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What To Do with Player?


Talk to him and let him know that you find his actions to be acts of evil and not fitting even for a neutral alignment. If he argues about that, then he simply has a different understanding about the alignments than you do. So then I would ask him to pick a different alignment so there are no "gray" areas and he won't think he can get away with doing evil acts.

If he still argues about your wishes, he may need to leave the group. I've had my share of problem players and the ones that constantly argues will always argue. You don't want that type of player in your group.

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First Post
Thomas Percy said:
He's 25 years old.
He know what he done, because he explained, good-aligned PCs are boring, unrealistic and not suitable for Real men.

Wow. Just wow. I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Kick him out. Don't even bother having him to another session.

He won't change (most likely) and even if he does it'll take more work and heartache in your games than it'll be worth.

I love the real men don't play good characters thing. I'll have to tell my husband that. He'll be amused.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Thomas Percy said:
He's 25 years old.
He know what he done, because he explained, good-aligned PCs are boring, unrealistic and not suitable for Real men.

You've got better things to do with your time and gave him a chance. Tell him to go find a "real man's game" where he'll be happy. ;)
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Thomas Percy said:
He's 25 years old.
He know what he done, because he explained, good-aligned PCs are boring, unrealistic and not suitable for Real men.

That means he lied to you as the DM and to the players. Tell him no 'Real Men' needed in this game, Good fantasy men will do fine. He will have respect fo ryou stainding up to him and beg to come back; he will even lie further and tell you that he will play Good but don't believe him.


I offer the wisdom of Henry Rollins:

if you'll give me one more chance
I swear that I will never lie to you again
because now I see the destructive power of a lie
they're stronger than truth
I can't believe I ever hurt you
I swear
I will never to you lie again, please
just give me one more chance
I will never lie to you again
I swear
that I will never tell a lie
I will never tell a lie
no, no
ha ha ha ha ha hah haa haa haa haaa
oh, sucker
I am a liar
yeah, I am a liar
yeah I like it
I feel good
ohh I am a liar
I lie
I lie
I lie
oh, I lie
oh I lie
I lie
ohhh I'm a liar
I lie
I like it
I feel good
I'll lie again
and again
I'll lie again and again
and I'll keep lying
I promise


First Post
Kae'Yoss said:
The premise was to create good characters, not evil sociopaths. He didn't adhere to the character requirements.

Someone who defies the DM like that can't be allowed to stay in a game.

I can't emphasize this enough.


First Post
pawsplay said:
I offer the wisdom of Henry Rollins:

if you'll give me one more chance
I swear that I will never lie to you again
because now I see the destructive power of a lie
they're stronger than truth
I can't believe I ever hurt you
I swear
I will never to you lie again, please
just give me one more chance
I will never lie to you again
I swear
that I will never tell a lie
I will never tell a lie
no, no
ha ha ha ha ha hah haa haa haa haaa
oh, sucker
I am a liar
yeah, I am a liar
yeah I like it
I feel good
ohh I am a liar
I lie
I lie
I lie
oh, I lie
oh I lie
I lie
ohhh I'm a liar
I lie
I like it
I feel good
I'll lie again
and again
I'll lie again and again
and I'll keep lying
I promise

There is no wisdom there,


First Post
librarius_arcana said:
There is no wisdom there,

I think the wisdom was...you can trust a person who has lied, but don't trust a liar.

As to this specific situation. I pride myself on being an excellent mediator, ambassador and diplomat. I am the glue that has held many of my previous groups together, provided a path for communication between people who refuse to communicate with one another and ultimately have taken on the responsibility for making the group dynamics work.

So, with that in mind, my advice?

Get rid of him...sorry, some people are beyond redemption and anyone who lacks the basic imagination and consideration to find a place as a "good" character and member of a team...has to go.

Sure, every now and then I've played an evil character for a change. But when the expectations are clearly set...I have an obligation to follow them. This individual had that obligation and failed completely.


Voidrunner's Codex

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