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Star Wars: Rebels with Style Part I


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Lia checks her equipment one more time, anxious for the mission. "Don't worry," she states to the rest. "We're going to get through this just fine."

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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Garret (Sniper 6)

Garret hears what Sya says and also hears what she means. He looks longingly for a few long moments at his sniper rifle sitting quietly on a weapon rack, and then checks the newly mod'ed spare blaster rifle and the newly transferred scope to make sure everything is aligned properly. Once that is done he holsters it and makes his way up to the cockpit.

Garret leans in close to Sya while she is working in the pilot's seat and whispers "Everything will be OK. I'm a big boy and I can take care of myself. The rest of the group will be there as well. We can take care of anything that comes around.

Besides, there are pilots to rescue and I think I have done rather well at that.

He lets that sink in a little bit, and then will gently pull her from her dial watching and switch flipping, and kiss her warmly on the lips.

Garret looks deeply into her eyes and says "Everything will be OK.", before clearing his throat and glancing to Sarah before going back to the group's preparation.

Preparation Area
Garret stands at attention and then looks to Istara and says "At your beck-and-call Madame Rima Beria.".


First Post
Preparation Area
Garret stands at attention and then looks to Istara and says "At your beck-and-call Madame Rima Beria.".

"Kay's playing the heiress. I'm just one in real life." Istara said. "Even if I were as good as she is at this sort of thing, we're too close to Anaxes for me to claim to be an heiress not named Istara Kandorian."
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As Garret left the cockpit, an annoyed look flashed across Sya's face a moment, "Yes, yes...perfectly fine. Just landing on a heavily garrisoned Core World in a stolen shuttle. Sometimes I wish I was back in a starfighter and not sitting around waiting to get shot at..."

She then looked to Sara, who opened up a comm channel and, after a moment, began to relay the necessary information to the Docking Control Officer. The man had a thick, Coruscanti accent but didn't seem to be any trouble. In a short time, the comm system was off and Sara looked over her shoulder and called back to everyone, "We are good. It seems to me that they were quite impressed, even."

"Just say 'They bought it' and we'll all understand..." Sya rolled her eyes but went back to the controls, bringing the Vortex in closer to Corulag in a casual, slow course that was meant to make it clear they weren't a target.

In the front viewport of the shuttle, the planet grew until it consumed everything. Star Destroyers and other Imperial cruisers could be seen easily, and it was at least slightly unnerving to be flying so closely under them. It was rare to get so close to Imperial ships without being fired upon. But the defense fleet was soon behind the Vortex, and space gave way to atmosphere.

Below, the oceans of Corulag could be seen clearly, and in only a matter of minutes, so could your destination. Curamelle was easy to spot below, a huge span of durasteel buildings rising high into the planet's sky and stretching for kilometers on all sides. There looked to be various hangars and docking bays, along with offices and other kinds of buildings expected in a Core planet. But what truly stood out was the Imperial Academy, a huge pyramid-like building surrounded by kilometers of training facilities. It was actually quite impressive.

Soon, the Vortex's stabilizing wings were folding up and Sya was gently bringing the ship down into a square-shaped collection of docking bays, all with roof-top openings. Some were closed, likely occupied, but others were open revealing empty spaces or transports of various types. Some were even large enough to hold freighters that were larger than most of the ships in the Alliance fleet.

As the ship finally reached the ground below, a very nicely crafted duracrete landing bay, a group of four white-armoured Stormtroopers could be seen off to one side with a grey-uniformed human waiting with a datapad in hand. Behind them was what looked to be a door. The hangar itself was clean, looked brand new, and looked to have everything from fueling stations to a small, windowed room that very well could have been a lounge of some kind.

Once down, Sara was on her feet and headed back to the hold to the rest of you, extending a datapad, "They transmitted this to us on approach. Looks like local maps and other helpful things. I believe, as Sya said, they bought the story quite well. I have a little experience with certain...people of status. I believe it would be beneath you to deal with the docking officer. Shall I assume an overly haughty attitude and make it understood to them that price is no issue while you ignore them and go about your much more important business?"


