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Dragon 365 - Artificer


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It's not a terrible class - in fact, it's probably more interesting in some ways than the PHB classes, because of the powers it gets - but nothing about it screams "Artificer" to me. The veneer that differentiates it from some other kind of caster is so thin it might as well not even be there.

Right now, it seems like its best use would be as a place to steal powers from for use as Wizard spells, if you wanted to be able to create a Wizard that wasn't just an evoker.

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Although I have only just skimmed the article, there are two things I see about the artificer that worry me:

:1: The artificer may be just a bit too good. Power creep always happens in any game where things are added over time, because the bar of "ooh, shiny" is always being raised; however, I was hoping WotC would keep things in check a bit longer.
Their damage seems really low, and they mostly seem to give out bonuses/penalties not give/restrict actions, it might be just me, but I can't see them being anywhere near overpowered in a small group. They may well shine in large well organized groups, but I really can't see them dominating.
:2: The artificer appears to have a bit of Controller going on. I've only skimmed the article, but my initial impression is that the artificer might step on the wizard's toes a bit.
It does very much have a secondary controller role, but so does the Cleric and the Warlock, and from what we've seen, so does the Swordmage. It's kind of Arcana's schtick, and I'd only consider it a problem if you can point out how it's worse than with the cleric. (Because if you think the Cleric is also stealing the Wizard's thunder, that's a different discussion.)
I'd like to read other's thoughts on these points.


First Post
Best artificer right now is probably a Warforged, since they have a racial paragon path for the Leader role. Any other race needs to take a multiclass feat to steal a paragon path from another class. Humans especially, as they only get their extra at-will power if they take all 4 multiclass feats and the multiclass option for another class. (Wizard and warlock are both attractive, depending on if the human took Con or Int as his stat bump)

It's an obvious choice, what with also the requirement of having an implement and a ranged weapon... too bad they cant use Orbs though, so they still have to cover both hands with attachments.

However, an Armbow, at least, doesnt need a free hand to load, and a Shoulderbow means you have a free hand....

The main problem is that the first Lifeseeker power is a Melee Weapon attack, which isn't really good for an Artificier.


Ho-lee crap. Something just occurred to me.

Gven many powers facilitate off a ranged weapon, the artificer as written makes for a great impromptu Arcane Archer class. Although less "Sniper" and more Gatlin Gunner; more of an "Arcane Commando". The image of a dwarf with a big crossbow kicking in the door and laying down magic-infused cover fire is very, very attractive.

For that matter, it functions well as a more gadget-focused Batman class, a "James Bond with more toys".

(I switched this post from page 2 so folks would see it)


First Post
Is it me or does Reparation Apparatus combined with a Warforged Party members look a little strong? The only other item I can find in the PHB that does something similar is Symbol of Life but it does it's extra healing only as a daily, with the Reparation Apparatus it's a property so will effect every healing power a Cleric, Warlord or Artificer uses on a Warforged. It's a bit hard to judge since there are so few items to compare it against.

A Warforged Fighter could use them on themselves with Comeback Strike, and even arguably something like Boundless Endurance.

I suppose since anyone can use them (on a Warforged) with any healing power they are at least balanced among the classes, it just means Warforged are now much better at being healed than any other race. To me that makes them unbalanced.

Yeah, they do seem a little unbalanced, esp at low levels. I might push that item up to paragon tier, it seems more appropriate there.


First Post
My only complaint is the whole "it takes 3 hands" thing.

The class gets access to simple ranged weapons, and has powers that trigger from ranged weapons. This basically means crossbows, in context. It also has a theme of "rune inscribed augmented weaponry," which is pretty cool, but again means you're using crossbows.

And then you're ALSO using implements.

I assume a crossbow requires two hands to load. Implements take up one hand.

So there are a couple of things this could mean.

1. You aren't supposed to use implements and crossbows at the same time. You create either a ranged weapon artificer (who carries around his custom designed pimped out magical crossbow and a quiver of arcane ammunitions), or you create an implement artificer. But not both. I think this would be rather lame.

2. The crossbow is shooting magical ammunition that's part of the crossbow's magical enhancement, and you fire it like a pistol without needing to reload it, so long as you're using artificer powers rather than mundane crossbow bolts. With a pistolbow in one hand, and a magical rod in the other, you're like an arcane gunslinger. I think this would be rather cool.

3. Its an oversight and needs fixed.

If the answer is 1 or 2, it should be spelled out clearly.

I'll email that to the response email address.


My first read-through…

It looks good, a lot like how I play my dwarven artificer in my home game. Sure, it's a bit of a letdown from the Bane (whatever I'm fighting) Personal Weapon Augmentation Archercifer of olde, but it seems fairly balanced.

I'd like to see a paragon path or two before I actually play it, though.

I like the Artifice powers.

And, it looks like this might be a cool Multiclass for an Int based class that wants ranged weapon powers. Heck, it's a nice alternative for the Archer ranger for the ranged weapon spot on the team.

Hmm, an Elf Artificer… (for those wanting a proper Archerficer with a bow and everything, though the racial bumbs might not be worth it)

Also, I think I've found an error. The Opening Sidebar lists all four types of implements (orbs, rods, staffs, wands), but the Implements and Weapons section only lists the last three implements (missing orb). If the Sidebar is right, then it might make a nice Wizard MC as well (Wizard into Artificer), esp. with the Orb implement Mastery.


My only complaint is the whole "it takes 3 hands" thing.

You mean four hands, some powers have the keyword Artifice, which means you need a little dohicky, although I'm not sure ruleswise you actually need to handle it, it is certainly implied.


Shroomy + Khaalis --> Perhaps I should have been more explict: Obviously you cannot give a level 4 and 6 ritual to a 1st level character, but my contention was that they do not get them for free... at levels 4 and 6. Furthermore, perhaps an Artificer should not even need a ritual book to use those two rituals.

It's probably a good class to use a repeating crossbow, and get quickdraw as a feat. Save minor actions, though while the historical repeating crossbow did require 2 hands between shots, who knows what the one in the Adventurer's vault will be like.

Somehow I feel there's got to be something in gameplay that supports the image of the artificer carrying around so many implements. Something that gives them a slight advantage for having so many as opposed to one. In one of the 3e Eberron books there was a dual-wand wielding feat that was overpowered, yet had a cool image. Maybe something that just adds +2 damage.

What's confusing is spells that use an implement and ranged weapon in the attack. Now an opportunistic player will probably try the crossbow with an "under-barrelled" wand mounted underneath (just like an assault rifle with a grenade launcher) but it certainly feels like a case of needing three arms. I think they should clarify whether or not you need to spend a minor action to reload or if reload is part of the standard action when using many of their ranged weapon powers.

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