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New DM Looking for Campaign Advice


I hope this is in the right section; so here goes.

I'm very new to DMing, and have a campaign I've been working on recently, with only one session in it thus far. It's loosely based on some Dark Sun cosmology, but most is my own creation, only taking out of this setting because I love it so much. Anyhow, it's more NPC advice and the concept of twisting my story that I need help on.

Thus far, these events have happened:

  1. Party lands in Athas, due to some error with magic mirrors, forcing two parties to the land, forcing them to team up, eventually.
  2. Walk the sands for a while, running into a Dwarf riding a caravan with two camels.
  3. Offers party a ride, tells them small details about the land, such as the halfling raiders being a big part as of late. They also are apparently "cannibals"
  4. They outride a sandstorm, to find brief safety in a watchtower/palisade-like building.
  5. It's later raided by some halflings, pushing them to fight from the tower, and later, down below.
  6. They capture the "leader" of the halflings
  7. Also, there's something of a "sewer grate" thing in the building that hasn't been opened yet.

My ideas so far, are to turn the dwarf (eventually) into an enemy, when the characters unfold, through clues, the true nature of the halflings, and why they've been raiding. Though I haven't decided much behind this. I think maybe the dwarf could kill the halfling before they get enough advice, and then later lead the party into some ambush, where they find the true meaning, if they don't realize his intentions in time.

Hopefully someone can help with some advice; or, if you need more information before you can make a judgment, please ask.

Thanks for anyone that has the time to critique the little bit that I have, or offer some future suggestions/ideas/advice.

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First Post
What is the true nature of the halflings? Why would the dwarf be an enemy?

The first thing that comes to mind for me is - The dwarf is the leader of a party of slavers/raiders. He's actually taking their ill-gotten hard booty to their fence and the rest of the group is going after ill-gotten soft booty and they were going to meet up. The halflings are actually victims of the slavers and are searching for their captured kinsfolk and stolen goods.

If the tower is a 'lost' tower then the grating could lead to anything, if people infrequently come here then perhaps a family of active ghouls, vampires, undead etc live in the underparts and come out at night to feed when they sense visitors. If people never come here then some old crypt run with inactive undead, zombies-skeletons etc. Or better yet some new critter appropriate to the sands. Maybe an oracle lives below, protected by guardian creatures because once it's dread prophecy is spoken so it comes true and as a result people in the distant past set in place deterrents to prevent anyone from hearing the prophecy.

In one campaign I ran the elves actually lived in the deserts, very arabian nights kind of places.


What is the true nature of the halflings? Why would the dwarf be an enemy?

The first thing that comes to mind for me is - The dwarf is the leader of a party of slavers/raiders. He's actually taking their ill-gotten hard booty to their fence and the rest of the group is going after ill-gotten soft booty and they were going to meet up. The halflings are actually victims of the slavers and are searching for their captured kinsfolk and stolen goods.

If the tower is a 'lost' tower then the grating could lead to anything, if people infrequently come here then perhaps a family of active ghouls, vampires, undead etc live in the underparts and come out at night to feed when they sense visitors. If people never come here then some old crypt run with inactive undead, zombies-skeletons etc. Or better yet some new critter appropriate to the sands. Maybe an oracle lives below, protected by guardian creatures because once it's dread prophecy is spoken so it comes true and as a result people in the distant past set in place deterrents to prevent anyone from hearing the prophecy.

In one campaign I ran the elves actually lived in the deserts, very arabian nights kind of places.
Well, the dwarf wasn't originally perceived as an enemy, but he wants the PC's to think so. Perception has caused the characters to have an instant opinion of the halflings, as snarling cannibals. When in reality, they're just (as you mentioned) searching for their kinsfolk that have been sold into slavery. I'm thinking that the grate leads to another area where they're being held/transported. It could be a place for encounters, but I also want it to lead to the first area of civilization, which will be a smaller village, since I don't want this thing to escalate at such a low level. At the moment, it's just a small ring of slavetraders. I'll say that slavetrading is illegal during this age. Maybe the dwarf thinks the PC's will aid him, and he turns on them when they decline. And if they don't, I have another angle to go with. (Well, maybe not, with some good allignments and all.)

