D&D 5E Which one monstrous race would you like stats for?


First Post
Kobolds and Lizardfolk are my favorite, but I don't think we need official stats for them. Races are easy to homebrew, unlike classes which can screw up balance pretty quickly.

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Bourbon and Dice
Warforged (Looking forward to the final official write up.)
Gargoyles (the 4e ones look awesome IMO)
A plant race solely so I can create a plant-man monk named Broc Lee.

This is just me, but I don't see the need for new lizardfolk stats.

Take dragonborn. Make the breath weapon a poison spittle. Give them resistance based on the environment they come from. Change the flavor/description. Boom, you have workable lizardfolk. :)


There was just SOMEthing about the lizardmen alts in the 3e MM3 that appealed to me. Little poison-spitting fella and the large blackscale lizardman... not sure what but I really liked them.

I am really shocked at all of the lizardman love, though. Dragonborn - breath weapon = lizardman to me. Shrink to Small = Kobold.

Also, where the Grippli at?

Tony Vargas

I liked Kobold PCs since 3e, that's something that'd tempt me to build a character. Pixies in 4e were amazingly less broken & more fun than I expected (still broken, though) but IDK if they'd fit 5e (I'd expect a 5e pixie to do classic 1e pixie stuff, like turn visible at will, that'd be out of bounds for a PC) Sprites, maybe, instead. I did like Deva better than Assimar, but they're prettymuch fungible, one or the other's fine. Warforged, yes, robots have become a staple of D&D. ;)


First Post
Personally, I'd like to see stats for various real-world human analogies. Not even "Stats", per se, but just write-ups on Celts, Carthaginians, Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, etc. And I don't necessarily mean "mythology", which seems to be about as far as most books take things. I want names, culturally-specific rule tweaks, weird facts... the whole shebang.

If we're talking monsters, though... it's a tough question. There are so many good ones! I'll have to go with "Thri-Kreen", simply because I love Dark Sun and it's one of the harder races to convert on your own. "Half-Giant" would also work for the same reason.

Greg K

This is just me, but I don't see the need for new lizardfolk stats.

Take dragonborn. Make the breath weapon a poison spittle. Give them resistance based on the environment they come from. Change the flavor/description. Boom, you have workable lizardfolk. :)

I usually agree with you, but that only works if you think Lizardmen should have some kind of breath/spittle attack. It is not what I want. I want something more along the lines of Mayfair Games's Lizardmen for 2e (Kobold Press's Lizard Folk supplement for its Midgard setting also seems to be along the line of what I am looking for based on the preview).
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