(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 2

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A suffusion of yellow
As soon as the straining of the horse managed to bust the door, Kahru pushed through at the head of the charge, kicking barrels aside with Waythe brandished before him at the stumbling she-giant.

His peripheral vision caught the elemental bursting through the floor, and Kahru bellowed an intimidating warcry in to the chaos of the room, blind rage building in him as he looked beyond the fat servant in front of him and instead saw the hated Mudsmuck beyond her - any sense of self preservation forgotten as he rushed in to attack ...

OOC: bracing for impact, rage kicking in

Kahru AC15 HP 63/93 THP 14/14 HD 8/10 PP17 SSdc15 3/4 3/3 2/3 WS1/2 Rage 1/3 Staff 6/7
-Kahru-Bear AC12 HP 42/42 Kahru-Hawk AC12, HP3, Fly 60

Race: Human
HP: 43/43 TH: 14
AC: 17/19 w shield
Pass Perc: 14
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 17
Initiative: +2
HD: 5/6
Action Surge: 0/1
Second Wind 0/1
arrows: 20

[[flashback]]Donnell approaches a wounded archer who is cradling a badly broken arm.

"Hello, there soldier, it looks like you did quite a number on the giants here." he appraises the man's arm.

"It looks like you won't be doing much more fighting today but it doesn't mean your bow has to sit idle - it can rain vengeance down on those beasts who took the lives of your brothers. If you'll give it to me, I can compensate you so can enjoy your family while you recuperate."

Donnell takes out 100 gold coins, twice what it was worth.

"What do you say?"[[/flashback]]

With a long bow slung on his back the young man, hauling the rope, gets flung backwards as the door gives way and it takes him a moment to get back to his feet before he can rush in.

With the Giantess distracted, he runs past her straight to the closest of the tied Stone Giants.

OOC: I think whoever led the breaching of the door had to use their action to do so, so that's what I'm doing for my Main Action.

Bonus action: dash
Movement to the post behind the stone giant. AB 59

As I mentioned in a previous post, Donnell asked Kharu how the giants were chained/tied and made sure he had the whatever tools he would need to free them - if it was possible to do so quickly.


Kahru was first through the door, shoving his way through and over the barrels and crates. The hill giant servant shrieked as Kahru shouted his war cry, and she threw her rock, which struck him in the face, leaving a welt and a bloody nose - but he didn't slow as he rushed toward her. He meant to go right past, heading for Mudsmuck, but she didn't know that. She nearly fell over herself backing off. This gave Donnell a chance to get through, and as soon as he was clear, Doc's guns blazed out.

The giantess stumbled back even further, swiping a stick that was probably supposed to be a fire-poker, in the air over Kahru's head, in a feeble attempt to keep him away from her.

OOC: Kahru took 15 damage - it was a crit, but I rolled terribly for damage!

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The plan begins and the elemental, laboring patiently (did it resent the Colonel's orders? its unexpressive face showed no emotion, only obeisance) breaks free.

And the Colonel, in his eagerness to be the first one through, is pinned by a large tile from the floor above that has titled over and slid in.

The Colonel calls works himself to slide out form under the rock. He is confident he wil be able to do so As he does so he calls to the elemental, "Thank you -- now up with you and attack!"

OOC: Str check 1d20+2=9 vs DC14. FAIL. 8 damage and restrained.

If he is allowed to Guide himself, +1d4=2 = (note: rolled before the previous one, to show I wasn't responding to unsuccessful outcome; still a FAIL).

ACTION to get up and out. Elemental to AH-AI 64-65 and two slam attacks against the Hill Giant:
Attack 1: 1d20+9=13 HIT 1d10+8=18 bludgeoning.
Attack 2: 1d20+9=25 HIT 1d10+8=12 Bludgeoning.
TOTAL: 30 bldgeoning damage from the Elemental; Colonel is freeing his leg.

Steve Gorak


Gimlack barely avoids the falling rocks as he gets out. He quickly surveys the scene, and moves to the side. He concentrates and grunts as he does so. Suddently, debris starts floating up in the air, and strikes at the hill giant being attacked by the earth elemental.

