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Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!


Slowly arching a well-groomed brow, the Elf before you - sitting on a pole with his back of one of the ships docking. He's dressed in a very stylish, yet utilitarian manner, with short, dark hair texturized with what you can only guess to be candle wax. He gazes at you all incredulously, with piercing blue eyes, and you cannot help but notice the splended rapier belted at his side.

Gently, he places one foot on the dock and leans toward you a bit, looking Zinovii up and down, "Ah," he snorts, "you're Illdainian - what would you want with common people such as we?"

Curteously, he gives a small bow to Christian, and Carrie, as he stands fully, "I'd imagine most anyone could use an Elven adept, and the only news of interest I've heard is the bit about an uppity Elven noble mucking about in the docks."


"You wouldn't want to meet..him," the child sputters, "don't make me, please?" He quickly looks about him, before looking at both Kail and Dembrilion imploringly. "Fine! Give me double what you said, and I'll tell you whatever you want, honest!"

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"M-marion," he stammers, as if he were speaking blasphemy beyond imagining. At that, his eyes grow wide, and his jaw drops. From behind Kail and Dembrilion, they hear a man clear his throat.

"If fact, you don't have much of a choice in meeting Marion, the Beggar King," rolls a deep voice from behind them.


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Dembrilion turns to the voice and smiles, "Great, that means I won't have to wait till tonight." He hands the child the rest of his pay, and whispers to him, " I trust this won't get you in too much trouble."

He walks to the man and hands his two daggers hilt first and says, "I assume you'll be wanting these from me. Now would be so kind as to lead the way to the King."

{ooc - deducting the 40gp from my online character sheet, and should I be making a new character now? ;)}
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The man standing behind you looks precisely like the men Kail noticed, near Jasper's home, of sorts. He is dressed in quite filthy rags, with long, haggard hair framing his sharp and unshaved features. The longsword at his belt, however, marks him as something more. Pulling the cowl further over his head, he smiles darkly.

"I see you are complacent -- yet, you can keep those, they won't be much use to you, anyhow."

He makes a gentle nod to the boy, and awaits your passing.

OOC - I'm actually waiting on Kail for a bit, otherwise I'd speed things right along. And no, you don't need a new character, coward. :D

Mikey? Where are you?


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Dembrilion places his daggers back on his person, and turns to Kail, "Put that thing away, we're fine." Directing this towards the unknown man, "Lets head off." Dembrilion begins to make his way past the man since it appears he was waiting for Dembrilion to pass.

ooc - sorry I missed the "awaits your passing" part the times I've read through it.


Whimpering a bit, the boy falls into stride behind the dark man. He leads you through the center of The Hundred Yards, and proceeds to take countless paths and double-backs. Within a few moments, you are each quite lost - and obviously, this was the man's design.

He brings you to an alleyway, the child becoming more and more apprehensive as you approach. Stopping at a cellar door there, he stoops, and undoes a latch, flapping the doors wide. He leads you down short, cramped steps - slick with some sort of black mist. As you descend, the mist becomes a bit thicker, and even makes you feel a little sluggish. During the journey, stark white hands reach out of the mist and pull the child away.

After you've decended for an improbably long time, you find yourself in an ordinary cellar - yet, the blackish mist is thick here. The dark man who had lead you here quickly steps away, disappearing into the surroundings. The room trembles a bit, and you hear a low growl, not so much gutteral as sinister.

"Who seeks Marion, the Beggar King?" rolls out of the mist, low and booming.


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Dembrilion takes a small step forward, and in a sweeping bow, he says "Greetings, Your Majesty, I am Dembrilion and this is my companion Kail. We seek your audience." While bowing Dembrilion takes a quick glance trying to see where the voice came from and to get a view of his surroundings.

ooc - Diplomacy +7, Spot +11


The mist is nigh-impenetrable, rolling in slow currents about the cellar. You can make out the dim shape of the room you're in, but can discern no apparent exit save the one you came from. The mist seems to be thicker near the rear of the cellar, before you, and suddenly there are two pinpoints of a faint orange light.

"My audience?" Dembrilion and Kail seem nearly paralyzed with fear, "Why would you seek my audience?"

OOC - Dembrilion, upon your Spot check, you can vaguely discern the dim outline of great, spread wings just behind the faint orange lights.

Voidrunner's Codex

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