Whirtlestaff's Wizards' Academy Revisited, IC01


Mowgli said:
Manny takes advantage of the Ogre's distance to slip around the back of the tent (O16) and hide.
You will be the last to act, given your low initiative. They will more likely be much closer then too.
rossrebailey said:
Max casts his Shield spell on himself and moves in monk combat fashion to R23 to further ready himself for attack.
Using Tumble skill for acrobatic combat movement (1d20+8=15)
Do you realize you moved straight down? Away from us and them? What was the tumbling for? Was it fluff, or am I missing something?


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The elf calls upon the spirits of nature to bind the Ogres to the spot.

OOC: Entangle DC12 reflex save, 40' radius spread centered on AC14 should easily catch them all. Duration 1 min.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
KerlanRayne said:
You will be the last to act, given your low initiative. They will more likely be much closer then too.

Roger, Kerlan; I am aware . . . I can read an initiative list as well :D . Once Leif posts the Ogre's actions I can adjust Manny's destination, but I know he won't take advantage of having advance knowledge of my intentions :cool: .

Invisible Castle's been treating me WRONG across the boards lately (with the exception of that 31 Hide check - I oughta be able to hide in the dang things' armpit hair with that roll . . . not that I'd want to commit suicide by odorifity or giant flea bite :D ).


First Post
KerlanRayne said:
Do you realize you moved straight down? Away from us and them? What was the tumbling for? Was it fluff, or am I missing something?


OOC: The tumbling was to get attention from the Ogres to persuade them to split up. Max will fight best if he has enough time to cast another spell before engaging in melee, so he needs the distance. Max expects that his companions know by now that he fights best in quick strikes, moving away and coming back as needed.


First Post
Xavier blanches at the sight of four rampaging ogres heading towards them, caught unprepared. He quickly pulls out a bit of butter from his component pouch and begins incanting the words to a spell.

After completing the requisite gestures and words of power, a thin layer of grease appears under the ogres, hopefully tripping them up and providing the rest of the mages more time to prepare themselves.

Casting Grease (hopefully catching all of them in it's area). I know I go after them so they'll probably be pretty close by then... GULP!

HP: 24/24
AC: 12, Touch: 12, FF 10
F/R/W: +3/+3/+6



Mowgli said:
Roger, Kerlan; I am aware . . . I can read an initiative list as well :D . Once Leif posts the Ogre's actions I can adjust Manny's destination, but I know he won't take advantage of having advance knowledge of my intentions :cool: .
OK. I just figured a lot might change before your turn happens.
rossrebailey said:
OOC: The tumbling was to get attention from the Ogres to persuade them to split up. Max will fight best if he has enough time to cast another spell before engaging in melee, so he needs the distance. Max expects that his companions know by now that he fights best in quick strikes, moving away and coming back as needed.
I was just checking. The characters might know your general tactics, but the players don't. Now I know.
Leif said:
OOC: What? No action, Kerlan?
Well I don't go until after the Ogres. What I do would depend on where they are and what the others do to them.



KerlanRayne said:
Well I don't go until after the Ogres. What I do would depend on where they are and what the others do to them.
Fair enough, as long as you understand that I won't be doing a new map for every initiaitve count, so it might be a decent idea to have some idea of what you will do now. [Oh, BTW, Mowgli is full of it! I don't adjust monster's actions to dump on the pcs plans!]

OOC: Still waiting to hear from Scott DeWar/Capizzio

[sblock=Scott DeWar/Capizzio]Just looked over your character sheet. You've got WAY too many first level spells in your spell book for a 2nd level wizard. The whole "spell-trading" thing is to be done IC this time around, so you haven't gained any that way, yet. Scroll copying is to be done IC also, so that can't have been done yet, so I'm at a total loss how you got so many spells?[/sblock]
Last edited:

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Leif said:
Fair enough, as long as you understand that I won't be doing a new map for every initiaitve count, so it might be a decent idea to have some idea of what you will do now. [Oh, BTW, Mowgli is full of it! I don't adjust monster's actions to dump on the pcs plans!]

OOC: Still waiting to hear from Scott DeWar/Capizzio

[sblock=Scott DeWar/Capizzio]Just looked over your character sheet. You've got WAY too many first level spells in your spell book for a 2nd level wizard. The whole "spell-trading" thing is to be done IC this time around, so you haven't gained any that way, yet. Scroll copying is to be done IC also, so that can't have been done yet, so I'm at a total loss how you got so many spells?[/sblock]

having internet connection problems...sill try again in am

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