Yttermayn's "Saga of the Dragon Cult" (IC) 2


Grok Half-Orc Cleric2

"Grok not good with books," says the half-orc. "Since no one wants, Grok guess him save last cure spell for later." Grok's companions suddenly note that there is very little in this world that is more pathetic than a sulking half-orc.
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Grok Half-Orc Cleric2

OOC: Troll breath, eeesh! Worse than even dog breath by a long shot!
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Rosalia finds the wand that the leader had used to shoot little magical missiles at the party. She also finds some finely made bracers covered in black goo. A perfect pearl in a tiny leather pouch is found with a lanyard around the leader's neck, next to another three toed golden claw amulet. Among the other kobolds, the usual assortment of ratty arms and armor is present with the exception of three flasks of what smells like oil and four more claw amulets.
Before Scrag's over-the-shoulder breath could choke him out, John decided that the script in the book was beyond his ability to decipher despite the tomes obvious value.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
with eyes watering fromt the troll's odiferous oral eminations, john mentins the need for time to paruse the book some more to deciper the meaning of the words.



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"Oh, look, the three-toes claw symbol that we've found all over.. but this one is in gold!" says Rosalia as she collects her various findings.

She continues: "Anyone cares to check if these items are magical?? Could be of use.." she adds lookings at the bracers and wand.

She collects all items into her sack once finished saying: "To share if we get out alive of this.."

Reacting to John, she asks: "Is this book like the magic tome all wizards seem to have or is it something else? It could give us serious clues to all this mess.."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"It seems to be something else. I will need to look at one of my spells to be able to read the writing. i think I can figure something out then. I can also look at every thing and see if there is anything magical. As for seeing there is a magical aura, I fear I am not prepared for that as well. "


Grok Half-Orc Cleric2

Grok sagaciously opines, "Books, books, books, always books and more books. Reading make Grok's head hurt! You smart guy John, you read book before, yes? Once read one book why you want read other books? A book is a book. If read one, why fool with any others?"

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OOC: basicly guys, i need to memorize comprehend languages, is wha tI need to dom, but that isn't going to happen for a long while.

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