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Delta Green - All Part of the Job


Fuel of the Gods - Session 6

He couldn’t exactly just turn in for the night since he was sharing a room with a man who had to all appearances crashed his truck through a wall to run himself over before removing his head with a pistol, so Agent REDOX headed to the motel office to request another room. The office was closed, however, and so REDOX was left with the prospect of sleeping in his rental truck or tracking down RAJEEV. Given his recent vehicle-related experiences, he settled on the latter.

The waitress set a plate of blueberry waffles stacked a foot high in front of Agent RAJEEV and then casually set the check on the table face down. The FBI man was pouring warm maple syrup in each square-shaped indention as his phone rang and rang. Once he finished with the syrup, the agent set his phone to silent and enjoyed his quiet dinner.

It took only a few minute for REDOX to find the only remaining member of his cell; the diner was the only place in the small town which was still open. He took a seat across from RAJEEV who acknowledged his presence with a nod.

Instead of speaking, REDOX made a show of calling RAJEEV on his phone. With the phone to his ear, REDOX simply stared at RAJEEV. The other agent simply ignored his cell member and focused on his waffles. While the phone rang, and without blinking, REDOX grabbed RAJEEV’s soda and drank the whole glass. RAJEEV continued to ignore the EPA scientist. When he had finished his waffles, RAJEEV looked up and across the table.

“What’s up?”

“ROSE and REAPER are dead, and I’m going to be rooming with you.”

“Dead? How?”

“Bullets and tires.”

RAJEEV accepted that answer, tossed some money on the table, and stood up. The agents headed back to the motel and slept the best they could. Agent RAJEEV laid awake wondering just what he’d gotten himself into. Agent REDOX should have been wondering the same, but instead, he dreamt that he drove his rental truck off the pier and along the ocean floor.

At about 3:00 AM, Agent REDOX’s phone rang interrupting his dream just as he was pulling over a ridge overlooking a vast underwater cityscape. He rolled over and answered. It was the sheriff, and he sounded upset.

Calls had been coming in about stolen cars, and then more calls about driverless cars. Those were followed by reports of someone matching Jan Bronski’s description doing funny dances in the street. The sheriff had gone out to investigate only to find his own car revving its engine in a menacing manner. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but as long as the agents were in town to find Bronski, maybe they could look into this as well?

REDOX wanted to wish the sheriff the best of luck before heading to the airport, but instead, he said they’d be right on it. RAJEEV was still awake, and so REDOX filled him in on the situation. Both agents got ready and stepped outside only to find that one of their vehicles was gone. RAJEEV’s truck was still there, but REDOX’s rental was nowhere to be seen. It was probably one of the many making the racket off to the north.

RAJEEV hopped in his truck, but before REDOX could get in the passenger side, the doors locked themselves, and the engine started. Agent RAJEEV tried to open his door, but it refused to cooperate. His seatbelt wrapped itself around and clicked in place as RAJEEV struggled to get free.

The tires squealed as the truck started to speed away. Agent REDOX had time to draw his gun and fire a few shots at the tires. He managed to hit one, but that didn’t seem to slow the truck much. RAJEEV’s hands were trapped by his sides, and no amount of force applied to the brake seemed to do any good.

The truck’s radio came on, and the volume went all the way up. Agent RAJEEV could see the sparks flying from the rim of his shredded tire, and he could hear the voices behind the static urging him to remain calm and surrender.

Agent REDOX climbed up a drain pipe to the roof of the motel to get a better view. Through his night vision binoculars, he could see about twenty or so vehicles circling the blocks around City Hall and trying to run over any pedestrians they found. He also saw RAJEEV’s truck heading west toward the beach. He watched helplessly from the rooftop as the truck dove from the end of the pier, and RAJEEV watched helplessly as the truck sank to the bottom and continued its drive.

That did it. REDOX was done with the Opera. He didn’t care how it turned out anymore. He’d played his part to the best of his ability, and now it had become a one-man show. He slid down the pipe, grabbed his bag from the room, and went for a walk out of town and down the highway. Now more than ever, he was convinced that his work with the EPA was important. Screw FOST Petroleum. Screw vile, living oil that can turn your vehicle against you. While he hitchhiked his way back to San Francisco, he called A-cell to let them know the story. He had to leave a message, but he was sure someone would get it.

