What did you (or would you!) name your kids, and why?


My son is named Clark. While most folks assume it's a tribute to Superman, it's actually a tribute to Doc Savage. It was also one of the few male names The Missus and I could agree on. If he'd been a girl, we'd have gone with Lilith.

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Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
We named our first son Nicholas Arthur. "Nicholas" because we liked the name, and "Arthur" after my father's father.

Our daughter is Katharine Miranda - two famous Shakepeare heroines, as noted above. Given how strong-willed our Kate is, I may yet rue the day I named her that. :)

Our youngest son is Jonathan Reeve. (We thought briefly about making his middle name Nicholas in memory of his brother, but I didn't want to saddle him with that.) "Jonathan" because we like it, and "Reeve" is a family name that stretches back to the 17th century on these shores. I really wanted Reeve for his first name, but I couldn't talk the Missus into it...

A lifetime of naming D&D characters stood me in good stead when naming our kids, I think. One gets used to thinking about the rhythm and 'coolness' of a name. No kids named Orangejello for us!

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