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Updates on Age of Sigmar RPG Include New Name

Cubicle 7 have revealed a few pieces of information regarding their upcoming Warhammer: Age of Sigmar RPG. It has an official name: 'Soulbound', but also a release delay until Spring 2020.

Cubicle 7 have revealed a few pieces of information regarding their upcoming Warhammer: Age of Sigmar RPG. It has an official name: 'Soulbound', but also a release delay until Spring 2020.


The official title, Soulbound, was revealed at Warhammer Fest. Details were also announced of the Soulbound Starter Set, which has some fantastic cover art by Johan Grenier (below). The starter set contains an adventure book for players and GMs, and a city guide which describes a new city in the realm of Aqshy. Also, you'll find regenerated characters, handouts, reference sheets, and so on.


Starter Set: City Being Cleansed of the taint of Tzeentch


Starter Set: Hordes of Tzeentchian horrors and Lord of Change

They also revealed new art for for some of their Archetypes, which is a broad description of who you are in the game.







The new release date is Spring 2020: "...to ensure we make the best game possible we’ve moved the game’s planned release from the later part of this year to Spring next year."

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I'm concerned that Cubicle 7 is over-extending themselves with WHFRPG, Age of Sigmar, and now the 40K license. The WHFRPG has been delayed and there are numerous products (an updated Enemy Within campaign) that I'm afraid might be vaporware. AoS is likewise getting pushed back.


Vicent Martín Bonet

Nice to see that even if Cubicle 7 was forced to take this on as a result of wanting to do WFRP, at least they're trying. That said this is not for me. You can keep your Sigmarmarines, thank you very much.

Wow, that's an impressive level of mental gymnastics. "T-they c-clearly didn't want to do it."

But then again, your obsession of stormcasts is telling enough.


Vicent Martín Bonet

Too cyberpunk-ish for me too. But I'm sure it has a market. If it gets more people into gaming, that's fine.

Well, it's actually not.

The Kharadrons shown are certainly steampunk (which i guess it's what you're referring) but the setting is big enough, and actually has enough material already written on the matter, to accommodate more traditional styles like sword and sorcery (in this regard the Red Feast novel is a worthwhile read).


Vicent Martín Bonet

Well, yeah. We are talking about the man that *somehow* managed to get a perma ban on 4chan(plus virtually all the facebook groups of WFRP) due to the sheer scale of false flagging and pseudo-""concern"" he did for the sake of discouraging people from the WFRP. Like, I would not be surprised if that was a mere excuse and justification for GW refusing a reskin of WFRP 2nd (which is what G&P is).


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Well, yeah. We are talking about the man that *somehow* managed to get a perma ban on 4chan(plus virtually all the facebook groups of WFRP) due to the sheer scale of false flagging and pseudo-""concern"" he did for the sake of discouraging people from the WFRP. Like, I would not be surprised if that was a mere excuse and justification for GW refusing a reskin of WFRP 2nd (which is what G&P is).

I'm inclined to believe him here, as there isn't really a reason for making it up that benefits him and I'm sure writing that post and spilling that factoid didn't make him friends at GW.

That being said, I find your characterization of Zweihander disingenuous. It's WFRP 2nd edition with more unnecessary and fiddly cruft, get it right.


Vicent Martín Bonet

I'm inclined to believe him here, as there isn't really a reason for making it up that benefits him and I'm sure writing that post and spilling that factoid didn't make him friends at GW.

I mean, it kind of resonates with what you want to hear, so duh?

There's no actual evidence on the regard of veracity, and there's actually evidence on the contrary given that GW *has* done separate licenses for Warhammer post AoS Launch (Namely Chaos bane and two shovelware pieces, and the Doomseeker boardgame). Most likely the actual exchange was this:

C7: We want to do wfrp.

GW: Kay, wanna do AOS too?

C7: Sure, keep us up to date.

That being said, I find your characterization of Zweihander disingenuous. It's WFRP 2nd edition with more unnecessary and fiddly cruft, get it right.

I mean, that's the ultra digest version. You're also forgetting the bit of "with unnecessary references that exist for their own sake" like Hans shot first (next to NOT!Han Solo).


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Yeah, I don't know. I'm inclined to believe that GW doesn't mind not bundling the licenses for smaller projects, but for bigger ones they likely do. I mean, all the most popular licensed non-40k stuff is all WFB stuff (WFRP 4, Total War, Vermintide etc). It likely chafes GW that their biggest successes in those fields have nothing to do with the new game they are trying to push and promote. Which, in a business sense, is one of the main things licensing is supposed to do for you. They really don't make money off of WFB anymore unless you count some novel reprints they do from time to time and that's small potatoes.

As to the stormcasts thing from earlier, look at that picture posted in this very thread and tell me that straight up doesn't look like a bunch of Dantes waving an Ultramarine flag.

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