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World of Low'verok

Isida Kep'Tukari

[OOC: We'll assume Noddy made his comment before Maven left and Elexia after she left...]

*Maven nods quickly, and leaves with the kettle. After about five minutes, there's a soft tapping on the door.*

"You wanted to see me? Again?" comes Raff's slightly quavering tone.

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Roight, lemme talk out here.

-Noddy slips out of the room and pulls the door shut-

Nae sense in disturbin their resting. Here, that mess in there a bit ago. Twas nae evil spirit nae daemon, ye can rest assurred. Yer inn tis nae tae become haunted. Twas a Wizard, I bet me not. One who could turn hisself into very air. We dinnae know exactly why, but ole Hisk has angered someone. He thinks it's his bleedin god what's mad at him. Age and separation from his home, I guess me, but he's a bit teched - earnest, but teched. Me? I'm betting there's sommat like a wizard hiding out there in the swamp making sure ole Hist there never comes home to discover the change in ownership, eh. I've dealt with guilds of the underhanded sort a time or two, if ye ken. That's the sort of thing they'd be about.

Noo look, I bet me my friends will quickly decide to go hunting this beastie come daylight. Iffen it is what I think, bein a wizard out there, ye'll be wantin that mob ye whistled up tonight to make ready in case whoever liked the swamp likes your town, too. But keep it quiet, eh. Nae sense in rufflin the women-folk, ye know. I bet me you know most everyone in town that amounts to much and a few what don't. Tell them tae keep their eyes extra-sharp til we get back.

What? What iffen we don't make it back? We've never not made it back yet, sir! And our lads and lasses what know a wee touch o the magick kin get ye a message from leagues away, iffen yer willin. Be good tae know that we had sommat waiting tae hear from us. Knowing this bunch, we'll be about making someone verra angry.

-Noddy grins and claps the man on the arm-

But oi - I have promises tae keep, so I'll be back. Family honor it is, never die with unfulfilled promises, y'see! Jest ye make sure the town is ready for whoever we find out there.

-Noddy hopes this reassures the man {Sense Motive check}, whether any of it is actually true or not {Bluff check, likely}. After talking with him, Noddy slips back into the room. He'll stay awake at least one watch and will wake a non-spellcaster first (do we HAVE a non-spellcaster other than me?), so as to preserve their rest for spell-memorization and will suggest this to his replacement. Noddy also wants to be left to sleep during said spell-prep, since he has nothing to prepare.-


Guest 11456

Gaoi bids the others a good night and goes to the other room to get ready for bed. Then he heads out back to the bath house and has a nice bath. Finally he returns to his room and settles back for some much needed sleep.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Noddy, Raff does seem somewhat reassured by your comments*

"We've been a bit on edge here, had some trouble with caravans and all, and with Hisk's... situation on top of that... well, most people are bit more wound up that usual. If you say you can stop this wizard or whoever his is from attacking anyone in town, then may all gods smile on your quest," he says, and goes back downstairs.

Gaoi bids the others a good night and goes to the other room to get ready for bed. Then he heads out back to the bath house and has a nice bath. Finally he returns to his room and settles back for some much needed sleep.
[OOC: Not even going to dignify Elexia's comment with a response eh? ;)]

*The bath water is pleasently warm with a mineral tang. There's a bed big enough to sleep three people (hardly unusual, even for unrelated or unattached individuals), as well as enough floor space for four to stretch out in each of the two rooms. Chamberpots are provided, and presumably emptied by the inn staff in the morning.*

*You take turns keeping watch throughout the night, but aside from Hisk having a bad dream, the night is fairly uneventful*

*The next morning the day is somewhat overcast and it threatens to rain, and the light is rather dim coming into your room. Despite the dreary weather, you can smell freshly baked bread wafting up from downstairs.*
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Syrrian will grab breakfast and eat it on the way to find Yasmira. When he finds her he will tell her that something urgent has come up and he will be unable to train with her. He gives her his best wishes and says he hopes to see her around some time.

After that he will gather up his stuff and make sure everyone else is awake and ready to go.

As they are assembling he says with a smile, "You know, as dangerous as this is looking to be, I can't help but feel a bit excited. It will be good to be on the move again, seeing the world, seeking adventure."

He takes a deep breath and promptly begins to cough and hack.

