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(WoT) The Finding of the Dragon


THe Amerlin, a white haired woman with smooth skin, is sitting behind a large ornate desk, which seems to dwarf her... or would have if not for the presense that seemed to imulate from her, which made the large office seem to small for the woman.

Dressed in a silk gown made of red and blue, she seemed ready for a ball, though the multicolored stole across her shoulder reminds the people that enter that is not the case.

Walking into the office, Juair bows "Hello Mother. Is that what I should call you, or is that reserved for Sisters? Dont want to offend"

The Amerlin looks up at being adressed and waves to seats that sit infront of the large desk and answers "Yes, Mother is indeed the correct form of address. I have called you here to do something for me. Are you willing to help the White Tower and the whole world?" she asks, her eyes catching each of yours before you even reach your seats. Her face has a slight smile on it as if the words were ment to surprise.... though that could be what she wants you to think. Aes Sadai are supposed to be well schooled in their facial features, and the Amerlin should be the best of them.

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She smiles and says "I need you to find a baby." Seeing the disbelief on the faces of those present, she continues "Not any baby, a specific baby. And if you do find him, I need you to do two things. One: Follow it's family until it is settled permenantly, and two: Tell me. Any questions?"


I like to draw!
Mira speaks, kinda shocked and suprised.

"B-begging you pardon, Mother, I am just an Accecpted. If this baby is important enough to the Tower, wouldn't a full sister be better equiped for the job. I mean, I'm not even supposed to leave the city.

Andrew D. Gable

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"Why have you picked me?" Qaenora asks, offering a slight curtsey. "You've already said you won't help me... I'm just a farmer's daughter from Ghealdan..."


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Juair pipes up again "Why would baby grabbing need my skills? It seems much more of a big strong swordsmen and Aes Sedai job. Not to question your wisdom on such matters mother."



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After taking a seat with a plop, Jurak listens to the Amerylin speak. Upon hearing this he barks a sharp laugh, then speaks. "A baby?" He shakes his head in amazement, "You want us to just look after a particular baby? This is amazing. First you kidnap me, then perform some bizarre ritual, then put me in your prison, and you still haven't told me why you did that or what reason you could possibly have for kidnapping me. No one will answer any of my questions, except saying that theres a reason for why you did that. I want to know why you kidnapped me." He snapped the last part, obviously frustrated and still angry with the whole predicament he finds himself in.


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Winking at Qaenora, Juair laughs and speaks again "Wrong time to say that. Im sure that if Mother dosnt swith you so hard that you wont be able to sit down for three years, our pretty lady freind will. Not the thing to say." Laughing again, Juair finds a seat and sits down.


The Amirlin nods to each comment in turn. and then smiles at the last. "A sertain amount of secrecy is needed. We fear that darkfriends or worse may be interested in this baby, and so I need all of your expertise." She then turned to each of your concerns calmly and reply. "Daughter," this to Mira, "I need you for I have been told that you are obedient and have a head on your shoulders for problems and solutions. This and your face, which still holds the look of mortality, may be of service, for if the people who have the baby find that the tower is interested, they may run, or worse, hand the baby over. We do not want to have that happen, so this must be approached in a manner of secrecy." She then turns to Juair "This is where your skills come in. There are times for subtalty, and there are times for force. This one requires more of the for rather then the after. "For the after, that's where you come in. Yes, I know that your expereinces with the tower have not been that hospitable, but I say this plainly. Everything that was done, was done for your benifit, and that of everyone else. Not plain enough? Hows this? We had reason to believe that you had been tained by the Darkone, and due to our cerimony, we can now garantee that you are no longer under that influence. Furthermore, do to the cerimony, we have found that you are perfect for this mission of delcacy, though your tongue, so far has proved that perhaps the assumptions we've come to through the cerimony may have been wrong, and we may have to look at an alternitive..." The last she leaves up in the air with a quirk of her eyebrow.

Lastly she turns to Qaenora, and says "You my dear are special. You are ina posision to help all of us, including yourself. If you do this thing for the tower, I garentee that it and myself will be in your debt. Of course, if you do not, then you can always go back to Ghealdan and whatever is waiting there for you."


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"I don't believe a word you are saying, but anything beats being here. If all you need is word on where this family is going, or where it decides to settle down, then that's fine. But you will never have my faith in anything you speak."

Jurak stops for a short while, but not long enough probably. "And when do we get something to eat. I'm starving."

Voidrunner's Codex

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