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D&D 4E Forked Thread: Al-Qadim, Land of Fate 4e


Finished a rough for the mamluk...so that brings the fighter builds to: Askar, Guard, Mamluk, Sahib... I'd like to include one more fighter build, but think I'm going to save the Mercenary-Barbarian for the Barbarian class.

Any suggestions for a new fighter build?


“Death follows on the heels of slaves.”

Sultans cannot depend on feuding amirs and power-hungry generals for their loyalty, and thus they turn to a cadre of slave-warriors with ties to no one. Captured in your youth during a raid or war, you are a mamluk, taken far from a home you barely remember, raised in the ways of the Enlightened faith and given intensive training in archery, horsemanship, and strategy. Your fierce facial tattoos are a sign of your honor – you owe a debt to the sultan who commands your loyalties and rewards you with position in the civil service. Rising through the ranks, you could even become a general one day; you find freedom from your lot in life as a slave in the meritocratic culture of the mamluks who value raw ability and tenacity. Should your sultan prove to be unworthy, will you stand by your office or overthrow the tyrant?

Class Features: Combat Challenge, Formation Tactics*, Fighter Weapon Talent
Class Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Heal, History, Intimidate
Station: 6

Suggested Feat: Mounted Combat
Suggested Skills: Athletics, Heal, History
Suggested At-Will Powers:
Suggested Encounter Power:
Suggested Daily Power:
Suggested Paragon Paths: Servant of Fate*, Slave of the Promise*, Swordmaster

Formation Tactics
When you flank an enemy, add your Wisdom modifier to your basic attacks. When you hit an flanked enemy on an opportunity attack, one ally also flanking the enemy gains an opportunity attack .

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Finished a rough for the mamluk...so that brings the fighter builds to: Askar, Guard, Mamluk, Sahib... I'd like to include one more fighter build, but think I'm going to save the Mercenary-Barbarian for the Barbarian class.

Any suggestions for a new fighter build?

Maybe a Brawler/Thug/Gladiator type? Someone who's bark is worse than his bite, but his bite ain't bad? Have the kit emphasize the old 'weapon performance' rules.

Or, if you really wanted to go crazy, create a Harem Guard kit. Someone who looks very impressive, is actually pretty good at detecting and arresting threats, and who is, um, morally impeccable.


Hmm, "ayyarun" might fight the brawler/thug type, but I don't know how that fits into AQ's theme. I'll think on that one.

Harem guard seems to be covered pretty well by the Guard build.

Another build I'm contemplating is the Nadim (Warrior-Poet), who travels exalting love, faith, a wealthy patron, or the virtue of the hour. Actually "nadim" means "drinking companion", and historically referred to storytelling advisors to nobility, but I've appropriated it to reference an Arabian archetype of a wandering warrior with a natural sense of rhyme and rhythm, metaphor and drama. Unlike the Rawun who studies the tribe's history and makes a pact with Fate, the Nadim is less mysterious and more bravado. I only wonder if this concept is better represented by a Warlord? Perhaps it could replace "Sheikh"? :hmm:

Maybe a Brawler/Thug/Gladiator type? Someone who's bark is worse than his bite, but his bite ain't bad? Have the kit emphasize the old 'weapon performance' rules.
Oh, I thought about "display weapon prowess", and here's what I came up with...what do you think?

Display Weapon Prowess
Every Zakharan fighter has the ability to put on a stunning display with their weapon, whether a traditional sword dance or splitting a melon with an arrow. Doing so requires both a standard and a move action, and allows the fighter to use their Strength or Dexterity (whichever is higher) as a modifier to an Intimidate check instead of Charisma.
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I'm trying to come up with 8-9 campaign concepts for AQ4E - I'll flesh these out in more detail later, these are just the barebones ideas.

1. Heirs of the Caliph
The Grand Caliph must choose between one of his three sons as heir, but they are all unsuited to the task. The Shadow Caliph wages a terror campaign, driving the people to despair until her claim to the throne is recognized.

2. Holy War
The King of Muluk denounces the Law of the Loregiver, attempting to restore gods of long ago, and the Grand Caliph’s armies lay siege.

3. Kingdom of Ash
A curse falls upon Halwa, turning its people to mindless slaves, and its royalty to prisoners of demons seeking the destruction of the empire. The PCs must infiltrate the city-state and undo its curse before the Grand Caliph’s armies kill everyone within (or themselves are corrupted).