As the windows began to roll down, and the cold, salty ocean slowly traded places with the oxygen in the cab, RAJEEV struggled unsuccessfully to get free. Everything was dark, cold, and claustrophobic. He could feel the water fill his shoes first, and then he felt it at his waist. The radio urged calm. It urged deep breaths and peaceful acceptance.

As the water reached his shoulders, he thought he could see shapes moving outside. It was impossible, sure, but in the pitch black of the ocean outside, he was sure he saw shapes darker still.
The radio still urged calm, but RAJEEV refused to obey. He struggled right up until the water reached his nose. He thought he felt something grab his shoulder, and he gasped in fright. As the sea filled his lungs, the radio had its way. RAJEEV was calm and at peace at last.

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Just a quick status update: The game (and thus this Actual Play) will be on a brief hiatus as I practice being a father. I still have many plans for this game, and my players definitely want to continue, so it'll be back in probably a month or so.


Another update, and a reminder that I haven't disappeared:

This has been probably the fastest month of my life. The baby is doing very well, and it turns out I don't totally suck at being a parent!

We had intended to pick the game back up tonight, but one of the players is taking a sick day. We should be good for next week though.


See No Evil - Introduction

Agent REDOX - Doctor Dexter Michael Pepper, EPA Environmental Scientist
Agent REINHARD - Michael Pollander, IRS Special Agent
Agent RIVER - Kiwen Doucette, Office of Export Enforcement, Criminal Investigator
Agent ROMEO - Terrance Winters, Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis - Interrogator

Former Agents
Agent RAPSCALLION (deceased) – Tatom Merzos, U.S. Marshall’s Office - Special Operations
Agent RAPUNZEL (deceased) – Yuki Anderson, FBI Forensic Pathologist
Agent RASPUTIN (retired) – Gregori Ruspokov, CDC Researcher
Agent REAPER - Master Sergeant Jack Jack, Delta Force Operator
Agent REDLIGHT (deceased) – Captain Cramer Gump, INSCOM “Black” Ops (formerly Agent SID)
Agent RICHARD (deceased) – Major James McGinnis, AMEDD General Surgeon
Agent ROBIN (deceased) – Chika Takahashi, EPA Biologist and Environmental Scientist
Agent ROSE – Gia Jones, FinCEN Investigator, Leader of R-Cell – Computer crimes specialist (formerly Agent SAM)
Agent RUBY (retired) – Amelia Larce, DoE Nuclear Emergency Support Team
Agent SÁBADO (deceased) – Marcus Hernandez, IRS Investigator – Computer crimes specialist
Agent SERGE (missing) – Ferdinand Bazinet, Federal Research Division, French-language occult documents specialist
Agent SETH (reassigned) – Ian Trotter, INSCOM Special Agent – Army Intelligence criminal psychologist
Agent SLEEPLESS (deceased) – Reginald Longbottom, NSA Cult Infiltration Specialist

This Opera marks the introduction of Agent RIVER; Agent ROSE's player's new character. After the break, I wanted to ease them back in to the swing of things, so I planned a simple surveillance operation. As I found out later, my players have apparently never even seen a spy movie.
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See No Evil - Session 1a

Agent REDOX was really hoping for a vacation after the events in California, but work – legitimate work – demanded his attention for the next couple months. Each morning, he checked the various news channels, websites, and papers. There was no mention of FOST Petroleum, no mention of all the carnage and vehicular assault; there wasn’t so much as a report of a traffic jam in Willoughby, California.

Maybe FOST bought off the authorities. Maybe Delta Green executed a cover up. Maybe it was just the flood of political news in an election year. Whatever the case, REDOX felt he dodged a bullet.

Agent RIVER, an Office of Export Enforcement Criminal Investigator, had been assigned to his cell, but he had yet to meet her. Agent ADAM also promised another recruit in the near future. Other than that, it was mid-July before he heard from A-cell again, and there was no mention of the previous Opera, so he officially put it behind him. The email clearly laid out A-cell’s expectation; a simple surveillance operation.

