Paths of Legend: The Sunless Citadel (IC)


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Vardok growls and tries to smash a skeleton with his mace while keeping Krek the Fifth from getting in the way. But the dog continues to prove a significant distraction, and Vardok only succeeds in smashing a dent in the floor.

[sblock=ooc]An 11 to hit for 8 damage, pah. Attacking whatever skeleton is within reach at that time.
1d20+3=11, 1d8+3=8 [/sblock]

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Kael - HP: 10/10 AC: 17

Kael takes his time with this shot, targeting the one standing skeleton remaining. He notches his arrow and tracks the path, waiting for the opening between his companion's attacks. Once the opportunity arises, he'll let an arrow fly toward the skull, hoping that the arrowhead can embed itself with the greater amount of suffice area and hopefully hit it with enough force to take the head right off.

Attack against the skeleton with 14 for 4 damage.


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OOC: Sorry I didn't post sooner. Somehow I missed that you wanted us all to post our actions up front (even though now that I look back it was quite clear). I was waiting to see what happened ahead of me, since Kelset moves last.

If Kelset can still have an action in round 1, he would attack a skeleton.
Kelset attacks with his mace (1d20+4=15, 1d8+4=8)

If that isn't possible work, then he will attack in round 2.

If he was able to attack in round 1, and there is still a skeleton standing in round 2 for him to whack, he will do so:

Kelset 2nd attack (1d20+4=16, 1d8+4=5)

Once the battle is over, he will heal Delbar unless someone else is in more need of healing.

heal Delbar (1d8+1=7)


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OOC: Note that this will be the last IC update on EN World. This post is being cross-posted on Crazy Monkey's Asylum here. Scott DeWar had already indicated that he will not be making the move so Delber is being written out this round. Anyone else not planning on making the move, please e-mail me at as I won't be checking my PMs or new posts here on EN World.

Lenya takes the standing skeleton down to the ground with her flail, her followup attack smashing the skeleton to bone fragments. (OOC: These skeletons are AC 13 and being prone incurs a -4 penalty to AC vs melee attacks.)

Vardok manages to obliterate the other one, despite the distraction presented by his dog.

OOC: Everyone gets 42 XP.

Delber, critically injured, says "I'm going to go back to town and heal."

OOC: We will assume that the characters of any other players who are not making the move to the Asylum are going to escort Delber back to town. Remember, please post your IC replies here. Thanks.


First Post
OOC: Note that this will be the last IC update on EN World. This post is being cross-posted on Crazy Monkey's Asylum here. Scott DeWar had already indicated that he will not be making the move so Delber is being written out this round. Anyone else not planning on making the move, please e-mail me at as I won't be checking my PMs or new posts here on EN World.

Lenya takes the standing skeleton down to the ground with her flail, her followup attack smashing the skeleton to bone fragments. (OOC: These skeletons are AC 13 and being prone incurs a -4 penalty to AC vs melee attacks.)

Vardok manages to obliterate the other one, despite the distraction presented by his dog.

OOC: Everyone gets 42 XP.

Delber, critically injured, says "I'm going to go back to town and heal."

OOC: We will assume that the characters of any other players who are not making the move to the Asylum are going to escort Delber back to town. Remember, please post your IC replies here. Thanks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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