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Zardnaar's thread about movie stats

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Except that you do.

Oh, god. I can’t say that yet again to another pithy non-sequitur. I really am out this time before my brain freezes.

No you don't there's not much variety in blockbusters, I provided a link to the 90s and now.

Big budget movies are now mostly super hero/MCU/sequals.

Some movies are just going to cost more money to make and original movies like that are rare now.

Consider action genre. Mad Max was good but wasn't original.
A lot if small movies you don't even know they exist due to marketing.

See what I mean the variety isn't really there now. Some don't even make it to the theatre here. If you live in London/LA etc or USA/UK great but I don't.

That's why I was using blockbusters, it's where the money is and even ones that tank you at least have the option of seeing it.


See what I mean the variety isn't really there now. Some don't even make it to the theatre here. If you live in London/LA etc or USA/UK great but I don't.

If you had just said "I don't get anything other than blockbusters where I live" then that would have been the end of the discussion along with understanding of what you're saying instead of this round robin.


If you had just said "I don't get anything other than blockbusters where I live" then that would have been the end of the discussion along with understanding of what you're saying instead of this round robin.

I specifically said several posts ago I was referring to big budget stuff because that's where the money is, some genres you can't really do low budget at least very well, and it's also what the studios care about.

Everyone else made a big deal over it even when I specifically said u don't care about little indie films that win awards at Cannes and the public at large doesn't care about them and they are lucky to break 100 million.

You're always going to have your auteur lndie type films. They've always been there, probably always will.

IDK how much this new Top Gun will cost, the original was fairly cheap even adjusted for inflation. But it's yet another remake/sequel/reboot and if it's not that it's probably a super hero movie.

Did anyone actually bother with the links I provided earlier comparing 90s movies with the big hits mist of which are in the last 20 odd years. There's only a few original ones there.

Well, what movies are block busters and what movies are not seems to say more about the audience for movies than about what Hollywood is doing, I think. Hollywood prefers to make movies that get audience. But not all movies have to be block buster to be successful.

It is kinda amazing that there is even a way to spend a hundred million dollar budget on a movie and be financially successful. Now, you could ask why such kind of movies are typically action and sci-fi movies, but is that really surprising? Do you need Dolby Surround Digital Super-Deluxe Elite Edition and more importantly a gigantic screen to enjoy a comedy with witty dialogues? The extra immersion that the cinema features brings you is something that not all movies really need. And that's why they don't get to become blockbusters so easily, because you don't really miss a huge part of the experience if you watch them at home.
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I'll try and find some articles. Cheap movies still get made sub 30 million, and you have big budget ones but there's not to many in the middle.

If you use special effects even practical ones it's gonna cost big money.

They don't generally spend big money promoting the cheaper ones except for potential Oscar bait.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Except a lot of small movies also fail to hit 100 million. Even fewer become blockbusters but every now and then you get a Blair Witch.

Yes. But "blockbuster" isn't relevant. You don't have to bust the block. You just have to outperform your production costs.

Which means, you need to make *gasp* a good movie!

It's also the way movies are funded. If you're an investor you probably want to go with an established franchises.

This is an assertion without support. Show the logic - what can you tell us about how movies are funded? How does that lead to investors wanting to go with established franchises? "The way movies are funded," is not a magical black box you can reach into and pull out investor desires.

The big box office hitsvalsi make up a stupidly high % of the yearly box office, not a lot of smaller movies. M CU alone is crazy let alone Disney overall.

As already seen in the math - if all you care about is getting box office return on your production cost, single large movies are huge risk. You can get equivalent or better return from small movies with vastly reduced risk. Thus, big box office, in and of itself, isn't the driving factor.
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Except the example provided was a successful small movie most don't break 100 million.

The studios would seem to want big franchises they can milk. Do you think Disney cares about 20 small movies or the latest Star Wars or MCU movie. I'll see if I can find the figures but iirc Disney alone is some stupidly high % of the box office last year


6 studios 86% of the box office. Don't think they got their with a heap of small movies.

Box office is down this year that last Avengers movie alone will likely make close to 30% of the year.

All movies are high risk. How they are funded varys but I'll see what I can find. If I was investing in movies though the only ones I would invest in is the MCU, everything else is a gamble including Star Wars now.
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Rise of Netflix, Amazon Prime...etc
Current Living Costs as opposed to the 90's
Ease of Piracy
Crappy storytelling and unoriginal content
Higher production and marketing costs

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