Yeah, I think I'll have the characters find abandoned cages of halflings in the grate, and find some creatures that have been left there for a long time. I like the idea of underground slave-trading though, and think it'll work out well. Does that sound like a good mix of ideas?


First Post
Yeah, I think I'll have the characters find abandoned cages of halflings in the grate, and find some creatures that have been left there for a long time. I like the idea of underground slave-trading though, and think it'll work out well. Does that sound like a good mix of ideas?


Another idea is that the Dwarf could have lead them here to trap them... "yea, have a look in the cell there..." and then lock them in. Or, there could be a room full of dwarves waiting to grab them (down under the tower)... Imagine lowering the PC's down into the darkness... then they get a light started (torch or something) only to discover themselves in the middle of a room full of dwarves grinning at them.

At that point, it could be an escape kind of thing they have to pull off, or maybe in transit they are rescued by someone/group who then leads them to a nearby city, where they are questioned about their ordeal, asked to help ("can you lead us to the tower?"), etc

Anyway, just some stuff off the top of my head.



Another idea is that the Dwarf could have lead them here to trap them... "yea, have a look in the cell there..." and then lock them in. Or, there could be a room full of dwarves waiting to grab them (down under the tower)... Imagine lowering the PC's down into the darkness... then they get a light started (torch or something) only to discover themselves in the middle of a room full of dwarves grinning at them.

At that point, it could be an escape kind of thing they have to pull off, or maybe in transit they are rescued by someone/group who then leads them to a nearby city, where they are questioned about their ordeal, asked to help ("can you lead us to the tower?"), etc

Anyway, just some stuff off the top of my head.
I like your idea of the dwarves waiting for them, and then it ends up in an escape sequence, where they get rescued by halflings, mid-sequence. I'd like to do it as a skills challenge, which could make it really interesting. I just don't know how to make the party aware of the chance to escape. Eventually, it'll lead to a village, and this will be used as a campaign arc. Could create some good stuff in the future, but I have no urge to figure out every possible thing. I just need to make sure the beginning is really well done. Once I build a solid foundation, the possibilities will be limitless. Maybe if they end up fighting the dwarves, they could defeat them, and more show up; enough, so that they'll want to run.


Liquid Awesome
Some neat ideas here. Kudos.

The only thing that jumped out as a "red flag" in the first post was #6 about "They Capture the Halfling Leader". I'd just caution you not to build your adventure around assumptions like that. Lots of things can happen to mess that up.

I mean first of all the fight could go poorly and the PC's retreat or something. But the more likely outcome is that the Halfling Leader gets killed during the fight or a vengeful PC executes him after the fight is over.


Some neat ideas here. Kudos.

The only thing that jumped out as a "red flag" in the first post was #6 about "They Capture the Halfling Leader". I'd just caution you not to build your adventure around assumptions like that. Lots of things can happen to mess that up.

I mean first of all the fight could go poorly and the PC's retreat or something. But the more likely outcome is that the Halfling Leader gets killed during the fight or a vengeful PC executes him after the fight is over.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, but the numbered items are what has already happened. And he was not quite a "leader," but the only different looking monster of the attackers. I guess I should have worded it better. Those numbered events were the first session, and I was looking for possible ways to swing what I have already done. Thanks for the reply!


First Post
Sounds Great so Far

I like the way you are progressing. For a first campaign it sounds like you've gotten right into the action! Here are a few more thoughts:

If you lower all the players through a hole and they are surrounded by dwarves they are almost certainly going to fight. They will (rightly) determine that trying to climb back up a rope while being hammered is not survivable and you've backed them in a corner. So.. plan on that being a combat encounter, either give an apparent escape route midway through (they spot an open doorway past a dwarf that just fell in battle), or even let them win and rest, but not be able to go back.