"And we'll be away from this horrible stench!" The elf laughs, clearly in a very good mood.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Starman said:
"And we'll be away from this horrible stench!" The elf laughs, clearly in a very good mood.
"You my dear Syrrian at least didn't have to sleep in the same room." Elexia does not seem to have slept well. She has changed into her 'adventuring clothing' and eats little.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Syrrian, you find Yasmira downstairs having bread, butter, and a small bowl of blueberries. She somewhat disappointed to hear you won't be sparring with her. Just before you leave though, she blurts out a question.*

"What in the name of the five heavens was going on last night?"


Guest 11456

1. Gaoi awakens and studies his spells for the day.
(0th: Dancing Lights, Disrupt Undead, Light, Resistance;
1st: Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Summon Monster I;
Note new spell selections also on character sheet.)

2. Gaoi heads downstairs and looks for Raff. "Could you please get word to Baron Elgin Kilsroff that I will not be able to perform for his daughter's birthday party?"

3. Once he has taken care of the party cancellation he looks for Maven. "You wanted me to vouch for you before the Elemental Guild Masters? Is there an Elemental Guild here in town?"

4. Once his business with Maven is taken care of, the air genasi heads for the Healer's Guild to check on the shipment of herbs.
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Ray Silver said:
*Syrrian, you find Yasmira downstairs having bread, butter, and a small bowl of blueberries. She somewhat disappointed to hear you won't be sparring with her. Just before you leave though, she blurts out a question.*

"What in the name of the five heavens was going on last night?"

Syrrian keep his voice low so as not to alarm anyone that might not know anything was going on last night.

"We were attacked by some strange thing apparently because we were helping the lizard man. That is actually why my companions and I are leaving in haste. Hisk has asked for our help and we do not any harm coming to anyone else because of our presence."

Isida Kep'Tukari

Tailspinner said:
Gaoi awakens and studies his spells for the day.
*As you prepare your magic for a fight, it seems that Syrrian and both priests are somewhat tense as well. Perhaps they are preparing or praying for similar magic.*

Gaoi heads downstairs and looks for Raff. "Could you please get word to Baron Elgin Kilsroff that I will not be able to perform for his daughter's birthday party?"
*Raff is still somewhat on edge from last night, and blinks at you once before seeming to understand the message.* "I'll get word to him. I hope he didn't promise her anything in the way of entertainment."

Once he has taken care of the party cancellation he looks for Maven. "You wanted me to vouch for you before the Elemental Guild Masters? Is there an Elemental Guild here in town?"
*Maven nods, and gives you a small curtsey*

"Yes m'lord. I can go right now," she says, and shoots an odd look at Raff. Raff studiously ignores her, and she sweeps out with you, showing a measure more of courage and confidence than yesterday. As you walk through the town streets, she speaks softly to you.

"I appreciate you doing this m'lord. I couldn't offer you much more than the wine last night. I'm living on Raff's sufference. He dallied with a serving girl who was a water genasi. She left shortly after, and showed up with a five-year-old, me, a few years later and demanded that he take care of me from now on. Raff, of course, was happily married and not very happy to see me. And when it became pretty clear he had earth blood in him somewhere because of what I am... Well, let's just say that's why he doesn't have any children older than eight. Mother left me because she thought Raff would be a better parent. 'Course, he won't pay for me to learn a trade, and I don't care to be a tavern wench all of my life. The Elemental Guild takes care of its own. I'll have to work hard, but at least I know I'll eventually learn something of value and get out of this town..." she comes to a verbal halt, and finally shuts her mouth. "Sorry m'lord, you didn't need to know my whole life."

*The Elemental Guide is next to the Healer's Guild, and marked with the four elemental symbols of earth, air, fire, and water. Inside is a large space with several comfortable chairs around a fireplace, and others around a table. Across the back is a long counter with a door behind it. Behind the counter is obviously a water genasi, with skin shining with tiny fish scales, and his hair soaking wet. He looks up from scribing something in a book and has an annoyed expression on his face.*

"Maven? I've told you a dozen times before that you can't join unless you get an independent genasi toooooo...." his voice trails off at he catches sight of Gaoi. He coughs slightly in embarassment and you detect a hint of red suffusing his cheeks. "So you have. Well, then, what is the gentleman's name?"

