Zardnaar's thread about movie stats


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Compare with the 90s where you had lots of movies that were blockbusters and originals. I wasn't really talking about Indy movies no one really cares about that win an award at Cannes or something and then make 100 million dollars or less at the office.

Ok, name 10 90’s blockbusters which made a billion dollars.

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Ok, name 10 90’s blockbusters which made a billion dollars.

Virtually none you would have to adjust for inflation. T2 comes close. 500 million bin 1991 is about 900 now.

I also gave the 500 million mark which is roughly the break even point on a modern blockbuster. Solo for example lost money on 400 million.

Blockbusters being movies in the 150 to 200 million range plus marketing costs.

Movies cost more to make, more to market and post inflation generally earn less than the 90s.

Alladin for example got 500 million costing 28 million.

I can probably give you 20 or 30 90s movies breaking the equivalent of 500 million. Most of them will be original there's only a handful from the last 10 years that are not superhero movies/sequals/reboots.
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No 40 is The Mummy, 400 million 20 years ago cost 80 million.,desc

8 were sequals. 400 million in 1999 is 600 now.

So 32 movies original getting 600 million plus.

Google Fu gave me this.

Almost all the modern movies are sequals, remakes, or established franchises such as MCU at least the top 40. There's frozen and Minions and some 90s movies for originals.

Not many are original in the last 10 years. Blame ourselves though Hollywood will make what makes money but it doesn't look good for originals which was my main point.

Missed Avatar but earlier I was using Inception (2010) as a cut off point. Overall trend is still the same a relative handful of original blockbuster movies.

Top Gun trailer at least looks ok. Not that much of a Tom Cruise (praise be to Xenu) fan, prefer Jennifer Connelly being honest (Labyrinth,Rocketeer, Blood Diamond etc).
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Those are all Indy type movies. There's not a lot being made between 50 to 100 million and the big movies production costs are exceeding the cost of making all those movies you listed.

Who cares about "big"? What you want is a high gross-to-production ratio. If I gross $122 million on an investment of $9 million, I've gotten a 13x return on my investment!

I could make 36 of these small movies for the cost of one Avengers: Endgame, and gross about $4.4 Billion overall. If my Endgame tanks, I lose it all. If half my small budget movies tank, I still walk away with a couple billion dollars.

The difference is not in the gross ticket sales. The difference is in *merchandising*. Kids are getting videogames and toys for Endgame. Nobody is buying La Llarona funko-pops and sheet sets.


Who cares about "big"? What you want is a high gross-to-production ratio. If I gross $122 million on an investment of $9 million, I've gotten a 13x return on my investment!

I could make 36 of these small movies for the cost of one Avengers: Endgame, and gross about $4.4 Billion overall. If my Endgame tanks, I lose it all. If half my small budget movies tank, I still walk away with a couple billion dollars.

The difference is not in the gross ticket sales. The difference is in *merchandising*. Kids are getting videogames and toys for Endgame. Nobody is buying La Llarona funko-pops and sheet sets.

Except a lot of small movies also fail to hit 100 million. Even fewer become blockbusters but every now and then you get a Blair Witch.

It's also the way movies are funded. If you're an investor you probably want to go with an established franchises.

The big box office hitsvalsi make up a stupidly high % of the yearly box office, not a lot of smaller movies. M CU alone is crazy let alone Disney overall.

The smaller movies aren't bad but their Bix office appeal is limited. Going by the amount if dyds this year the smaller movies quality wise are probably better.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Except a lot of small movies also fail to hit 100 million. Even fewer become blockbusters but every now and then you get a Blair Witch.

What's with your obsession with blockbusters? Does a film only count if it's a blockbuster?

The smaller movies aren't bad but their Bix office appeal is limited.


Go see them if you think you'll like them. You're not an investor.

If your requirement to see a film is (a) it be original, and (b) it must be a blockbuster then you're only hurting yourself. Otherwise -- go see the films. They're there.


What's with your obsession with blockbusters? Does a film only count if it's a blockbuster?


Go see them if you think you'll like them. You're not an investor.

If your requirement to see a film is (a) it be original, and (b) it must be a blockbuster then you're only hurting yourself. Otherwise -- go see the films. They're there.

I'll watch almost anything, it's not me though it's the Hollywood Studios that care about the blockbusters. It's why we don't get new blockbusters I posted the top 40 from the 90s and only 8 were sequels.

It's not entirely the studios fault they're there to make money, if the audiences aren't watching new IPs en masse.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
It's why we don't get new blockbusters

Again, why does it matter to you that films be blockbusters?

There are lots of non-blockbuster films every year. They are great. Go watch 'em. They're still making them, plenty.

There's no "fault" to assign. Nothing is wrong. Blockbusters are there, small films are there. Watch either, or both, or whatever.


Again, why does it matter to you that films be blockbusters?

There are lots of non-blockbuster films every year. They are great. Go watch 'em. They're still making them, plenty.

There's no "fault" to assign. Nothing is wrong. Blockbusters are there, small films are there. Watch either, or both, or whatever.

Special effects don't make a movie but every now and then you get a movie like T2 with special effects plus storyline and a lot of movies like that are no longer made.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Special effects don't make a movie but every now and then you get a movie like T2 with special effects plus storyline and a lot of movies like that are no longer made.

I really don't understand what your point is, and it seems to change with each post. My interest in the conversation (such that it was) has expired as it's gong nowhere interesting, but I'll reiterate that if you want to see original movies, there are tons of them every year, and they're awesome and available to you. If your requirement for them is that they have to be blockbusters, then I guess you're missing out. Sucks to be you, I guess! :)

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