OOC: move to ad67
Action: cast animate object. Option for 10 tiny objects
bonus action: direct objects to strike at HG2 here are their rolls (i did 20 rolls, it should have been 10, so I only took the first 10)
attack 1/damage13/6
attack 2/damage 13/7
attack 3/damage 28/6 (crit)
attack 4/damage 16/8
attack 5/damage 19/5
attack 6/damage 14/8
attack 7/damage 26/5
attack 8/damage 14/6
attack 9/damage 20/8
attack 10/damage 22/5

crit extra: 3

Dang, they all hit: 67 damage (B)

Edit: also directed the animated objects to move towards HG3 once done, to set things up for the next round
Gimlak AC18 HP 72/72 THP 14/14 HD 10/10 PP12 SSdc17 4/4 3/3 1/3 3/3 1/2 SpP 7/12
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In the tunnel, the Colonel found himself stuck under some of the fallen rubble from the floor above. He wasn't able to extricate himself until after the soldiers had passed by, and Gimlack had cleared a bit of the debris by animating it into a whirlwind of stones, that flew out of the tunnel and followed the Elemental. The two (or was it many more than two?) stone-creatures slammed and pummeled at the largest of the Hill Giants, who had stood ready to fight. Gimlak took cover to the west, while the soldiers rushed eastward.

Caine's pikemen outside swung their battering ram at the front gate, which buckled but did not give way. The giantess there pushed her enormous weight against the massive pile of crates and barrels, helping to hold it shut. The four soldiers in Ankheg group rushed about her legs, hacking into her with their swords. But the big giantess picked up a large crate and brought it down amongst the soldiers with a cracking smash. The crate broke apart, and three of the four soldiers were crushed to death underneath.

The biggest hill giant swung his club at the earth elemental, knocking a chunk of rock out onto the floor. Meanwhile, the young hill giant yelled in the giant tongue, ::Beware the Spellcaster!:: (speaking of Gimlak) and he flung a javelin from a rack near the firepit at the dwarf as he ran for cover. Another giant, near a pile of crates at an eastern door, rushed forward and hurled a rock at the dwarf as well. It was luck, psychic defenses, and footwork that kept the dwarf from being impaled or crushed.

Mudsmuck the Ogre may not have remembered Kahru, but she knew a northman when she saw one. She'd raided so many of their villages and had been attacked in kind, that they were mortal enemies. When she spotted Kahru, coming toward her with all intensity, she responded with a fury of her own. She left her young charge behind her as she charged toward Kahru with her axe high over her head. The northman stepped to the side as she brought it down, striking the dirt where he'd been only a moment before.

Finally, Tamanar, who was right behind Kahru and still wielded a bugbear's spiked morningstar, slammed his weapon into the beleaguered servant, who staggered, nearing her limit to defend herself.

Out in the hall, the warhorse halted, having pulled the doors to the limit of their range. With no one urging him on, he stood there with his tail swishing from side-to-side.

OOC: Lots of damage flying about. Gimlak took 12 and then 19. The earth elemental took 17. The rest I'll keep track of, being BG on NPC and vice-versa. Check out the postings in the roller if you're curious.


GM: Encounter: Great Hall

(General Features) Difficult Terrain: Barrels, Crates; Visibility: Dim (Firepit, Brazers); Cover: Pillars, Walls.
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells (Etc) * (Notes)
Colonel AC19* HP 63/73 THP 6/14 HD 6/10 PP19* SSdc18 2/4 1/3 3/3 2/3 2/2 CD 2/2 WotS 4/5 MyS 1/1 DivInt 1/1
Doc AC14 HP 93/93 THP 14/14 HD 10/10 PP20* SSdc16 1/2 Wls 1/4 Crs 0/1 PL 2/4 Wsp 1/1
Donnell AC19* HP 43/43 THP 14/14 HD 6/6 AS 1/1 2W 1/1
Gimlak AC18 HP 52/72 THP 0/14 HD 10/10 PP12 SSdc17 4/4 3/3 1/3 3/3 2/2 SpP 7/12
Kahru AC15 HP 62/93 THP 0/14 HD 8/10 PP17 SSdc15 4/4 3/3 3/3 WS 2/2 Rage 1/3 Staff 6/7
-Kahru-Bear AC12 HP 42/42
Name * AC * HP * PP * (Notes)
Captain Caine[/v] AC17 HP 26/44 THP 14/14 HD 4/8 PP9 LShip 1/1
Earth Elemental AC15 HP 33/50
Footmen AC18* HP28ea PP10
-FM1 28/28; FM2 7/28
Pikemen AC16 HP 40/40 PP11
Stone Giants AC15 HP 115ea
-Laerthar 56/126; Utharn 76/126
Name * AC * HP * PP * (Notes)
Hill Giants AC12 HP 105
-HG1 105/105; HG2 8/105; HG3 93/105
Hill Giant Servant AC12 HP 17/59
Mudsmuck AC14 HP 68/68
Young Hill Giant AC14 HP32/32
GM: Begin Round Two

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