc -- 0
Ghost Sound          -- Illus -- 0
Disrupt Undead       -- Necro -- 0
Touch Fatigue        -- Necro -- 0
Mage Hand            -- Trans -- 0
Mending              -- Trans -- 0
Message              -- Trans -- 0
Open/Close           -- Trans -- 0
Acrane Mark          -- Univ -- 0
Prestidigitation     -- Univ -- 0
Mage Armor           -- Conj -- 1
Mount                -- Conj -- 1
Comprehend Languages -- Div -- 1
Identify             -- Div -- 1
Magic Missile        -- Evoc -- 1
Color Spray          -- Illus -- 1

Familiar: Snake (Tiny Viper)

Age: 23
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 170 lb
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Blond
Skin: Fair (Unhealthy Pale)

Rayburn is a tall, thin human with a pallid, sallow complexion common to the Hathwicks. The most distracting feature of his face is his shock of blond hair, which he rarely attempts to tame. Gray eyes dominate his clean-shaven face. He wears his family colors of forest green and stone gray, representative of their home, in court; however, he often "slums" it in various outfits he's picked up along the way. Most often he can be seen in a standard explorer's outfit, with a tiny viper occasionally peeking out of one of the large pockets.[/sblock]

Hathwick Manor was originally a fort from before the goblins ruled the area. After they were driven out, little remained of the ruins except a stout foundation in a defensible location. The Hathwicks seized upon this, and turned it into their county seat. Now known as the city of Hathwick, it controls a larger than average area for a county, though the area is very sparsely populated compared to other regions of South Denumbria. The majority of the county consists of forested hills, but the land is arable where it's not forested, or where forest has been cleared. Even the forested areas produce game in plenty. In addition, a small number of mines for non-precious ores and minerals -- lead, tin, quartz, non-gem feldspars, mica, and the like --- are worked and exported, or turned into finished goods and then exported. The major asset to the kingdom in this area, indeed, is the keep at the center of town and its outlying barracks. Taken together, these assets allow for a comfortable existence for the Hathwicks, if not as lucrative as some of the other larger or richer counties, or even viscountcys.

The Honorable Raymond Hathwick (proper title) is the 4th son of The Count Hathwick, Guyver being his given name (to those of proper station). Coddled by his mother Ophelia (born a Redwold) when he was young, his father took a stern hand with him after he was first sent to court. He preferred weapons of finesse such as the rapier, another trait for which his father derided him; the Hathwicks are somewhat renowned for martial prowess and their yearly jousting competitions are fierce. Despite having 4 brothers and 3 sisters, he never formed any lasting filial bonds. Indeed, the only tutors he ever paid much attention to were his father's magical retainer, the chief smith (having been fascinated with dwarves), and the unsavory sorts his father hired from time to time. Growing resentful of the ever-present authority, he took to sneaking down into the slums and taverns that skirted about the town. He'd spend many a night telling or listening to rowdy tales with the other patrons, looking not at all ill-at-ease, and learning how to not draw much attention. After falling in with a rough crowd and escaping the local constable one too many times, he was finally caught. After his identity was revealed, he became a great embarassment to his family. His father offered him a choice: be disowned, or leave town and take up study at a wizard's academy. Though their relationships are strained, neither is foolhardy enough to think being estranged would be good for either of them. He chose to take up study at a wizard's academy. His father still thinks he's a bit of a wastrel, but has occasionally deigned to note his son is somewhat intelligent, if without discipline. It's rumored that Count Hathwick oraganized the expedition in part to try and show Rayburn is not as base as some nobles have come to regard him... though it's possible his father is also hoping he'll get rid of that infernal pet snake he picked up at the academy.

If you decide to give me 10 instead of 12 skills, I'll retool for Athletics and Sleight of Hand to be untrained. If you think it would theme-y, too, I could swap either of those for a perform or a craft, both those being rogue skills. Took one skill for being a wizard as multiclass and a feat for another.

Should I post my familiar's stats in here too?


Snake, Tiny Viper  	
Size/Type:    Tiny Animal 	
Hit Dice:     2 (Master's level)
HP: Half Master's (6 hp) 	
Initiative:   +7 	
Speed: 	    15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft. 
Armor Class: 	18 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural +1 Fam. adj.)
     Touch 15 
     Flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: 	+0/-11 	
Attack:   Bite +5 melee (0BAB +3 Dex +2 Size) 
          Damage: (1 plus poison)
Full Attack:  Bite +5 melee (1 plus poison)
Space/Reach:  2½ ft./0 ft. 
Special Attacks: 	Poison (DC 10 1d6 Con, 1d6 Con)
Special Qualities: 	Scent, improved evasion,
share spells
Saves: 	Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: 	Str 4, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 2
Balance +11
Climb +11
Hide +15
Listen +6
Spot +6
Swim +5
Balance +11
Climb +11
Hide +11
Listen +7
Spot +7
Swim +6
Feats:        Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Environment:  Temperate marshes 

Description: This tiny snake has a diamondlike pattern to its green and gray scales. She rarely opens her mouth, flicking her tongue in and out often instead. She watches constantly, her eyes darting all around, but doesn't seem to enjoy any attention received: she will meet stares until the person watching looks away, or, alternately, hide in Rayburn's pocket. She seems almost amused when he uses prestidigitation to cause a finger of fire to make it appear as though she can breathe fire.
Just did. Unless you're ruling no familiar, which is also cool. I'll have to edit it later to reflect where all her scores come from for skills... though I pretty much copy/pasted it from the D20 SRD, Hypertext Edition, and then hand-edited the adjustments for familiars.

BTW, Snow makes everything move slower than it should, as do rain, sleet, and incompetent snow removal crews and/or city government. Sorry for the delay. ><

And as soon as I get the OK here I'll post it in the IC thread.

EDIT Updated the skills in my post with Alertness and UT athletics, and Agatha's Int score.
Last edited:


First Post
wysiwyg said:
I'd be willing to fill in this gap if it's still available by a human fighter or ranger PC. Why don't you supply me with my family pedigree and I'll do the rest.

There's 2 major duchies, several Counts and their respective counties, and some viscountcies.

No one's the son of a Duke, yet. And more are always merrier.

Go to town, I say. Up to Evilhalfling though.

Voidrunner's Codex

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