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Chicago Gameday 24 was November 14th: the aftermath!


First Post
Much thanks to Buzz for running Gameday again; and thanks to WJ for running Triune. Who knew religious undertones could be so much fun? =D Was a great game!

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Success! Another Gameday in the bank. :cool:

My count had us at 35 confirmed attendees. There may have been some additional walk-ins, but that's the number I was able to corroborate with the sign-in sheet. Low-average for us, but nothing to be ashamed of.

It may have seemed like more give all the rowdy Battletech players that were crashing our party. ;)


Big thanks to Games Plus for hosting as usual, of course. Massive amounts of gratitude to all of our volunteer GMs and all the players who came out.

Some extra special thanks to the players in my morning game: Trevalon, waterdhavian, dalkai, Reidzilla, and newcomer Dan. I had a lot of fun, but I realize that there were some rough spots. I'm going to be running Diaspora/FATE for some of my regular game buddies, so hopefully I can be more practiced with the system should I run it again.

(ejja_1, it was very gracious of you to give Dan your spot; you certainly didn't have to, but it was a nice gesture. Did you jump into something else?)

My afternoon game was excellent; many thanks to Tim for running and Pvt. Patterson for playing. I was very impressed with The Pool! It's nice to have gotten a chance to play it after being aware of its indie-legendary status for some many years.

I look forward to hearing about the games that were played. And I'm pretty sure Mark was snapping pictures throughout the day.

Thanks again to everyone. Also, I will be sending out a post-Gameday poll to the mailing list in the near future. It seems about time to take the pulse of the masses and see what we might be able to do to improve the Gameday experience.

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It was awesome to finally attend a Gameday after a 7-year hiatus since my last one :confused:

Big thanks to my players (Waterdhavian, Lothos, Painfully, Lord Ruben & his buddy)!! Again, I wish I was more prepared than I was, but overall it was super fun. Pretty much every decision and course of action you guys took was "off the path" and unexpected for me, which made the game awesome!

Incidentally, and I didn't mentioned this tonight, but this is the first time I've ever GMed for "strangers." I'll admit to having plenty of butterflies in my stomach leading up to the game, but once I met everyone and started playing, it was all good, and eye-opening in many ways.

I hope you all had fun.

P.S. Big props naturally to Games Plus for hosting. I hope sales were good for the store tonight!

P.P.S. Congrats to either Lord Ruben or his friend (Mike... I'm not sure which one he is) for winning the Clone Wars Campaign Guide! I had wanted to purchase the prize from Games Plus (as a way to monetarily say thank you to the store), but my vacation drained me of literally all my money, so I had to use one of two duplicate Saga books I owned as a prize. I hope you enjoy the book :)

P.P.P.S. I mentioned this tonight, but I'll say again if any of you are interested in joining my semi-weekly Star Wars game in Lake in the Hills/Algonquin, hit me up! paulklein22@gmail.com
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Retired game store owner
Thanks to Vyvyan Bastard for the 4E game in the morning. May my adventuring partners RIP. Sorry I foiled your TPK when I bravely ran away. :p
Thanks Ninjacat for the Supernatural game. And extra thanks for taking the time to teach me about the game system and the TV show.
I enjoyed playing with everyone in both groups.
Thanks to everyone for coming out. And thanks, buzz, for organizing this event again.


Thanks Buzz and thalmin for organizing and hosting once again! Another successful gameday! We're going into our ninth year it seems. :eek:

Much thanks to all who joined in the fun of the Descent game, Kelleris, Keel Tings, Laurie, James J. Skach, Haley, Conor and especially Der Spot with his rules acumen and teaching. Well done Jim as the Overlord. Your assistants did a fine job organizing the tiles and keeping trouble at the ready! That game looks to have a lot of re-playability.

Thanks, too, to Hinterwelt for the Iridium Light. Ancient Evil doesn't stand a chance versus Axe and magic and excellent banter! I hope you did not feel too swined into DM powerlessnesss. :D

Pictures of the day are posted on Picasa -

Picasa Web Albums - CreativeMountain - chicago gamed...

Grab what you like for your own uses, Buzz, for the gameday site, or Curt, for the store site, and if anyone else wants to grab one that they are in for your own website (facebook, myspace, blog, etc), please do so. You can also add captions but, please, keep it clean. ;)


First Post
Thanks to Games Plus, and everyone who came out for another great gameday!

I had a good time in both my morning 4e game, and saga Star Wars game in the afternoon! And, as always, I look forward to the next gameday!

Nev the Deranged

First Post
Good times, as always! Props to my fellow morning players for showing me that my characters need rebuilding so they don't go unconscious three or four times per encounter >_< Curt, you are forgiven for your brave advance-to-the-rear, I mean, what was your other option, go down fighting? Pfft. You're only a gnome, after all.

Thanks to Reid for introducing me to his game, whomever backed out of it, you missed out! Shame on you!

Thanks to G+ and Buzz for hosting and organizing.

See you guys at the next one ^_^


Still laughing...

This Gameday I do believe I've laughed thee hardest (Yeah, btw, sorry to the 4E game next to us). I still chuckle when I think of one of the many funnies said. I will say that between the DM & my fellow players, we had an awesome team!!! On a more serious note though, on behalf of all the little animates and their animate parents/guardians, please beware of all necropedophiles... such as Bob.
♫♥♫What do we want???♫♥♫BRAAAAIIIINNNSSS♫♥♫When do we want 'em???♫♥♫♫♥♫BRAAAIIINNNSSS♫♥♫
And also, please remember, ladies, to each get a combat corset. It just may save you for becoming animate yourself. (note: may not always protect your kidneys or other vital organs, though). An essential for any animate {zombie} apocolypse!
Yeah, yeah, & rubber hose (if ur a tart like some uh.. huh.. people) :p

As for Supernatural, glad you joined us, Curt. Ninjacat, a blast, as always. I look forward to another episode next time of Supernatural... {♫♥♫DUHoO♫♥♫ HoO♫♥♫HoOo♫♥♫} where Jess will... sorry you'll have to wait til then to find out.

Could hardly wait til the next gameday!!! See ya then. <<<waves>>> :lol:


Incidentally, and I didn't mentioned this tonight, but this is the first time I've ever GMed for "strangers." I'll admit to having plenty of butterflies in my stomach leading up to the game, but once I met everyone and started playing, it was all good, and eye-opening in many ways.
I was in the same position back in '04 at Gameday 8. It my first time running at any sort of con, much less for a bunch of people I had just met. It was daunting at first, but quickly turned into lots of fun.

Now I look at Gamedays and cons as a chance to meet new people, see existing friends again, and as a gaming challenge; i.e., how do I create a fun gaming experience for a group of people who have likely never played together, much less may be learning on-the-fly the RPG I've chosen for the event? I enjoy it.

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