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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold OOC - Recruiting


First Post
I need to take roll to make sure who is still in the game.

I know that in the past month or so, progress on this game has slowed considerable.

I want to get this thing off the ground and moving, but I warn you that I am selling a house, moving cross-country after said house sale, and have two small children that are eating up my free time.

That said, I want to give these games a fair chance.

To that end, I request that all current players check in so that I can see the best way to proceed.

As I have two games going at the moment, my options are as follows:

1) Keep games separate and going with DM PC's
2) Keep games separate and recruit players to fill DM PC and missing PC slots
3) Merge the two games

Obviously #3 would be somewhat tricky, as both groups have entered the Steading and are in different parts.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'd PM folks that are around to remind them.

That being said, my enthusiasm for 3E games diminishing. As I've said before, I'm not picking up any new ones and trying to wind down the ones I'm in. Domoris has been fun in the few battles he's been in, but I'm fine letting him go (or moving him over). Nothing against you, s@s.


First Post
Status 2/26

stonegod - shifter druid 6/warshaper 2 ( I am assuming you will continue this game?)
Tailspinner – gnome archivist 8
Strahd_Von_Zarovich - Githzerai (LA 2) Rogue 1 Monk 5
Vertexx69 - dwarf fighter 2/rogue 2/dragonmarked heir 4


EvolutionKB - warforged transmuter 3/master specialist 4/master transmorgifist 1
renau1q - dwarf cleric 8
Shayuri – warforged fighter 2/warblade 6 - now DM controlled PC
Last edited:


First Post
I am still about. I check to see any movement daily. we are in the middle of combat so was waiting for others to post actions IC. As I'm in other games with most of them, I know they are still around as well. I have been putting Hudder in harms way intentionally as I saw the slow down coming a ways back. If it comes down to a merge I would much rather play one of my own characters instead of the very poorly constructed dwarf.

Those kids will pound u into submission if u let them ;p My step brother has a pair of demon spawn.. er young kids as well, and its all I here about.


First Post
I thought I posted here before a few months ago, if I didn't I'm very sorry s@s. I've given up most of my non-Living games, focusing on 4e as my brand of choice, I enjoy the system better and struggle to go back.

Thanks for running the game, I really was hoping to take Dori against the giants, but c'est la vie. Good luck with the kids, my twins are having their 2nd b-day in two weeks and they are certainly a handful.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Mostly 4E, like me.

I'm more out than in at this point. You've still got a good single group between the two (and another shifter druid).

Voidrunner's Codex

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