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A Kraken Mini To Go With Your Nautical Adventures This Summer

Wizkids will be releasing a multi-piece gargantuan Kraken miniature (I always laugh when I say "gargantuan" and "miniature" in the same sentence) as part of their Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures line.

Wizkids will be releasing a multi-piece gargantuan Kraken miniature (I always laugh when I say "gargantuan" and "miniature" in the same sentence) as part of their Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures line.


The miniature contains the creature's main body, plus separate parts for six tentacles, a boat, and a treasure chest. You can pick it up for $24.99 in July.

There was a painted version of this mini released in 2018 as a case incentive for Monster Menagerie III.

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Not gonna lie, every time I see the 5th editon sea lion headed Kraken, I can't help but wonder why they decided to go with a sea lion as opposed to the traditional squid.

Agreed. I mean, it's an interesting change, but when I see it portrayed like this, it just looks too humanoid. It's the shoulders and the armlike flippers. We already have about six bazillion aquatic humanoid monsters in D&D, I'd rather have the kraken look truly alien.

It's a pity, because the mini is quite nicely done from what I can see.

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Hi Nebulous,
The Kraken itself is 54 USD, though I bought a few extra tentacles as well.
I received it with no problem, and am very happy with it. I have plans for this mini in my Razor Coast campaign


Ah damn, Dausuul is right
however, even the higher price is a good investment, I can attest to the good quality of the mini.

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