From: A-cell
To: Agent REDOX and R-cell
Subject: Operation SEE NO EVIL

Congratulations, REDOX, on your recent field promotion, and condolences on the loss of your previous team. You have been invited to a Night at the Opera.

Your employers will soon be temporarily reassigning you to New York City. There, you will lead a surveillance operation against an organization in which the FBI has recently developed an interest.

This organization, and in particular the individuals comprising its leadership, is also of potential interest to Delta Green. We require objective analysis and intelligence in this matter, and consequently we cannot share any further information on the target subjects with your cell at this time.

Your FBI superiors will place legal parameters upon the nature of the surveillance that you will be conducting. As Delta Green agents, you will not be bound by such parameters. I am sure you will understand when I say you are to consider yourselves answerable to a higher authority.

Outside of your cell, the fellow members of your team are not cleared for Delta Green intelligence and will be unaware of your true purpose in this operation. Extreme caution must therefore be exercised, particularly with regards to any breach of the legal parameters discussed above.

Your team will be provided with cover identities as FBI Senior Special Agents. Collect your package from your local FedEx dropbox. In the future, this dropbox will be referred to as ‘the usual spot’.

To summarize your objectives:

1) Covertly gather intelligence on the target subject(s) while maintaining your cover. We will be particularly interested in any indications of ‘occult interest’ or of any manifestation of paranormal phenomena.
2) Report back to A-cell when the surveillance operation is complete, or at your discretion should circumstance dictate.


Being an EPA scientist, Agent REDOX had no experience in surveillance, and he suspected Agent RIVER had little more. Still, he’d seen a spy movie or two. How hard could it be to plant a few bugs and wiretaps?

He forwarded the email to Agent RIVER after carefully redacting the bit about ‘condolences on the loss of your previous team,’ and then he gave her a call. He was going to be on the next flight to JFK, and he wanted her there in the morning, Sunday, July 15th.

Upon his arrival in New York, Agent REDOX rented a car and found a hotel. After a night’s sleep, he met RIVER at the airport. She was young and pretty, but she was no Agent ROSE. They headed back to the hotel so RIVER could get a room and drop off her bags before making their appearance at the FBI office.


See No Evil - Session 1b

The agents were met by a tall man in his late-40s with what was probably an athletic build in decades past but was now in decline. He introduced himself as Assistant Special-Agent-in-Charge Williams. ASAC Williams showed the agents to a briefing room and gave them the rundown.

“Agents, we have four rookies who are still inside their two-year probations. They need some practice with standard surveillance gear and procedures. That’s why you’re here. A Holocaust denial group known as The Review is presenting an event at the Merriweather Center this Saturday. Four of their senior members will be speaking, and we plan to run a small surveillance operation on them.”

“This project is meant purely as an intelligence-gathering exercise, part of our ongoing effort to collate information about possible terrorists in American society. Senior members of the Justice Department believe that The Review, and possibly one or more of the four men under surveillance, may have links to other, more sinister organizations that plan and carry out unlawful activities.”

ASAC Williams dropped four thin manila folders on the table for the agents to look over.

“The four men scheduled to speak are Peter Hames, a WWII veteran and a once-noted historical scholar; Michael Watts, a former professor of European History currently without a position; Allen Bhrunt, the main publisher and editor of The Review's newsletter as well as the publisher of many of the group's texts; and Stephen Colm, The Review's secretary and the group's longest-serving member – one of the founders, in fact. All four of The Review's heaviest hitters are rarely together like this, as they live in different cities. An opportunity to gather surveillance data on all four of them together may not present itself again for a long time.”

