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Paths of Legend: The Sunless Citadel (IC)


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I too have heard humans are lacking in respect towards Mother Earth. But I haven't had a chance to meet one till now... says Athanil while he grabs his light backpack and a roughly made, long wooden staff decorated with some feathers and a few coloured laces.

ooc:Athanil is actually a human, but he was raised by wood elves and acts like one.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
“Full agreement. That sound is already getting on my nerves. Let us find a decent place to get a drink and maybe find out a bit more about what's going on here. Maybe there is something interesting to be heard. At the very least we might pass some time.”

"I wonder what these magic apples are that master Alexi was wantin' me to check into? i find it to be quite dubious that goblins are the ones selling it." It is quite obvious he seems to have a mistrust of goblins in general, and having to do busiess will be somewhat distasteful at that.

"well, the tavern that we find should provide the long overdue ale and information on these goblins as well."

He looks down the way for a 'watering hole' as far away from the blacksmith as he cna find.


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Lenya nods, indicating acknowledgement about the scepticism.

“Admittedly, I'm not entirely excited about it, having had some bad experiences with goblins in the past. However, if things turn out well, it might be useful to know, that I do speak their language.”


It had been a long journey, especially long since he was travelling by himself. He had plenty of time to reflect on the teachings of Heironeous that he learned. It was slightly disturbing to Darik that he had learned of Sir Braford's commission and subsequent silence. The young follower of Heironeous had promised to deliver any information he came across regarding Sir Braford to the temple upon his return to his homeland. He was grateful for the information that they had provided him and it was the least he could do in return.

The sight of the town was a welcome one to Darik. It meant that his long journey had come to an end and he would be able to get on with his investigation. It also meant that perhaps there would be others to converse with, even if they were farmers. He would be able to spread the good word of Heironeous to them and perhaps even convert some of them, which would make this mission a success in his eyes.

His load became lighter with every step since seeing the town off in the distance. Upon entering the small village, he didn't need directions to locate the shrine to Pelor. It was easy to find any location in town as there were so few buildings. As he approached the shrine, he took care to ensure his appearance was as nice as possible for one who had been travelling on the road for days. Darik cleared his throat as he came to the shrine, he looked around and paused. Clearing his throat again, he called out. "I'm looking for Corkie Nackle. I was told to ask for you from your brethern in Brindinford regarding Sir Braford."


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Approaching his uncle at the smithy, he says loudly, to get over the noise of the hammer and anvil, "AH'M GOIN' OUT TA SEE 'BOUT SUM WORK." Passing by the half-orc errand-boy, whatsisface, Vardok says "Yeh, move them hams, tusker, Rurik needs ahron t' do 'is work." The scruffy, red-haired dwarf marches on out without so much as a goodbye or thankyou. His black and white bulldog follows close behind, snarling a moment at Rurik and Kelset before following Vardok out.

With practiced patience, Kelset doesn't even turn to acknowledge Vardok's departure. Continuing towards the forge with a huge load of ore, he places the raw materials in the proper storage bin before heading back to the woodpile outside to gather more fuel for the forge.

His time at the smithy had been mostly enjoyable, Vardok being the notable exception. Luckily, Rurik had made it clear early on that Kelset only had to answer to the smith, not the nephew. So, other than an occasional dream of putting Vardok's head through a wall, Kelset did his best to ignore him.

The work at the smithy had allowed him to use his formidable strength to its fullest, and there was no question that Rurik needed the help. However, Kelset has been thinking for some time now that he's learned what he could with Rurik. Certain obvious things like the value in an honest days work and helping those in need came to him quickly. However, he has also started to realize that even Vardok's manner has helped him to learn how to restrain his rather fierce temper. Truly, Kord works in mysterious ways to bring so many lessons home in one place.

All of this has lead the half-orc to wonder if his time was done here, and to move on to the next level of service to Kord. After dropping off his load of wood, Kelset decides to broach subject with Rurik.

"Master Rurik, I been working with you for some months as required by my order of Kord. Good hard work its been too, which was fun. But I'm startin to think there's more I could be doing. I mean, not that it ain't important helpin you. But I think there's more out there for me to do. Like them boys that disappeared a while back. I gotta tell you I'm feeling kinda guilty about not going with them. No telling what happened to them, but I gotta think having some priest-type muscle along woulda helped.

"So, I think I'm gonna look around for what I should do next if you're ok with it,"
Kelset informs Rurik. He's trying really hard to speak his mind clearly and not just up and leave. More lessons in patience by Kord, no doubt.

Walking Dad

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The man stands quietly, looking around calmly, thoughtful, snuffing the air. He looks at Ril, his loyal wolf, for a couple of seconds. Finally, he answers, stroking the silvery hide of his companion: Yes, Ringrill. There is something about that place. Ril was nervous too when we were in the whereabouts. Let's go take a look.
"I think you are right. Grey senses something, too. We should be careful." The elven bard Finlil says to the others. As always, his she-wolf compaion Grey by his side.


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OOC: From here on out, anything in a quote block in my posts is directly quoted from the published adventure.

