[3.5] Most bizarre—yet playable—character concept

[3.5] Most bizarre—yet playable—character concept

I thought about making this a contest, but I don't want to judge it, so I'll just throw it out there as a challenge you can attempt to meet (or not) as you choose. Here's the deal. We've got a lot of rules in place for 3.5 now, and with a lot of rules, that means a lot of options. I had a very bizarre character concept idea recently; bizarre enough that I'd have to approach my DM about making a few tweaks to the mechanics to allow it, but it interested me nonetheless. I thought I'd post it and see what y'all all think, as well as invite you to post your ideas. After all, that way I can steal your ideas for interesting and intriguing NPCs in my current game, at least.

Here's the rules:
  • Official Wizards of the Coast products only. I know; lots of bizarre ideas in third party material, but we also open the door to stuff that could be difficult for others to find.
  • I said bizarre, not silly. I want characters that can be played straight without seriously disrupting the campaign or the gaming group.
  • I find conceptually bizarre characters much more interesting than mechanically bizarre characters.
  • If you ignore any of these rules, I reserve the right to type "FAIL" in gigantic red letters in response to your post.

My character idea (kudos to Sean for thinking of the basic idea of this first) is an ape. Sadly, the rules for awakening an animal with racial hit dice and then playing them as a PC are sadly lacking from Savage Species so I had to think of something that was a good enough mechanical fit that I could rename as an ape.

Is this an awakened ape? If so, who awakened him? Bolgani Kerchak remembers his childhood going back to a very young age, so if he was awakened, it must have been while he was in infant apeling. Maybe he's not an awakened ape at all. His own personal belief is that he is a human soul trapped in an animal's body by some curse. He's just romantic enough that he'll never seek out a divination or any other such magic to find out, though—if he's wrong the truth might be harder to face than he's willing to deal with.

Bolgani is fairly dapper; he never appears without a pair of brass spectacles on his nose (he can't read well without them), a powdered wig and tricorner hat, and baggy silk pants. He carries a sword on a baldric around his shoulder and often wears a chain shirt in combat. When he speaks, its in a surprisingly erudite and illustrious sounding accent; he sounds a bit like Hugh Laurie playing Bertie Wooster, as a matter of fact (I thought about giving him Leadership so he could get a cohort names Jeeves, but that's just silly.)

With his group of friends (the party) he takes one of two tacks when entering a public place; either pretending to be a trained ape as a pet or performer of one of the party members, or in a friendly environment, telling his story as a man cursed to spend his life in a gorilla's body. He has few joys in life other than furthering his education, enjoying the sociality of those few who accept him, drinking fine liquors and hiring prostitutes desperate (or drunk) enough to spend the night with him.

His melancholy comes from his adoptive family; as far back as he can remember he was raised by a country gentleman, who may not have loved him, but was curious about his nature and treated him well, giving him a fine education and some of the other finer things in life as well. As he approached adulthood, a sting of witch hunters raided his country manor and his adoptive "father" was hanged on the spot after evidence of slave trading, human sacrifice and the worship of Demogorgon was discovered in the cellar. Bolgani still doesn't believe it, but whether it was true or whether his "father" was framed, either way Bolgani lost his faith in human nature and is in many ways already dead inside. This has made him become calloused to the plight of others around him, and he has no qualms about using his unusual skills to perpetrate any crime that he can get away with and get paid for, to drown his emptyness in ale and whores.

To represent Bolgani mechanically, I struggled with trying to use the ape stats and the awakened spell from the core books, but found that it really didn't quite work, since there was no LA for doing so. I could have made one up, but I decided to instead represent him with orc stats, use the orc paragon class from Unearthed Arcana with a few minor tweaks, and only after taking those three levels allow myself to advance in regular character classes. Bolgani is a rather heavy ape, and so is not necessarily a better climber than a person would be, but he always keeps his ranks in Climb maxed out. The orc paragon class eliminates the light sensitivity "feature" of being an orc at first level, so I don't need to worry about that not fitting the concept. The Elf slayer class ability at 2nd level doesn't work for a gorilla, though, so I decided to substitute that with the scent monsterous ability, which apes do actually have.

After taking the three levels of orc paragon and filling out the "ape" stats for guy, I'll take two levels of ranger and then segue into the Assassin prestige class.

I thought also about making him a magic user of some kind; just to go against type, since you'd expect a big hairy gorilla to be a combat guy, not a scholarly mage, but honestly; I just don't like playing magic users enough to do that, so I could be bored with the character if I had to use him for a long haul.

Anyway, that's my character, Bolgani Kerchak (names cribbed from Tarzan of the Apes—of course.


What other ideas have you got?
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First Post
I made a Dwarven Lumberjack character which was essentially an Axe Specialist Fighter/Ranger, but with loads of cool fluff behind him detailing the Trefallen clan. Stuff like short beards/scruff, tartan style clothing (think flannel shirts), etc. I named him Paul Grunyon and his ranger pet was a Rothe (think Babe the blue ox).... get the picture?