Each folder contained a photograph and a detailed yet patchy background:

Peter Hames
Aliases: none
Age: 87 Occupation: retired
Description: White Caucasian Male, 5'9", 150 lbs, limp right leg, tattoo right arm "B-17 Delightful Dora," far-sighted (glasses)
Military Rank: Air Force Major, retired
Immediate Family: wife Evangeline (deceased), son Patrick (deceased)
Notes: Born Fairview, Ohio August 18, 1924. Enlisted September 20, 1943 served until August 29, 1963. Married wife Evangeline ]une 27, 1955. Arrested three times for assault, no charges brought. Wife Evangeline died July 25, 1963. Author of three books: Air Power (1960 Gerwin, republished 1965 Hewlitt), Hitler's Germany (1968 Hewlitt), Rise of the Reich (1974 Hewlitt).
Other Associations: former chairman Fairview John Birch Society, former member Fairview Veterans' Association

Michael Watts
Aliases: none
Age: 63 Occupation: Professor of History (unemployed)
Description: White Caucasian Male, 6'1", 180 lbs, birthmark orange right thigh, scar left temple
Immediate Family: wife Dorothea
Notes: Born Deepdene, Massachusetts January 15, 1949. Educated Boston University 1971 (B.A.), Reading University, England 1971-75 (M.A., Ph.D.). Married wife Dorothea May 5, 1970. Criminal Record: arrested DWI convicted 1982. Author of two books: Hitler and the Nazis (1978 Godwin), The Jewish Problem in Germany 1935-45 (1986 Bhrunt). Author of numerous historical articles; published in History Today, Times of Conflict, Military Historical Quarterly among others
Last Employer: Boston University 1985-95

Allen Bhrunt
Aliases: Alexis Bellman
Age: 53 Occupation: Publisher
Description: White Caucasian Male, 5'2", 208 lbs, scar right leg, asthmatic
Immediate Family: none
Notes: Born Fort Lauderdale, Florida May 8, 1959. Educated Florida State 1981 (B.sc.). Criminal Record: arrested forgery 1982, acquitted. Arrested assault 1983, convicted 1 month. Arrested possession narcotics 1985, convicted 2 months. 32 parking citations. Editor/owner Review Press, publisher Truth newsletter & website. Currently under investigation for mail fraud

Stephen Colm
Aliases: none
Age: 67 Occupation: Accountant
Description: White Caucasian Male, 5'11", 165 lbs, near-sighted (glasses)
Immediate Family: wife Wilhemina (divorced), son Andrew, son Brian
Notes: Born Barlow, Missouri December 29, 1945. Educated Missouri State 1967 (M.B.A.). Criminal Record: none. Married wife Wilhemina April 8, 1972, divorced Jun19, 1982. Current Employer: Harwick, Chadderton & Merlo, New York City, New York


See No Evil - Session 1c

ASAC Williams called in the rookies for the rest of the briefing. Special Agent David Faulkner was tall, thin, and fair with thinning blonde hair and all-American-boy looks. Samantha Lynn was a petite, slim woman with bright blue eyes and brown hair. Then there was Steve Udagawa, a short man of Japanese descent with military-length dark hair and a strong build. Finally, there was Eric Taylor. Special Agent Taylor was a tall, black man with a cleanly shaved head.

Once the rookies were introduced and seated, ASAC Williams continued the briefing.

“Michael Watts is booked on the 4:15 PM Delta flight into JFK from Providence, Rhode Island tomorrow, and has booked a single suite, Room 1210 at the Marriott Hotel from tomorrow until Sunday, the day after the conference. He is booked on the 8:00 AM Delta flight from JFK back to Rhode Island.”

“Peter Hames is booked on the 10 PM American Airlines flight from Toldeo, Ohio, to JFK on Thursday. He has a reservation at the Marriott, Room 1126 from Thursday until Sunday, and has a ticket on the 5 PM American flight back to Toledo on Sunday.”

“Allen Bhrunt is coming by train from his home in Holden, Connecticut. He will arrive at Grand Central Station at 4:45 PM on Tuesday. He is booked into the Marriott, Room 1708 from Tuesday until the following Tuesday.”

“Parabolic microphones, video cameras, still photography, and other non-intrusive means of monitoring these four men may be used. They may be followed, watched, and their contacts noted and recorded. You will not be able to plant listening devices, tap phones, or search computer files unless there is probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is being planned. Ultimately the surveillance mission will involve a lot of stakeout time.”