Finlil, Athanil, Ringrill - To the Ravine

The Old Road passes to the east of a narrow ravine. At the road's closest approach to the cleft, several broken pillars jut from the earth where the ravine widens and opens into something more akin to a deep, but narrow canyon. Two of the pillars stand straight, but most of them lean against the sloped earth. Others are broken, and several have apparently fallen into the darkness-shrouded depths. A few similar pillars are visible on the opposite side of the ravine.

At this particular point, the ravine is about 40 feet wide. The wolves are both slightly agitated, apparently catching a scent they find unpleasant.

Merenita - In the Ravine

Four of the smelly humanoids were scrambling up the winding stairs and up to the ledge where the four humans had left their rope tied to one of the pillars above, one month past.

She sensed the presence of other beings at the top of the ravine. The meeting likely wouldn't be pleasant.

Kelset - At the Smithy

The old dwarf nods, "I've been seeing the restlessness in your heart for a while now. I'd hoped maybe you'd take my place at the forge this coming season, but I see now that there's greater things in your future than hammering horseshoes. So be it. Just do me a favor. It may not seem like it, now, but that good-for-nothing nephew of mine is destined for better things, too. If you find your path crossing his, keep an eye on him, try to keep him out of trouble. You do that for me and I'll consider your other obligations fulfilled. You've been like a son to me and that's a rare thing for a dwarf to be saying. So, off with you then."

Darik - At the Shrine

Darik's call is answered by a spritely, oddly musical voice from a three foot tall, wrinkly old gnome woman, "Well, then, this is your lucky day because you have found Corkie Nackle. What business do you have with the brave and foolish paladin, Sir Braford, who's likely been chewed, swallowed and spit out by goblins or rats or worse?"

Delber, Lenya, Kael, and Rashana - At the Inn

Garon is about to answer Rashana when the inn door opens and Delber and Lenya enter. He raises a hand to the newcomers, "Welcome to the Ol' Boar! Make yourself at home."

He winks at Rashana, "Be right back, sweetie." The rotund innkeep grabs a pair of mugs and pours some of the house ale into them, then toddles over to Delber and Lenya, "First drink is always on the house, folks. If you need anything else, just yodel for Garon. That's me, by the by."

After making sure Delber and Lenya are settled in, he meanders his way back over to Rashana, first asking if Kael needs a top off.

Settling back in behind the bar, he answers Rashana's question, his deep, jovial voice carrying throughout the tavern, loud enough for Delber, Lenya and Kael to hear, "Alrighty. Old Road ravine, you say? Dangerous business, that. They say there's some old castle what fell into the ground a thousand years ago or some such. Goblins there now. Come up every summer trying to sell a magic apple. Apple that's supposed to cure any sickness. Horsepuckey if you ask me. Sad, sad thing it is, them Hucrele kids going down there, thinking to be heroes with that boastful paladin. Buford, Braford, something like that. Most sensible folks know better than to head out that way. Fact is, the last time anyone even asked about it was well on to thirteen years ago. I wouldn't remember the fellow 'cept he had with him the biggest frog I ever laid eyes on. Belak was his name. Unpleasant fellow, never smiled. Never saw him again, either. That ravine...it's served as a grave to too many folks. Dangerous business, it is."

Vardok - At Merchant Hucrele's

Vardok finds the door open and Hucrele herself going about her routine. She eyes the dwarf, her sunken features indicating a month spent in sleepless grief and worry.

"I've seen you about. Rurik's kin, right? Well, first, your facts are off. I have a son and daughter, not two boys. As to the reward, 125 gold pieces for each of their signet rings as proof of their fate. Double that if they are brought back alive and in reasonably good health. They went off to the old ravine, like foolish adventurers, listening to foolish tales from a foolish paladin, Sir Braford. There was one more with them, a childhood friend of theirs, Karakus, a woodsy type."
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RE: Delber, Lenya, Kael, and Rashana - At the Inn

Rashana nods to Garon and turns to regard the new clientele as the innkeeper assails them with his cheerful greetings and generous hospitality. One appears to be a well armored warrior type, a woman with rough edge to her. The sorceress senses an inkling of tragic circumstances to her aura. Her companion is a not-so-warrior type although he certainly had the physical build for such a profession. Are they mere travelers just like the lone elf in the corner? A husband and wife perhaps? Rashana innocently muses over the possibilities for her own sport.

Patiently awaiting Garon’s return to the bar, the sorceress listens intently to his dark tale. The details match the various rumors and accounts she had already heard around town plus a little extra. She found the idea of goblins selling magic apples both strange and interesting. Was there any truth to that particular bit? “It is a sad story and my heart goes out to Hucrele. I would have thought a paladin would have been more…responsible. ”, she replies, “Has anyone tried to find the missing children?” Her phrasing and tone clearly alluded to her own intended course of action. But from Garon’s recounts, braving the ravine alone is almost certain suicide. There is far greater safety in numbers.


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“Now that's a friendly welcome, if I ever heard one. Thank you!”

Later, when the woman at the bar gets her answers, Lenya looks at Delber... “Well, that was easy... wonder whether it's always the same one, and noone every actually bought it, or they got a few of those. Probably the latter.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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