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Wildwood Red in Tooth and Claw II [IC]


The dwarf's head shoots up "Hsst! Hold still, the ravens that stayed up above with the kills just went silent. Could be more goblins." He and Viktor strain to listen then Viktor says "Let's check it out." He says to the dwarf and then turns to the rest of you, the giant warzoder in particular. "Wait here, we'll scout it out." The two then move up the tunnel with surprising stealth, not a whisper of their steps can be heard.

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As the party waits for the two rangers to return and report, time passes slowly in the underground chamber.

Suddenly there is a great whoosh above that can barely be heard then screams of intense pain carry down to the chamber. A great roaring can be heard.

For those who understand draconic [SBLOCK]"Fools! I have claimed the Nexus of this Circle for my own! You thought to creep past me and steal what is mine? None may trespass on the territory of Chahntarka!"[/SBLOCK]


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NR4ZN follows Weylan to the tunnel. As it does so, its head spins around owl-like to address the newcomer. "I hope you can forgive my unspeakable rudeness Lady Inamar. Despite the exigent circumstances it is a pleasure to meet you."


As Weylan climbs up the tunnel the scream of pain dies off. As he nears the top of the tunnel he can taste on the air the stinging acrid scent that was found earlier but stronger.

Peering out of the tunnel he sees the dwarf a distance aways lying on the ground beneath the remains of a massive brush that might have provided cover before it was mostly dissolved away and denuded of all leaves and most of the underlying stems and branches. The dwarf looks horribly burned and his flesh bubbles and hisses. A lot of the underbrush in his area is similarly burned away and hissing can still be heard.

Revealed beneath some of the heavy underbrush is a large standing stone with runic patterns carved into them.

Off in the distance there is a crashing and a great green winged form with a long tail can be seen maneuvering among the trees, heading away at a great speed.

No sign can be seen of Viktor.


Firblain looks really bad. His skin is blistered and red and peeled away in spots. His leathers are partially dissolved and even his axe looks damaged where it lies on the ground next to him. A slight movement indicates he could still be breathing though. The stinging smell is pungent here and cuts the air. Breathing burns your throat just a little and forces a cough.


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Inamar jumps, not really expecting the construct to address her.

"Oh, thanks! It's...I mean, I'm glad you guys were here when I showed up. I'm not a Lady though. Just Inamar is fine."

She looks with some trepidation, up and out. She's not eager to follow, but when NR4ZN seems about to leave her alone down there, she quickly follows along.


As Inamar steps out of the tunnel behind NR4ZN the world regains its color and she gets her first view of the Forest. The light filtering from the tall trees has an odd red cast to it. Most of the trees are immense with many layers of branches. The canopy is not entirely solid and the reddish sunlight makes its way down in areas, particularly from the burned out area Weylan rushes to. There the trees sizzle and hiss still and are badly scarred, some dissolved away entirely. The dwarf lies on the ground with Weylan bending over him. Revealed by the lack of foliage is the large stone. As Inamar looks at it, runes float across her skin. Off in the distance the great crashing of something large moving among the branches can be heard, getting fainter, though a great roar from that direction punctuates the hanging quiet.


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Weylan does what he can to bandage Firblain & stabilize him for the trip, figuring they'll have to bring him back to town to get help.

"NR4ZN, can you take a quick look for Viktor while I patch up Firblain? Inamar, if you have any training as a healer he's hurt badly."

Voidrunner's Codex

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