After being dismissed, Agent REDOX told the rookie Special Agents to get a van from the motor pool and meet back the following morning. From there, they would develop their plan. The rookies went their way, and the agents when back to the hotel to relax.

The next morning, the agents met up with the rookies at the FBI office. REDOX took them for coffee and planning while RIVER stopped by a store specializing in ‘spy gear’ on her way to the Marriott.

She told the man at the front desk that she had a gift for Mr. Watts from his wife, and she wanted to take it up to his room. The man informed her that Mr. Watts had not yet checked in, and in any case, he couldn’t allow her access to the room. If she wanted to leave the gift at the front desk, he’d be happy to have it taken up. Agent RIVER declined but thanked the man for his time. Instead, she wandered off in search of the maids’ station.

There were four hotel maids in the room, and they were chattering away in Spanish. RIVER wasn’t fluent, but she could get by easily enough. She offered one of the maids $100 to give her access to a uniform, a cart, and a universal room key for 20 minutes. The maid was happy to help, and she got her coworkers to go outside with her for a break.

In her new disguise, Agent RIVER was in the perfect position to clandestinely plant listening devices, cameras, and wiretaps in all three rooms rented by the visiting members of The Review. The uniform, cart, and room key were all returned before the maids came back.

Her next stop was Mr. Colm’s apartment. She figured he’d be at work by now, and she was correct. The apartment was on the second floor of a six-story building. Rather than try the front, Agent RIVER decided to use the fire escape. When she was sure no one was watching, she jumped to catch hold of the ladder and pull it down, and then she climbed up.

The window to Mr. Colm's apartment was locked, so Agent RIVER wrapped her hand in cloth and smashed it. As she crawled in, she was greeted by a vicious sounding terrier who couldn't have weighed more than about 9 pounds. RIVER reached into her pocket for something to feed the animal, and she pulled out a bag of marijuana. She tossed it to the dog who didn't eat it but was sufficiently distracted.

Agent RIVER crawled through the broken window to have a look around. The place was immaculately kept. Everything was well-ordered and clean. The couch was covered in plastic, and there was a small dog bed on one cushion. Mr. Colm had no television, but he did have shelves full of books.

Agent RIVER decided that the man was Obsessive-Compulsive, and so she took it upon herself to make his life more interesting. She turned objects slightly and skewed hanging pictures. She rearranged the carefully hung pots and pans in the kitchen and flipped the toilet paper roll in the bathroom so that it rolled the other direction. In the study, she turned the computer monitor around and repositioned the antique World War II soldier figures on the bookshelf. In particular, the figures of Hitler and Mussolini now seemed to be performing lewd acts upon each other.

It was only after she'd thoroughly rearranged the man's carefully ordered apartment that she got around to the business of planting bugs, wiretaps, and cameras. She then left the way she'd entered and flagged down a taxi to take her to the airport.

Agent REDOX and the rookie FBI agents arrived at the airport in the white van from the motor pool a little before RIVER's cab. Once Watts's plane landed, the agents all followed his cab to the Marriott.


See No Evil - Session 2a

Watts entered the hotel to check into his room, so Agent REDOX ordered the rookie FBI agents into position; Agents Faulkner and Udagawa were to man the laser microphone from an apartment across the street which REDOX had managed to secure for the week while Agents Lynn and Taylor were to sit in the van outside the apartment and find some way to be useful. The teams would switch up every couple hours, and if Watts left the hotel, the van team was to tail him. Meanwhile, REDOX went to his personal room at the Marriott and ordered a pizza, and RIVER retired to her room to review recordings and monitor camera feeds.

While waiting for his pizza to arrive, Agent REDOX found an email from A-cell regarding new agents. He was to expect the arrival of Michael Pollander, an IRS Special Agent who had selected the name Agent REINHARD, and Terrance Winters, an interrogator with the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis who had selected the name Agent ROMEO. They were due to arrive in the morning.