4. The Lost Scrolls
With the scrolls of the Loregiver stolen, there can be no reconciliation between competing sects and sectarian violence grows more common every day. The PCs track down the thieves and learn the true power of the scrolls.

5. Task of the Pearl
Sultan of Gana hosts an ancient competition to retrieve a most wondrous treasure – thus, the PCs set off to the Crowded Sea, learning of the hidden island Muminin and how the ruthless sultan will do anything to find it.

6. The Message
Pantheist League liberation prophet seeks to spread his faith throughout the empire, but his message is anathema to powerful caliphs, and both sides manipulate holy slayers to do their bidding…or is it the holy slayers who manipulate them?

7. Seal of Seven
Seven malevolent genies were released during the Great Unbinding, and they continue to wreck havoc on Zakhara. The PCs must confront and rebind each one, and hide the genie prison where it will never again be disturbed. However, a cabal of mages seek to stop them.
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First Post
I'm still reading here, just haven't posted in a bit :)

With demons now related to the elements, maybe we can recast demon princes as unenlightened djinn?

You wanted some human adversaries.. I'm working on some hill tribesmen and will have them done within the next couple days.

I saw that you felt matrud didn't fit AQ's theme for players. Since they were described as foes of both the city dwellers and desert dwellers, why not use their name for evil criminals? For example, a matrud cutthroat or matrud thug?
Actually, I was working on those concepts as well.

Are there any particular kinds of human foes you were looking for?

Another campaign concept might be that the kraken that engineered the draining of the Jacinth Sea (Cities of Bone) has increased his influence with the jann of the Haunted Lands and must be stopped.

(I know that's not complete, but I'm on my way to work.)

I like the Nadim, but am not sure whether Warlord would suit it better than fighter. Perhaps writing up a blurb for him would make it obvious where he would fit?



With demons now related to the elements, maybe we can recast demon princes as unenlightened djinn?
I like that, though I always pictures even wicked jinn as more corrupters and less destroyers.

I saw that you felt matrud didn't fit AQ's theme for players. Since they were described as foes of both the city dwellers and desert dwellers, why not use their name for evil criminals? For example, a matrud cutthroat or matrud thug?
Yeah, I see matrud as NPC foes, informants, or tenuous allies at best.

Are there any particular kinds of human foes you were looking for?
Palace/harem guards, holy slayers, raiders, cultists, flame mages, evil viziers, corsairs...

Another campaign concept might be that the kraken that engineered the draining of the Jacinth Sea (Cities of Bone) has increased his influence with the jann of the Haunted Lands and must be stopped.
Whoa. I totally missed that one. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

I like the Nadim, but am not sure whether Warlord would suit it better than fighter. Perhaps writing up a blurb for him would make it obvious where he would fit?
Ask and you shall receive...

“One day your life shall pass before your eyes – make it a life worthy to look at.”

What matter the great deeds of the warrior if his tales fall flat on children’s ears, or worse, are forgotten? You are a warrior-poet, a nadim, respected for your courage in combat, and your lyrical reciting after. Whether your origins are in the desert tribes or bustling cities, your poetic tongue transcends the class divisions of Zakhara. Love poems, praise for wise rulers, and eulogies for fallen warriors join the occasional political jab or call for justice in your repertoire. A hopeless romantic, you challenge the purity strictures of Zakharan society, and are quickly accused of being a hedonist or even a false believer. Yet your heart tells you that your deeds exalt life and your beloved…whether for life or for a night. When confronted with that which is beyond words, will your attempt to proudly capture it or let go with wild abandon?


First Post
what a waste

The world is falling apart and you people are spending hours in front of a toxic screen creating more fantasy. Get f'ing productive. I can only guess what tyoe of people have this much time on their hands. Pathetic!

I'm trying to come up with 8-9 campaign concepts for AQ4E - I'll flesh these out in more detail later, these are just the barebones ideas.

I wonder if we should go the Exalted route and develop both traditional campaigns and then HUGE mystery campaigns that themselves could span several of the more traditional campaigns.

Exalted Examples were things like:
Play out the Realm Civil War
Play out the Advent of Autocthon
Undo the Great Curse

Al-Quadim strikes me as being close to that level of epic-ness and very close if we push it.

Here's some Possibilities:
Play out the Reformation of the Caliphate
Find, Bind, and Canonize the Lore of Fate
Reform the Genie Oaths
Save the Land from the Geomancers' Ancient Curses
Redeem the Ghul Lords

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