• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Here's A Sneak Peek At Tomb Of Annihilation On Fantasy Grounds

The kind folks over at Smiteworks have sent along some sneak peeks at the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop version of the upcoming D&D adventure Tomb of Annihilation. It'll be available from Smiteworks and Steam on September 8th, the same day it appears in some local game stores (and 11 days before it appears in most!) Take a look!

The kind folks over at Smiteworks have sent along some sneak peeks at the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop version of the upcoming D&D adventure Tomb of Annihilation. It'll be available from Smiteworks and Steam on September 8th, the same day it appears in some local game stores (and 11 days before it appears in most!) Take a look!

ToA Five.jpg
ToA Four.jpg
ToA One.jpg
ToA Six.jpg
ToA Three.jpg
ToA Two.jpg


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The maps are the same style as all of 5e, which aren't great imo.

FG have just cut the prices of all their WotC stuff, plus if you have all the other stuff you can get it at an additional discount by completing the bundle. Of course, it won't be that long until they add it to the cycle of products that go on sale on a regular basis.


Expert Long Rester
Well... the price for Tomb of Annihilation on Fantasy Grounds is only $24.99.

The PHB, MM and DMG content all got reduced to $29.99 recently as well.

Oh the prices are quite reasonable, I think anyway.

It's my wallet that's not impressive.

...Lousy freeloading kids.

Dax Doomslayer

That looks pretty nice! I'm looking forward to playing this. One of my best gaming decisions was choosing to purchase FG. It's been a lot of fun using it and playing with guys I haven't gamed with in years due to them moving away.

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