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Turning off the Notification pop up


Well, that was fun
Staff member
It would be immensely helpful to my bug-tracking if we could stick to one issue per thread, please. Thanks! otherwise I jsut get sidetracked and confused. I'm not very bright, y'know!

I know about the XP issue, but could we stick to the notification pop-up bug in this particular thread? I need to know who else is experiencing it, and then work out what those people have in common.

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Yeah - still happening here too.
Still annoying.
Keeps repeating the exact same notification over and over and over and over - nothing in the thread has changed - I don't need repeated notifications :hmm:
Abraxas, do you have AdBlock or something similar running that's blocking the new UI bar? I do, so I wonder if it's an unexpected complication of having done so.


Yes, I initiated the ADblock/ui bar fix once I read about it.
The weird pop-up behavior seems to be linked to a single poster who is on my ignore list.

How long is a notification supposed to stay in the Notifications Overview?
The one that shows up in the pop up has been in there for 2 weeks now...

These are currently the only notification settings I have enabled.

Enable Notification on Profile Comment
Enable Notification on new Experience Points
Enable Notification of private message
Enable Friend Request Notification
Enable Notification awaiting moderation
Enable or disable modern Private Message style

So far today the pop-up hasn't shown up



Well, that was fun
Staff member
I think we have out answer. The only two people experiencing the bug are the two who have blocked the script. You may need to be a bit more surgical about what you block.

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