Upon viewing the photographs, the irony of ROMEO’s choice of name wasn’t lost on him. The man appeared to have lost large sections of his skin to a fire, and REDOX couldn’t help but be reminded of Rachel the rat; the one that had ripped its own face off after being doused with tainted fuel only a couple months earlier. The agent shuddered slightly. With a face like that, it was no wonder the man became an interrogator. He was probably a natural.

Agent RIVER was playing a mind-numbing yet oddly addictive game on her phone, and she was in the zone. So deep in the zone was she that she failed to notice when the listening devices and cameras in Mr. Colm’s apartment went dead. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed since it happened, but fortunately she’d been recording. She played the recordings back, and this time she saw it:

Stephen Colm returned home from work and immediately felt the disturbance in the Force. His window had been broken, a bag of something green – drugs, no doubt – was on the floor, his furniture had been turned, pictures had been skewed, pots and pans had been rearranged. He whistled quickly to the dog which he called Bernard. Scooping Bernard up with one arm, he left the apartment only to return about a half hour later without the dog.

Colm produced something that resembled a wand and began waving it around the room. Whenever the wand passed over one of RIVER’s devices, it made a noise, and the device would be flooded with interference. One by one, Colm found and destroyed each device. He left a single camera and leaned close to it.

“I don’t know who you are, but it’s obvious you’re trying to intimidate me by breaking into my home and planting obvious bugs. Well, let me tell you this: You aren’t going to scare me. I’ve done nothing wrong, so you can’t touch me. The event this weekend will go on as planned, so let’s cut the bull. Either you back off now, or meet me face to face if you have something to say.”

Colm then reached toward the camera, and the transmission ceased.

Well, damn. That was the end of that. At least she still had Michael Watts’s room bugged. Agent RIVER decided to look in on him only to find all of her devices offline. Rolling back the recording, she found that shortly after Colm delivered his message, he called Watts. She could hear Colm’s voice coming through Watts’s tapped phone.

“Michael, it’s Stephen Colm. Listen, they broke into my apartment while I was at work. They tried to drug Bernard, and they planted bugs and cameras. I knew they were going to be watching. Look, just check your room. They may have gotten to you, too. Call me back in ten.”
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See No Evil - Session 2b

Before Watts could speak a word, Colm had hung up. Watts sighed and shook his head, but he began looking around his room. He growled when he found the first device. Eventually, he found them all, and Agent RIVER never knew whether he returned Colm’s call.

She gave REDOX a call to let him know what had happened. The new cell leader wasn’t particularly happy about the news, but his only response was to make sure she knew not to let the junior FBI agents find out. There was nothing more to do for the evening, and so the agents called it a night.

The next morning, all four rookie agents were assigned to Watts. RIVER was left in charge of them while REDOX went to meet the new recruits. Agent REDOX had emailed the mission briefing to both of the new agents, and so upon reaching New York from his home in a small Wisconsin town, Agent REINHARD went immediately to the local IRS office to see about tracing the finances of The Review.

Agent ROMEO went immediately to Al’s Pizza, a small pizza place struggling to survive in the cutthroat business world of the big city. Normally, a pizza place would thrive in New York, but Al had made one serious mistake which was so far spelling doom for his shop: He only made Chicago-style deep dish pizzas, and there were forks on every table. Word spread quickly of such an unforgivable heresy as that, and as such, Al was very happy to see even someone as physically unappealing as ROMEO. When REDOX called, ROMEO let him know exactly where to meet him, and about five minutes later, Al had his second customer of the week.

Agent REDOX dropped the files down on the table for ROMEO to look through. As they say, sometimes all you need is a fresh set of eyes. Agent ROMEO had several questions spring to mind. Could they get a hold of copies of any of the books these men had written? Maybe the newsletter? What did their website look like? Why was Michael Watts fired from Boston University, and why hadn’t he found other employment in the nearly 20 years since? The file said Allen Bhrunt had been convicted of possession of narcotics, but what sort of narcotics? Could they register to attend the event this weekend? Why hadn’t REDOX asked these questions already?

