• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Revised GSL TODAY!


The EN World kitten
Alzrius, you misunderstand Clark's statements I think.

Clark is putting things in perspective.

No, he isn't.

I'm not commenting on his analysis of the GSL, his comparisons to the OGL, or anything legal. I'm objecting to his insulting OGL products he doesn't like and people who disagree with his stance, and stating his opinion about the quality of the GSL as though it were fact.

That's blatant threadcrapping, and it's not useful or helpful in any regard.

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"Maybe"? I think when you've degenerated to name-calling and childish insults, to say nothing of broad characterizations regarding everyone who disagrees with you, then you've long since crossed that line.

Name calling? Childish insults? The only person I think would be offended by Orcus' statements is perhaps the publisher and/or writers of BoEF.

His statements that the license is not something to be worrying about is to put things in perspective, since a lot of people aren't publishers. I didn't see him insult you directly, unless you think some blunt honest opinions are wrong.


They may not have any legal responsibility, but anything written for D&D is going to reflect on the brand of D&D - most people won't know or care that a BOEF (just as an example) was put out by a third party and not WoTC. It has the potential to reflect poorly on them, and as a result they'd like to reduce that potential.

But is there anything they can really do to prevent it even with the clause in the GSL? Nancy Grace claimed that a couple negligent parents were neglecting their children because they were playing D&D on the internet, when the clip showed clearly it was WoW. So even having the thing right there people are dumb and don't pay attention. Like you said people just claim something is what it is. So BoEF could say D&D, but wasn't made by them and any court of law would be like.... What does this have to do with WotC since they didn't write or publish this book?

Don't you have to prove the person you are blaming for any kind of damages is the responsible party? So anyone claiming damages, even with the GSL, would not be able to hold WotC to blame for something of "mature" content, if WotC did not write it.

I don't recall Gene Roddenbury held responsible for anything occuring from the porn flik Sex Trek with James T **** as the captain. It wasn't his fault, so cannot be held responsible for someone using or misusing his IP.

The potential will always be there for some people to complain about something. But in a court of law they will have to prove they are blaming the party responsible. In such a case of mistaken identify, I think then WotC could press charges for such then. But since the "Book of Goblin Porn" can exist outside of the GSL, then WotC has little to do but go through the courts, since the GSL never covered it in the first place.

Where is the GSL did cover it, they could terminate then and explain why in public record the maker of BoGP, and remove themselves from the responsible party for any damages caused by the BoGP....right? :confused:


Mod Squad
Staff member
As if anyone had failed to realize this, this topic is apt to have lots of passions behind it. So, people should be taking steps to be on their best behavior. Please, folks, let's not argue, fight, or get into ego contests.

If you think someone's thread crapping, we have a "report a post" feature. Getting in each other's faces about thread crapping has, to my knowledge, never rectified the situation to anyone's satisfaction.

No, he isn't.

I'm not commenting on his analysis of the GSL, his comparisons to the OGL, or anything legal. I'm objecting to his insulting OGL products he doesn't like and people who disagree with his stance, and stating his opinion about the quality of the GSL as though it were fact.

That's blatant threadcrapping, and it's not useful or helpful in any regard.

Or you might consider these possibilities:

Maybe he thinks the BoEF is garbage. Maybe he's been working his ass off for months helping WotC get the GSL into shape, and he's so frustrated from seeing the same complaints coming from a wide array of people who aren't qualified to know what they're talking about that he's gotten impatient even with those objections and objectors that do have potential validity.

(Though keep in mind that even Clark said he understands why some people might not want to hop on board.)

And maybe, as a lawyer, he really does believe he has a better understanding of the GSL's strengths and weaknesses than most people on a message board.

Could he have been more diplomatic? Sure, and it's unfortunate that he wasn't. But I think a certain level of frustration and tension are to be expected, and even excused, before we go accusing someone that we know to be a valuable member of the community (both ENWorld and D20 in general) of "threadcrapping."

Edit: Umbran beat me to it.


Booze and Jalapenos, OH MY!! Whee!!! Damn the new GSL!! That means in addition to the thieves at WOTC, the likes of Clark and other 3PP are going to be thieving from me too. My purse will be empty, my wife will be mad, my players happy, and me out of booze!! Curse all the publishers!! Curse 4e!!


No, he isn't.

I'm not commenting on his analysis of the GSL, his comparisons to the OGL, or anything legal. I'm objecting to his insulting OGL products he doesn't like and people who disagree with his stance, and stating his opinion about the quality of the GSL as though it were fact.

That's blatant threadcrapping, and it's not useful or helpful in any regard.

Just so we're clear. The BoEF IS garbage. G-A-R-B-A-G-E.

And the whole maturity clause in the d20 STL and the GSL is a direct result of Anthony Valterra's epic fail in the good business sense department.


Just so we're clear. The BoEF IS garbage. G-A-R-B-A-G-E.

And the whole maturity clause in the d20 STL and the GSL is a direct result of Anthony Valterra's epic fail in the good business sense department.

My acronym allotment for the day just ran out. What does BoEF stand for?

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