Let's talk about the best horror RPGs of all time. Criteria? Look, I don't really like to get bogged down in discussions of what is or isn't horror. If you want to tell me Burrows & Bunnies is a horror game, okay, I won't argue with you, but I'll sit here in silent judgment instead...
...Horror games started really picking up in popularity during the 1990s but I'm not going to go into all of them here. And today I can go into my local game store and see Alien, Vaesen, Candelra Obscura, Call of Cthulhu, Vampire, Werewolf, and Hunter. That doesn even count others that won't be at my game store like Eat the Reich or Bluebeard's Bride. It warms the cockles of my black, black heart to see so many horror games being produced these days...