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[UPDATED] WotC To Close Forums - Including D&D and M:tG (aka "Welcome New Forum Members to EN World!

WotC has announced that it will be closing its forums, which they refer to as a "former foundation of our community". The forums will close on October 29th. Of course, WotC's forum members are welcome here at EN World (although the expectations are a little different, so please do check the rules if you sign up!) The forums have been around for nearly two decades, in various incarnations, but WotC cites the rise of social media platforms as the reason for the closure.

WotC has announced that it will be closing its forums, which they refer to as a "former foundation of our community". The forums will close on October 29th. Of course, WotC's forum members are welcome here at EN World (although the expectations are a little different, so please do check the rules if you sign up!) The forums have been around for nearly two decades, in various incarnations, but WotC cites the rise of social media platforms as the reason for the closure.

Here's the announcement in full.

Choosing to retire a former foundation of our community was not an easy decision, but we feel that we must adjust our communications structure to reflect where conversations about Wizards of the Coast games are taking place.

Social media has changed significantly over the last ten years, and discussions about games aren't exclusive to company-hosted forums. The majority of community conversation takes place on third-party websites (such as Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and many other fantastic community-run websites), and it is up to us to evolve alongside our players.

We encourage past and current users to retrieve any information you want to retain from the Community Forums for both Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering. The shutdown will occur on October 29, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. PT. We want to provide enough time for our forum members to move their content, and we recognize that given our forum's vibrant user base and extensive history, this may take time. Any information still on the forums on the cut-off date will be deleted.

Thank you to all of our past and current forum users. You helped build our community into what it is now, and we look forward to continuing to interact with you on our many active social platforms.

WotC's Trevor Kidd had a little more to add.

"I could hop onto all the forums having this discussion or I can say it here and let it disseminate. I'm choosing the former. Moving away from running our own forums doesn't mean we think longer conversations or fan sites/forums aren't good or necessary. They are both good & necessary. From what I'm seeing, they flourish and you enjoy them more when they are run/managed by fans.

DnD & RPGs in general are all about story telling & talking with friends. It makes sense that we want to share those stories. So, it's vital that we have places to share those experiences & stories, like forums & fansites. But it's not vital that #dnd run those.

Closing our forums does not in any way lessen our interactions. We'll still be talking & lurking in your social media & fan sites. And the idea that forums are going away because dnd &/or magic are doing poorly - that's ludicrous! :p Both are doing very, very well.

We'll still be talking with you here, and elsewhere. Enjoy your new forum homes and don't forget to migrate your treasured content!

On the topic of losing forum content - it's tough, I agree. Once we knew we were going to close the forums, we also knew we weren't going to maintain the community site indefinitely, so we opted to pull the band-aid off quickly rather than let it linger."

Welcome to new members!

If you're a refugee from WotC's forums, you are very welcome here. You can register here at EN World by clicking here. You'll find out community busy and vibrant, and generally welcoming. We've been here over 15 years now, and there is tons of useful content here and lots of great resources which you're welcome to explore. These include:

(Announcement spotted initially by Critical Hits on the Twitters).

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Morrus pointed out earlier in the thread that XP and Laughs don't work with mobile browsing -- do they also not work on Chrome? I don't see an option to grant XP or laughs (but I'm also a relative newbie to the boards here).

Edit: I can actually see the options to grant XP and/or Laughs on other threads, but not in this one.

It was Tapatalk Morris mentioned, specifically. Clicking on the actual thread in normal mobile browsing and not through the news article allows Laughs and XP.

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Hey gang. I just posted up some tweets that will, I'm sure, make it over here. I still wanted to come in and say hi again, you'll likely be seeing more of me around. I know transitioning can be difficult, but I also know that this community is an awesome one and those that move this way will be in good company. While we'll likely keep interacting via twitter and doing bigger chats via reddit, I'll be here, lurking or posting and if there's ever anything I can do or anything I can answer, I will.

Tweets? We used to call those things "press releases". I'm not surprised a news and discussion website like Enworld would reprint your press release. It's certainly not some kind of new fangled 'social media' strategy.

I don't have a twitter account that I actually use and reddit can go DIAF. So I suppose I'll wait until it gets reprinted here to see it.


Because archiving it requires keeping the server running. And of course, WoTC only cares about the bottom line.
That would make sense, except they're keeping the website. And if WotC are truly so worried about the bottom dollar that the meager savings they make by deleting the content instead of marking it as read only (and to be honest, I doubt there are any actual savings) then I truly wonder how much of a success 5th edition truly was. Now given I do believe it was a success, I do not think they did this in an effort to save costs.

That's easy. Their goals are promotion, not discussion.

Social media is outward but less in-depth. Forums are insular, but more in-depth. They need outreach, not dissection. I think it's the right decision. Conveniently, I'm in the opposite business, so the latter benefits me more.
Directing energy and resources to social media in place of discussion forums makes sense. I do not know any tangible resources that can actually be directed to social media as a result of having deleted (instead of marking as read only) the discussion forums. As you said, we're talking pennies here, so this reasoning is actually not valid when discussing why would WotC choose to delete the forums (it is valid for the question of why would WotC not want to continue having the forums active).

Which is odd, with all the surveys they're releasing, you'd think there'd be one about forums, y'know, so they could actually make informed decisions. :/
WotC would have likely not liked the answers they would have received from such a survey so it makes perfect sense not to make the survey. They can probably guess that most people would advocate for a read only forum (it's also easy to do. Remove the login, register and forgot my password links) and clearly they didn't want to do that.


Is it possible that the traffic on the site had dropped so low that it simply wasn't considered worth keeping? I never used the forum, so, I have no idea, but, that does seem a possibility.

In any case, their loss is our win. Welcome folks. Enjoy the stay and let's talk about our hobby.

aramis erak

I am not trying to lessen the rudeness of that response you received... but I don't think that it was a moderator that made that response to you, just another user on the forum, because the moderators over at WotC basically don't make posts outside of those containing their warnings or explanations of moderation.

I admit, you might not be the person I remember seeing ask that question and receive that response, but I think you are.

He was, at the time, listed as the moderator for that particular subforum.


So, after a couple years long hiatus I wanted to return as an active poster to the Wotc forums. Huh, guess not!

Well, I've been reading this forum for a while, might as well start posting here!

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