As to the captured halfling, perhaps the dwarf quickly suggests gagging him and moving to a 'safer' place before interrogating him. He then leads the party to descend the rope (tie up the halfling and lower him down first to use as ballast on the end of the rope, everyone likes halfling humor). Once down, he slams and locks the grate and cuts the rope. He'll use his protected spot to take pot shots down during the combat, which should eventually force the players to flee even after killing the dwarves waiting below.
Once they question the halfling he could offer to help them find a way out. But likely they'll not be trusting anyone at this point. Play that up, it can be fun. Along the way use the halfling to rescue the group if they get in way over their heads.
Now they are in dwarven slaver tunnels and need to find a safe way to the surface. Pretty soon (but not until after they've had a chance for a short rest) they will start hearing the clomping boots of another, larger dwarf patrol heading their way. The race through the tunnels could make a great skill challenge if you plan out a series of tests (crevaces to cross, strange runes to interpret, perhaps historical references or divine inspiration to choose a path).

Good luck and have fun!
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I like the way you are progressing. For a first campaign it sounds like you've gotten right into the action! Here are a few more thoughts:

If you lower all the players through a hole and they are surrounded by dwarves they are almost certainly going to fight. They will (rightly) determine that trying to climb back up a rope while being hammered is not survivable and you've backed them in a corner. So.. plan on that being a combat encounter, either give an apparent escape route midway through (they spot an open doorway past a dwarf that just fell in battle), or even let them win and rest, but not be able to go back.

As to the captured halfling, perhaps the dwarf quickly suggests gagging him and moving to a 'safer' place before interrogating him. He then leads the party to descend the rope (tie up the halfling and lower him down first to use as ballast on the end of the rope, everyone likes halfling humor). Once down, he slams and locks the grate and cuts the rope. He'll use his protected spot to take pot shots down during the combat, which should eventually force the players to flee even after killing the dwarves waiting below.
Once they question the halfling he could offer to help them find a way out. But likely they'll not be trusting anyone at this point. Play that up, it can be fun. Along the way use the halfling to rescue the group if they get in way over their heads.
Now they are in dwarven slaver tunnels and need to find a safe way to the surface. Pretty soon (but not until after they've had a chance for a short rest) they will start hearing the clomping boots of another, larger dwarf patrol heading their way. The race through the tunnels could make a great skill challenge if you plan out a series of tests (crevaces to cross, strange runes to interpret, perhaps historical references or divine inspiration to choose a path).

Good luck and have fun!

Thanks for all that advice. It's giving me plenty of ideas to branch off from. I'm probably going to take the lowering of the rope idea, have the battle with the NPC dwarf at the top. I want to keep him around to later be party of the campaign. I've picked a city to head to after this, and I'm gonna play this section from some ideas I've had. The city I've chosen (from old 2E books, for flavour) is Gulg. It's a large city, and it has a ruling "queen," who is also known as Oba, or "forest goddess." I'm going to say that she exiled the dwarves after some opinions differed from hers, and he thinks that the party is out to get him. I can also play up on this angle as a feud between two large groups for later. That way there's a reason why the party is being attacked, albeit they have no idea what he's talking about. I'm not yet sure why the dwarves are slavers to the halflings, but I'll figure that out in due time. So after they get out, after running from a mass amount of dwarves, the halfling will lead them to Gulg. But, if he somehow dies, I'll have the PC's spot a map that leads to Gulg, via underground tunnels. May make a small bit of dungeon encounters, or take the previous ideas of a skill challenge out. I'm undecided on that so far.

So, Gulg is a large city-state with templars that work for the queen, and comprised of many different areas. Some "mini-towns" called dagoba's which are like cities that, if they pay taxes, will be left alone by the officials, and get grain and supplies, as needed. My idea was not to start in a small town, because I didn't want to create more areas of Athas; my idea was to start in a small section in a dangerous town until the PC's are a higher level to really get behind what's going down in Athas. They will be able to find different things out about the feud and get supplies and have a place to sleep in this place. However, they will not want to venture out too often. I'll make the PC's aware of how brutal it can be if you get involved with official affairs. I'm thinking of some display of brutal violence by the templar as the PC's enter Gulg.

Those are just some ideas I've had. I can't wait to put some of this into effect. I don't know if I'd mentioned this before, but your idea on trust is a great one, and one that I'd like the PC's to realize. Athas is a brutal land, full of brutal violence, seething sun, and filtered information; with an extreme lack of water and metal. (Still working on how to incorporate the lack of metal, or if I should just drop that as too much.)

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