First Post
"Yes, that would do quite nicely. Thank you Sara." Kay said to the Hapan and gestured that Istara should take the proffered datapad. The Corellian woman was already dressed for her role, dressed well enough to make any male's eyes pop out really. A teal body stocking hugged all of the young woman's curves most flatteringly and a gold chain encircled her waist like a belt, though it was entirely for show. The top was cut low in the chest leaving a rather generous V of tanned skin showing, a tan that had been applied evenly on the trip to Corolug by Istara. A green nerf-hide jacket gave the faux heiress a rakish party girl look that was well complemented by the make up she was wearing.

"I woulddn't expect much trouble given the clientele they are used to getting, but keep your eyes open, ok?" she instructs Garret and Deurr. She'd had the pair paint their armor's to match the green and teal of the majority of clothes in her wardrobe, using her body guards to accessorize would add to the disguise, and they could spray them out matte black in maybe 20 minutes, and it wouldn't take much longer then an hour to repaint them the Teal and green when they were done.

The clothing of her 'body guards' wasn't the only thing that she had picked out, no she had picked the clothing for every member of the team to create and reinforce the image that she was a spoiled rich girl being followed around by a group of long suffering professional baby sitters. Istara was in a business suit to fill out the role of Kay's financial factor. Lia was dresed in pilot clothes of high quality and obvious expense, clothing approriate to the personal pilot of one of the Empire's upper crust.


First Post
"You sure this is necessary?" Lia says after she changes into her disguise picked out for her by Kay. "I don't completely like being this noticible." Lia shrugs. "It's kind of an old habit."


First Post
"You sure this is necessary?" Lia says after she changes into her disguise picked out for her by Kay. "I don't completely like being this noticible." Lia shrugs. "It's kind of an old habit."

"If we're going to pull this off, we have to look the parts." Istara said. "Besides, this looks good on me."
Somehow she'd managed to get a business suit from home aboard the ship, one that she'd worn when appearing on behalf of her father more than once. And of course, Anaxsi being Anaxsi, it looked good with a pistol holster.

For this guise, though, she wasn't quite herself. She was really only two years Kay's senior, but between a little work to make Kay look slightly younger and a bit to make Istara look closer to 30 herself, it made Istara look much more likely as Kay's minder. She also had to get back into the mindset of talking about money first and foremost; she had spent most of her free time since formally joining the Alliance millitary studying strategy and tactics, but the woman who had been rather close to finishing an economics doctorate was still there, she thought.


First Post
"Don't think of it as a disguise. Your a pilot and your wearing something that pilots wear. If your uncomfortable wearing it, thats fine they'll probably think the anxiousness comes from having to deal with a real pain in the ass all the time, and wondering what silly and dangerous thing I'll do next." Kay replies brightly.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Garret (Sniper 6)

Garret spends most of the time that it takes to repaint his armor almost in tears. Most of what can be heard is an occasional sniffle and then a grumble.

Once he was done he sighed deeply and forlornly, and then put the gauchely colored armor on. He shook his head, and then resumed a more purposeful stance.

The sniper clears his throat, and clearly feeling quite uncomfortable about not being able to blend, he says to Duerr "Ok, so which of us shall be in charge of security? I am more than willing to follow.

You can be the man in charge and I will follow your lead, but since you have the heavier weapon, I can do most of the work keeping people at bay, performing introductions and so on, while using a rather stiff and professional demeanor. That way you can keep your huge hunk of metal there to keep people honest and on their toes.

What do ya think?

Sara finished some preparations of her own, before grabbing a second datapad from her belt, "I've got all the forged documents here. Weapon permits, too. They should hold up to a cursory glance, but nothing in depth. Hopefully there won't be any reason for them to really look into things. You guys take care of yourselves out there. I'll make sure Sya doesn't wander off looking for trouble, so we'll be here if you need anything at all."

After a polite bow of her head, the Hapan woman took in a deep breath, let it out, and hit the switch for the boarding ramp. There was a hiss and then the sound of the ramp slowly dropping down from the 'neck' of the shuttle. Immediately upon opening, a rush of warm, somewhat uncomfortable smelling air filled the hold. A look of distaste washed over Sara a moment before it was gone. She'd been aboard starships so long that 'natural' air was hard to miss right away.

The second the ramp was down, she was walking down it dutifully, datapad in hand. The uniformed man and the Stormtroopers approached casually, weapons at their sides and managing to look bored, even through all the armour. Right away, Sara extended the datapad and began to reiterate the information she'd told them on the comm. The officer seemed to be accepting things fine, only going on about permits looking in order and the fees for the docking bay.

Voidrunner's Codex

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