"This is Lord Gaoi Gustwig, an air genasi adventurer," she says, her head up, speaking clearly, showing little of the deference she showed you Gaoi. But you can see her hands she has clasped behind her back; her knucles are white, this is taking a huge amount of courage. The water genasi nods and comes out from behind the counter.

"Lord Gustwig, I am Lowel Waterborn. I just need you to observe the tests to make certain they're genuine. We need an independent witness and sponsor, as I'm sure she's told you. Now Maven," he says, "You've claimed you're an ooze genasi, and desire to be brought into the Elemental Guild. Ooze genasi can create a slick film by the power of their own elemental magic. Do it." Maven nods, and sweeps her hand in a wide arc away from her body, as if spreading something. Immediately a large part of the floor becomes covered in a thin layer of something dark and shiny. Lowel bends down and rubs his hand across it, and nods. Gaoi, this seems to be a true, inborn form of the grease spell.

"Good. Ooze genasi can also resist acid, so I must test you with than," Lowel says, going behind the counter and returning with a small slab of rock and a ceramic vial. He waves at Maven to sit down at the table, and lays the rock down. He carefully ustoppers the vial and pours a few drops on the rock, and you watch it bubble and leave score marks. "Put your arm on the rock Maven," he says, he expression stern. Maven closes her eyes, and lays her arm where he indicated. He pours several drops on the bare flesh her arm, but they have no more effect than water. Gaoi, you recognize this an an inborn ability to resist acid.

Lowel nods again. "Good. You've passed." Maven looks quite deliriously happy, and signs her contract where he indicates. Lowel waits for your confirmation that his tests were true, then has you sign on Maven's contract as a sponsor and witness.

*Gaoi, you recognize something about Lowel after you sign Maven's contract. "Waterborn" is a generic named used by water genasi if they don't know their parentage, or wish to disown their family. "Airborn" is used for air genasi, "Mudborn" for ooze genasi, and so on and so forth. Maven, you notice, signs her last name as "Mudborn."*

Once his business with Maven is taken care of, the air genasi heads for the Healer's Guild to check on the shipment of herbs.

*You leave Maven to converse with Lowel, and head next door to the Healer's Guild. Inside the place smells strongly of herbs, and is painted a soothing shade of green. Comfortable-looking chairs upholstered in shiny leather are scattered around, as are several low, flat benches covered with the same material. A large table is placed near the fireplace, and has a top of polished gray stone, though it's mostly covered with various pouches, small bundles, and other things. As with the Elemental Guild, there's a counter at the back, though it's fairly short, and a stout door behind it.*

*There's a human man at the large table, currently separating out various combinations of herbs and placing them into pouches. He's middle-aged, with dark blonde hair slightly streaked with gray. He's slightly short, and not particularly fat or thin. His face is weather-beaten, and heavily lined. He wears a simple tunic and trousers in shades of olive green and gray. He's wearing a wooden holy symbol of Obad-Hai, the god of nature.*

*He looks up after you enter*

"Ah, welcome to the Healer's Guild! I am Healer Brok Jarla, how may I be of help?" he says in a pleasant voice. After you explain who you are and why you're hear, his voice takes on a more business-like tone. "Very good, you're a day early. If you're ready to go, then I can give you the herbs now. There are three bundles. Three strong men could carry them, or if you have horses, that might be easiest. The horses won't eat them, they don't smell appatizing to them.

"At any rate you will be taking them south to Gajin*. The Healer's Guild needs them to combat the usual spread of filth fever. It's a dirty city, so it's a distressingly prevalent disease. The quickest route is straight through the swamp. I can give you a simple map when you come back to pick up the bundles... You did want to wait and come back when you had the rest of your group, yes? I'll give you the map then. If you are in need of any supplies like insectbane oil, you can get it here. It's only a silver for five uses' worth. If you need other general goods, Kerbat's Goods sells the widest amount of traveling supplies. And there's a smithy attached to Kord and Moradin's joint temple on the east side of town if you need things of that nature."

*(Gaoi, Gajin's a costal city, and it doesn't have a real savory reputation. Lots of crime, hints of piracy.)

[OOC: Fhew! (Wipes forehead) That was a long post. Ok all done now, post away!]
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