Best Horror Role Playing Game

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I love all the GUMSHOE horror games (Trail of Cthulhu, Fall of Delta Green, Fear Itself, Night's Black Agents/Dracula Dossier), but Cthulhu Dark takes things to another level (for "purist" Cthulhu horror.) I like classic CoC, but never went beyond 2nd edition (as the editions churn, it became more and more "pulp"; not to my liking.)

Greg K

  • Monster Hunting
    • Angel/Buffy
    • Monster of the Week
  • Slasher
    • Slasher Flick
    • Blood & Blades (d20 Modern): it contains several movie slashers with the serial numbers filed off
  • Zombie Apocalypse
    • War of the Dead/World of the Dead for Savage Worlds
    • All Flesh Must Be Eaten
    • Honorable Mentions
      • The Dead
      • Zombi
Honorable Mention: Not so much for the mechanics, but great resources on various genres/subgenres of horrors
  • GURPS Horror
  • Horror Show


  • All Flesh Must Be Eaten
RIP Eden Studios. I purchased AFMBE way back in 1999 when it was first released but never, ever played a single game. Eden did a great job providing us with different types of zombies and even different settings all before zombies made a come back just a few short years later.

  • GURPS Horror
The only reason I didn't include it on my list of best horror games is because it isn't it's own game. I kept Ravenloft off the list for the same reason. I own GURPS Horror, and it's a great resource.


GUMSHOE has so many great horror games - The Yellow King and Trail of Cthulhu are two games that have truly given me chills as a player. I’d shout for Trophy Dark, too, and Shadows of Esteren. And how I’d love to play 10 Candles.

aramis erak

RIP Eden Studios. I purchased AFMBE way back in 1999 when it was first released but never, ever played a single game. Eden did a great job providing us with different types of zombies and even different settings all before zombies made a come back just a few short years later.
Their stuff is still (mostly) on DTRPG, so they' comatose, not dead.


I have It Came from the Late, Late Show! And I agree, it's pretty great for what it is. The secondinstallment adds a few characteristics and has a handful of great adventures, to boot.

CoC is fantastic, but it takes some care to run because it's a catch-22: You go in knowing you're forsaking your sanity and have no chance of "winning," so it can get repetitive and boring over the course of a campaign.

I love Chill and played a 10+ year campaign in it.
Stalking the Night Fantastic is so dense and rules-heavy that it can be daunting, but it's a lot of fun. I have that and the supplement, Haunts, yet I've only gotten to roll some characters for it.

Chill, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel RPG, and Dark Conspiracy top my list. I played many games. But one of the scariest was Bloodborne. I actually sometimes turned away and didn't look at the screen. I often took breaks and looked for calmer games. I read about online games, you can View all details here. Sometimes you just need to calm your nervous system. I don't recommend playing horror games at all, it's better to watch a movie.
What kind of game is Chill? I can't find it anywhere. Help.
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What kind of game is Chill? I can't find it anywhere. Help.

If CoC is the definitive horror game of cosmic horror, then Chill is very much the definitive horror game of things that go bump in the night. It's sort of like Cthulhu Pulp only facing off against Dracula and the Wolfman.

And if that doesn't sound scary you are very much underestimating how dark it is

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