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What would you like to see WotC publish next?



Maybe the Monster Manual IV. Otherwise, I'm good on core stuff, thanks. I really have no use for MORE crunch (there's enough PrC's already, IMO).

Forgotten Realms:

Regional Books: Kara-Tur, Western Heartlands, Hordelands, Bloodstone Lands, Anauroch.

I'll also second the need for adventures. The FR modules in Dungeon seemed to have slowed to a trickle. WotC needs to pick up the slack.


Regional Sourcebooks: Xen'drik, Argonessen, Aerenal, Darguun, Valenar

A book on the dragonmarked houses.

An adventure campaign featuring an expedition to Xen'drik or Argonessen.



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First Post
BTW, a regional FR book covering Maztica, Zhakara, and Kara-Tur thankfully will not be done. This was posted officially. I saw this in a thread at Wizards awhile back.

I would love a Bloodstone Lands or Island FR book though.
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Troll Wizard said:
Magic Series Supplement
Well after Weapons of Legacy, I assume something more specific to Armor/Shield is in the works, then a book on Staves and Wands, Rods perhaps, one on Wondrous Items, and lets not forget rings.

Description of WoL
Also included are discussions of other magic items such as magic armor, rings, and staves.

Doesn't rule out a separate book but ...
Leaves Wondrous and Rods for book 2.
Maybe Constructs, portals/dungeon features, and traps (my preference but the target market would be small - DMs and item crafting players).

What can you say about Potions, scrolls, and wands?

Lars Porsenna

First Post
Sunderstone said:
Greyhawk Campaign Setting HC
what does it take to get WotC to listen already?
It's not that Wotc isn't listening; its that they just don't care! You need GH material? I'm sure Wotc would be more than happy to point you to Living GH...

That said I'd love to see a new HB, with all the "Name" spells converted, from all sources, major NPCs, Gazzetteer, history, etc. I seriously doub't we'll see one in the forseeable future, unless LGH collapses, Wotc reverses the trend of making GH "core," and the setting is outsourced to another developer...

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First Post
Sunderstone said:
BTW, a regional FR book covering Maztica, Zhakara, and Kara-Tur thankfully will not be done. This was posted officially. I saw this in a thread at Wizards awhile back.

I would love a Bloodstone Lands or Island FR book though.

Well damn, I would have loved an Arabian Adventures for 3.5 focusing on Zakhara, or a revised Oriental Adventures that covered Kara-Tur (like the first one shouild have instead of Rokugan).


my wishlist


Greyhawk campaign setting hardcover
Cold Lands book (Forgotten Realms)
Xen'drik book (Eberron)
Jungle environment book
Arabian Adventures




Li Shenron said:
Frankly, I don't have much to ask for at the moment... Some of the titles coming out next years are fairly interesting, but 2004 was quite disappointing for me, good ideas but bad development. I just can't stand any more player's stuff!!! :confused:

Well, until material for DMs begins selling better I suspect the focus will remain on products that players can get use out of. DM-only releases rarely sell enough to be worth the effort for a lot of publishers.


First Post
philreed said:
Until material for DMs begins selling better I suspect the focus will remain on products that players can get use out of

This may be a reality but I always have had a hard time understanding this fact. I'm my groups' DM and I would have to say that I probably purchase 3 print books for every one my players buy and in the pdf market the ratio is closer to 200 to 1. I haven't found that there is much out there for DM's that isn't a core book. I absolutely hate this current trend of books with some of everything so it appear broadly to some and directly to none. The most annoying part is the inclusion of monsters in player products.


First Post
Yes, I really do hate elForgotton Realms.

No frickin' FR, but that's never gonna happen. An Arabian Adventures book would be great though, since Al-Qadim was practically the only good thing to come out of that setting.

There will not be a book on Xen'drik for Eberron, the idea of it is that it is a blank slate that they've handed off to the makers of D&D Online to go beserk on. That said, I want a book on Sarlona.

A "Complete Wild", so wilderness characters can have fun like everyone else. And "Complete Adventurer" officially renamed "Complete Bastard". Psionics is amply covered in the XPH, although I wouldn't be suprised if they got a "Complete" book.

I'd like an environment book for Jungles, one for Underground with no attached FR bollocks (Underdark...pah!) And Monsternomicons for Constructs and Fiends, Draconomicon and Libris Mortis rocked. Codex Anathema could be good, but I doubt it'll have what I really want, a whole chapter on the Cerebrum Squids ;) .
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