Agent REDOX had no answers to any question but the last. To that, he replied that he’d been pretty damned busy lately, thank you very much. ROMEO sort of shrugged and seemed to accept that. He resolved to find the answers himself, and REDOX wholeheartedly supported him. After their lunch, Al bid his customers a farewell and encouraged them to please, please tell their friends. Agent ROMEO went to the New York Public Library for research while REDOX headed to the IRS office to meet his other new recruit.

At the IRS office, Agent REINHARD spent a few particularly dull hours going over numbers and tracing them. He was able to determine that The Review brought in only about $40,000 annually, at least that they reported. Part of that was from sales on limited production runs of its books, and subscriptions to its newsletter. The vast majority, however, seemed to come from anonymous donations. These were almost always small, but there were a great many throughout the year.

Introductions were made at the IRS office, and REDOX seemed to be satisfied with his team as a whole. He let REINHARD know to meet up at his room at the Marriott for a cell meeting and briefing. They would all be staking out Grand Central Station to spot and tail Allen Bhrunt when he arrived; all but the two rookies assigned to monitor Watts.

At the library, ROMEO looked around for a librarian who looked 'potentially Jewish', but he settled for a balding, middle-aged caucasian man named Charles who was apparently the head librarian. ROMEO laid out his case: he was looking for a narrow selection of books on a list he provided. Charles was happy to help, and in only about twenty minutes, they had found all of them. The New York Public Library was truly an amazing institution. ROMEO spent a few hours looking over the books before checking them all out.


See No Evil - Session 2c

On his way back to the hotel for the meeting, ROMEO placed a call to Boston University posing as a professor from another institution. He said he was checking on a former professor, Michael Watts. He was placed on hold, and after a couple minutes, the man from Boston University returned with a file.

He told ROMEO the reason for Watts's dismissal was that he had several relationships with students. When ROMEO asked for the names of the young women, he was told that the names of the young men were confidential. ROMEO thanked the man and hung up.

The cell meeting went quickly, and soon it was time to watch for Bhrunt. Agents REDOX, ROMEO, and REINHARD found a bench to sit on as they waited, and RIVER stayed in the van with the rookie FBI agents.

While they waited, REINHARD checked for court records on Allen Bhrunt, but he found that it seemed to be a more common name than he had thought. He made a mental note to check again when he had more time.

Bhrunt arrived right on time and looked just like his file picture. In one hand, he pulled a small, wheeled bag, and in the other he carried a black briefcase. The agents inside followed until he made it outside and hailed a cab. Agent REDOX called RIVER and had her follow him while he hailed his own cab. As it turned out, this was all unnecessary as Mr. Bhrunt only went straight to the Marriott and checked in.

Agent RIVER headed straight to her room to monitor the devices in Bhrunt's room. It wasn't long before he made a phone call to Watts who told him the same thing Colm had said the day before: "Someone's watching. Check your room and phone." Then the devices went dark. Let's just hope the agents across the street weren't listening with the laser micr-- RIVER's phone rang.

Agent Udagawa informed her of what they'd heard. It may be nothing, but it sounded like someone had planted illegal devices in Bhrunt's room - maybe Watts's room, too. RIVER agreed. It was probably nothing.

Agent REDOX decided the day was pretty much over, so he, RIVER, and REINHARD returned to their respective rooms, and the junior agents switched up van and laser microphone duties.

Agent ROMEO decided to check a few other avenues of investigation before calling it a day. His first stop was the Merriweather Center to check on registration. He was pleased to find that registration for the event was free, and so he signed himself up with a fake ID.

His next stop was a grocery store to pick up a fruit basket. He addressed the card to Allen Bhrunt and left a note professing his love and admiration for the man's work, and asking for a meeting. Upon reaching the Marriott, he had the desk clerk send the basket up.

Agent ROMEO returned to his room, but he had one final call to make before being done for the day. He called the Museum of Jewish Heritage and got a hold of a man named Morty Silver. ROMEO told him about the event planned by The Review, and Mr. Silver said that he was well aware. In fact, they had a protest planned. About 250 members of the Jewish community were registered to attend. That was good enough for him. The day could now be done.

Voidrunner's Codex

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