To run: an epic Dark Sun game, for players who don't know all the old DS lore, in which we re-do a lot of the storylines and revelations of the Prism Pentad but with the PCs as the heroes this time round.
To run: a Dragonlance game in the spirit of the Dragonlance novels. Big romance, big melodrama, big epic destinies and tragedies. I've mostly got the plot for this one planned out, but i just don't have a group who'd be into that style of play.
To play or run: Warhammer 40k, in a system that I think fits the setting, which neither the FFG books or Wrath and Glory have done. (Mind you, 'fits the setting' is an elusive beast in 40k, because a system that fits a game of high-powered Deathwatch marines, Horus Heresy-era Shattered Legion survivors, or a Rogue Traders elite retinue does not fit a hardscrabble game set in the Necromunda underhive or in a penal Guard battalion)