First Post
I've got a monkey character in a pirates game. Although his backstory was fairly simple. He had been a druids apprentice and got killed by a green dragon whom his master has angered. Feeling guilty his master reincarnated him, but of course you never do know what you're going to come back as.

At any rate his experiences both in getting killed and in the outer planes kind of soured him on being a druid so now he's a ships monkey. I simply used the small monkey stats from the MM.

Another character I made was one where I deliberately blurred the class/race lines. Mechanically he was a warforged totemist. However in story he was not an incarnum user but rather a very advanced warforged with limited abilities to tranform himself. He had been part of a matched set of these transforming warforged created as a gift and each painted in seasonal colors. He was "Autumn". However the party found him damaged and unconcious and once they had restored him to functionallity he could not recall how he had come to be in the place where they found him or what had happened to his 'brothers'.


Staff member
Originally discussed here: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=223891&page=1

and backgrounded in Post #133 in this thread: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=102706&page=9&pp=15

The Fool's Golden Child

It is said that "the First King was a lucky soldier." Seth Trollslayer was that lucky soldier. He took advantage of the fog of a war 'twixt Man & Trolls to place himself on the throne of a small kingdom in the northern mountains and take a beautiful shapeshifting sorceress as his queen.

Now, King Seth has had time to raise a family. All three of his sons are strong, quick, and charismatic young men- perfect leadership material. If only the youngest had the wit and wisdom required to be truly great...

Nevertheless, the youngest son took up the reins of a small company of his father's men- his long time personal arms trainer among them as his Sergeant- and regularly went out to patrol the kingdom's borders.

It was on one such patrol that a messenger arrived from his mother, the Queen, bringing word of the death of his father and 2 older brothers...and ordering his assassination. The word was given while he was away from the camp for...recreation. Alone among the company, the Sergeant was loyal to the young prince, and he died killing off the would-be assassins.

It seems that the family his father "displaced" had one member he didn't know about- the former King's youngest brother- whose lifelong love was the Queen whom Trollslayer married. She ordered her entire family killed to be reunited with the long-lost flame she once thought dead, restoring him to his rightful throne.

The good but dim young Trollslayer knows none of the reasons behind the attempted assassination. He also doesn't really know the way home. Now he seeks his way in the world, his long-term goal to restore himself to the throne his father once held. He is quick to show anyone who is curious the birthmark that graces his left (nether) cheek that marks him as King Trollslayer's Scion, in order to get them to help him regain what he lost, never realizing that his birthmark also marks him for death.

Mechanically, he's a Marshall/Battle Sorcerer with high Str, Con, Cha, and possibly Dex, partnered with an abysmally low Int and Wis (well into the penalty level).

A strong & charismatic warrior mage, who also happens to be dumb as a post.


First Post
Oddest character we've had was Blackie, a Raven who was Familiar to a high level Wizard who happened to be in Temporal Stasis or Imprisoned or something (Blackie wasn't sure, only that 'master wasn't answering, but he's not dead!'). The Familiar has been flitting around the city for years, and has picked up levels of Wizard itself. It has a tiny backpack (front-pack, really), a Ring of Invisibility and a pair of Wands. Thanks to the bonus hit points and abilities from it's master's class levels (despite it's master being incommunicado), Blackie is quite a bit tougher than you'd expect a three pound bird to be...


First Post
I ran a half-giant paladin that was epically dumb and unwise. He wore tight blue armor, spoke like a super-hero, and was charismatic and nigh-invulnerable.... He was... The Tick!

Great fun writing up heroic monologues in a PbP game!


Monkeys and reincarnated characters are fun. I'm told the Forestkith goblin would make a good substitute monkey. There's also the hadozee race from spelljammer.

One character concept that I developed lately is a conversion of a 2E Ranger with the Feralan kit. He's a Brb/Rgr/Beastmaster later perhaps adding a bit of the King of the ForestJungle PrC. Brachiation, and Jungle Fighter feats, lots of animal companions, a jungle shaman cohort and more animal followers. In short he's a Suel Tarzan/Beastmaster crossover.


A suffusion of yellow
My most bizarre character was Xyxx a williowisp Psion Rogue - at a whim I just really wanted to play a Willowisp and added the Psion so it wasn't a completely useless concept

Another was Rotten Eddy a Ghoul Bard/Ranger who only ate criminals and who became the leader of a goblin gang living in the city sewers

and Kahi a dolphin ranger who eventual got the ability to polymorph and thus move onland

more normal PCs have been Orbril the Gnome, Master of the Grand Circus - a druid/rogue with a herd of carniverous giant hamsters

and Malachi a NGood Half-Orc a Voodoo Priest (Cleric/Druid) based on Woefully Fat from the novel on stranger tides
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